
Terms for subject Religion containing ату | all forms
ат-танзихtanzih (In Islamic theology, keeping God pure; отрешение от всего дурного и недостойного)
ат-тасаввуфtasawwuf (Islamic mysticism is called so in Arabic, but it has been called Sufism in Western languages since the early 19th century)
ат-Таураtaurat (In Isalm, "the Law, or Torah")
ат-ташбихtashbih (In Islam, anthropomorphism, comparing God to created things)
гора Джабал ат-ТаурJabal Thawr (A mountain that contains the cave in which the Prophet hid from the people of Mecca before he moved to Medina)
джама'ат ханаjama'at khanah (A "gathering house" of the Isma'ilis)
Джами ат-ТирмизиJami al-Tirmidhi (одно из шести собраний хадисов, признаваемых достоверными в исламе; collected by al-Tirmidhi (d. 892 CE), includes 3,956 ahadith; Sunni Muslims regard this collection as fifth in strength of their six major hadith collections Alex_Odeychuk)
рака'атrak'ah (In Islam, two to four genuflection units as a part of each prayer)
хиркат ат-табаррукkhirqat at-tabarruk ("Robe of benediction" given to those whom the sheikh felt had the potential of surviving the tests that eventually would lead to their acceptance in the Sufi brotherhood)