
Terms for subject Informal containing беден | all forms
беднее некудаpoor as a church mouse (Val_Ships)
беднее церковной мышиpoor as a church mouse (Val_Ships)
бедный районslum (города; district inhabited by very poor people Val_Ships)
бедный старичокpoor old egg (ART Vancouver)
быть беднее церковной мышиbe poorer than the dirt itself (YudinMS)
дети из бедных и опасных районовat-risk kids (АБ Berezitsky)
для бедныхpoor man's something (Andrey Truhachev)
на бедного Макара все шишки валятсяeverything happens to him
о бедном ... замолвите словоput in a word for the poor (snowleopard)
"психология для бедных"psychobabble (ad_notam)
худо-бедноthe very smallest (по меньшей мере Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноat least (Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноone way or another (The razor was dull, but he managed to shave one way or another. VLZ_58)
худо-бедноleastwise (Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноsomehow or other (Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноleastways (Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноat the least (Andrey Truhachev)
худо-бедноat the very least (Anglophile)
худо-бедно разбиратьсяknow a thing or two (about something) Andrey Truhachev)