
Terms for subject General containing аналитически | all forms
абстрактно-аналитическийabstract-analytical (относящийся к абстрактным логическим рассуждениям)
аналитическая группаthink tank
аналитическая запискаmemorandum (Stas-Soleil)
аналитическая запискаpolicy brief (взято из документа ООН Mosley Leigh)
аналитическая запискаposition paper (a written report from an organization or a government department that explains or recommends a particular course of action. OALD. аналитическая записка в целях ведения переговоров с: The U.S. position paper for negotiations with the Soviets on legal problems of outer space was transmitted in airgram A-91 to USUN, September 24. (Ibid., SP ... Alexander Demidov)
аналитическая запискаanalytical note (to ABelonogov)
аналитическая компанияanalyst company (nerzig)
Аналитическая нормативная документацияpharmaceutical regulatory documents on analytical method validation (4uzhoj)
аналитическая основаanalytical underpinings (Maria Klavdieva)
аналитическая перспектива в CRManalytical CRM (класс задач в области CRM natalih)
аналитическая практикаreflective practice (grafleonov)
аналитическая справкаanalysis report (обычно с определением. How to Write a Marketing Analysis Report | How to Write an Industry Analysis Report. | The annual End of Cycle analysis report gives an overview of the key analytical issues in the undergraduate application cycle. | Structure of a Data Analysis Report. | A gap analysis report helps a business understand and quantify the gaps that exist between its ideal future state and its present state. Alexander Demidov)
аналитическая справкаanalytical statement (An analytical statement is one in which a subject is described and expounded upon using every affordable cognitive verbal or written support available, in a structured, organized and deliberate manner, to obtain and/or encourage the elucidation of the listeners upon the subject outlined in the opening, by means of comparatives, descriptions and groupings. Alexander Demidov)
аналитическая справкаanalytical essay (Generally, an analytical essay explores an issue, or presents an opinion based on fact. Most often you will have to analyze another piece of writing or a film, but you could also be asked to analyze an issue, or an idea. To do this, you must break the topic down into parts and provide evidence, either from the text/film or from your own research, that supports your claim. Alexander Demidov)
аналитическая справкаresearch opinion (Alexander Matytsin)
аналитическая химияanalytical chemistry
аналитические материалыanalysis findings (Alexander Demidov)
аналитические материалыanalytical materials (ABelonogov)
аналитические материалы о состоянии эксплуатационной работыoperational analytics (Alexander Demidov)
аналитические методыanalytical techniques (An analytical technique is a method that is used to determine the concentration of a chemical compound or chemical element.[1] There are a wide variety of techniques used for analysis, from simple weighing (gravimetric analysis) to titrations (titrimetric) to very advanced techniques using highly specialized instrumentation. The most common techniques used in analytical chemistry are the following: Titrimetry, based on the quantity of reagent needed to react with the analyte; Electroanalytical methods, including potentiometry and voltammetry; Spectroscopy, based on the differental interaction of the analyte along with electromagnetic radiation; Chromatography, in which the analyte is separated from the rest of the sample so that it may be measured without interference from other compounds; Gravimetric analysis Microscopy; Radioanalytical chemistry; There are many more techniques that have specialized applications, and within each major analytical technique there are many applications and variations of the general techniques. WK Alexander Demidov)
аналитические наблюденияintelligent observation (sheetikoff)
аналитические навыкиanalytical skills (Alexander Matytsin)
аналитические отчётыresearch reports (description of a detailed study done on a specific topic. BED. Research analysts produce research reports and typically issue a recommendation: buy ("overweight"), hold, or sell ("underweight"); see target price. WK. A research report is a document prepared by an analyst or strategist who is a part of the investment research team in a stock brokerage or investment bank. A research report may focus on a specific stock or industry sector, a currency, commodity or fixed-income instrument, or on a geographic region or country. investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
аналитические показателиfundamentals (mascot)
аналитические способностиanalytical abilities (Night Fury)
аналитические способностиanalytical skills (anna100sea)
аналитические способностиanalytical capacities (nerzig)
аналитические способностиdisquisitive powers
аналитические счета бухгалтерского учётаanalytical bookkeeping accounts (ABelonogov)
аналитические языкиanalytical languages
аналитический балансanalytical accounting (Lavrov)
аналитический департаментanalytical department (Пахно Е.А.)
аналитический документanalytical paper (grafleonov)
аналитический инструментарийanalysis tools (Alexander Demidov)
аналитический контрольanalytical monitoring (Alexander Demidov)
аналитический кубизмanalytical Cubism
аналитический листокanalysis worksheet (Alexander Demidov)
аналитический материалanalytical paper (grafleonov)
аналитический методcomputation
аналитический методtest method (Alexander Demidov)
аналитический отделanalytics department (sissoko)
аналитический отчётreport (an official document made by someone who has examined a particular subject: "a report on something CBED. There is no collocate such as "analysis" or "analytical" listed in Oxford Collocations Dictionary for "report".: The panel's report said that governments are not spending enough on research. » The task force published a scathing report on the impact of regulation on hotels and restaurants. »In a report, he said investors still face risks with this company if a merger does not occur. freecollocation.com Alexander Demidov)
аналитический отчётinsight report (ellash)
аналитический отчётresearch report (Alexander Matytsin)
аналитический паспортcertificate of analysis (An authenticated document, issued by an appropriate authority, that certifies the quality and purity of pharmaceuticals, and animal and plant products being exported. Use this term in a sentence • The medicine had the certificate of analysis which made the out of state businessman feel better about purchasing the expensive prescription pills. • You should make sure that there is a legit certificate of analysis any time you need something that is very official. • I will need to see a certificate of analysis from the state of Missouri before I can sell your wonder drug here. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
аналитический подходmode of analysis (Ремедиос_П)
аналитический подходattitude for research (Briciola25)
аналитический рисунокAnalytical Drawing (4uzhoj)
аналитический склад умаanalytical mind-set (Alexander Demidov)
аналитический склад умаnumerate with developing analytical skills (ангийский термин взят из очень грамотного резюме 4uzhoj)
аналитический склад умаanalytical mind (gennier)
аналитический склад умаanalytical thinking (Alex Lilo)
аналитический умanalytic mind
аналитический умanalytical mind
аналитический умscientific mind
аналитический умtheoretic mind
аналитический умtheoretical mind
аналитический учётanalytical data sheet (Lavrov)
аналитический центрthink tank (Security analyst Andrei Soldatov, of the Agentura.ru think tank, said the country's relatively liberal approach also reflected a lack of strategy. TMT Alexander Demidov)
аналитический центрthinktank (Voledemar)
аналитический центрthink tank (Security analyst Andrei Soldatov, of the Agentura.ru think tank, said the country's relatively liberal approach also reflected a lack of strategy. TMT – АД)
Аналитический центрAnalytical Centre (E&Y ABelonogov)
аналитическое агентствоbusiness intelligence company (Ремедиос_П)
аналитическое агентствоthink tank (Alexander Demidov)
аналитическое заключениеanalytical report (Oksanut)
аналитическое изложениеanalytical presentation (balance of payments sva)
аналитическое испытаниеanalytical test (VictorMashkovtsev)
аналитическое исследованиеanalytic investigation
аналитическое исследованиеanalytical investigation
Аналитическое кредитное рейтинговое агентствоAnalytical Credit Rating Agency (grafleonov)
аналитическое покрытиеrating coverage (Ремедиос_П)
Британский аналитический центр по оборонным вопросамRUSI (-/ устарев., wiki)
ведомости аналитического и синтетического учётаcontrolling accounts and subsidiary ledgers
главный информационно-аналитический центрcentral repository (полиции (внутренних дел) – по аналогии с российским органом, выдающим справки о несудимости 4uzhoj)
Главный информационно-аналитический центр МВД РФMain Informational and Analytical Center (mvd.ru armatura)
Главный информационно-аналитический центр МВД РФInformation and Analysis Center (официальный сайт МВД РФ Olga Z)
детальный аналитический отчётadvanced report (sankozh)
Институт геохимии и аналитической химии имени В, И. Вернадскогоthe V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (В. Бузаков)
информационно-аналитическая деятельностьInformation Analytics (Information analytics is a term used to describe the collection and analysis of data. 4uzhoj)
информационно-аналитическая информацияdata, information and analytics (The concept of data, information and analytics as services advocates the view that–with the emergence of service-oriented business processes, architecture and infrastructure which include standardized processes for accessing data and analytics "where they live"–the actual platform on which the data or analytic tools ... Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитическая поддержкаinformation and analysis support (My aim is to provide my clients with the information and analysis support they need to operate effectively in their chosen markets, through understanding, ... Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитическая поддержкаinformation analysis support (Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитическая справкаbackground report (alex)
информационно-аналитические материалыinformation analysis content (Provides authoritative information analysis content for business cases, business and information architecture, and security. Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитические услугиinformation-analysis services (Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитическийresearch and information (Alexander Nikiforov)
информационно-аналитическийresearch (Alexander Nikiforov)
информационно-аналитическийinformation analysis (Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитический материалinformation analysis product (Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитический отделinformation analysis team
информационно-аналитический отдел консервативной партииConservative Research Department (Великобритании DoctorKto)
информационно-аналитический сайтnews and analysis website (Alexander Demidov)
информационно-аналитический центрinformation and analysis centre (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
информационно-аналитическое обеспечениеInformation Management & Analysis (4uzhoj)
информационно-аналитическое обеспечениесм. тж. criminal records office (4uzhoj)
информационно-аналитическое обеспечениеinformation and analytical support (WiseSnake)
информационно-аналитическое управлениеOffice of Information Management & Analysis (4uzhoj)
информационно-аналитическое хранилищеinformation storage and analysis resource (An information storage and analysis resource for protein sequences. Alexander Demidov)
исследовательско-аналитический центрthink-tank
Комиссия по аналитическим реагентам американского общества химиковCommittee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society (crimea)
консультационно-аналитические услугиanalysis and advice services (Requirement : Proposal For Environmental Noise Analysis And Advice Services. Tender Detail : To ensure these services are effectively delivered, the Ministry is looking for a contractor to provide environmental noise analysis and advice services including: technical and expert advice on environmental noise and non-occupational noise as requested by Alexander Demidov)
конъюнктурно-аналитическийmarket analysis (proz.com ABelonogov)
лаборатория аналитического контроляanalytical control laboratory (Olessya.85)
наделённый аналитическим мышлениемinsightful (не ясно, при чем тут именно *аналитическое* мышление. insights можно приобретать не только анализом. SirReal)
Начальник информационно-аналитического отделаHead of Issues and Media
независимый аналитический центрthink-tank (негосударственная организация)
неправительственный аналитический центрthink tank (4uzhoj)
обладать полным спектром аналитических навыковbe insightful (Alex_Odeychuk)
обладать способностью к аналитической оценке информацииbe insightful (Alex_Odeychuk)
Объединённый аналитический центр по терроризмуJoint Terrorism Analysis Centre (Aleksandra007)
оперативная аналитическая информацияoperation analysis information (Alexander Demidov)
по моим наблюдениям у него явная предрасположенность к абстрактному мышлению и более аналитический склад умаit's been my observation that he has a better capacity for abstract thought, a more analytical mind
полупрямая формулировка аналитического градиента энергии теории Меллера-Плессета второго порядкаsemidirect formulation of the analytical gradient of the second-order Moeller-Plessett energy
прекращение аналитического покрытияwithdrawal of ratings (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
расчётно-аналитическое обоснованиеfeasibility study (An investigation to determine which of a range of decisions is likely to give a satisfactory return in a financial appraisal or economic appraisal of the alternatives. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
результат вычислительной / аналитической операции, напрямую зависит от исходных данныхrubbish in, rubbish out
сводный аналитический отчётconsolidated analytical report (Tamerlane)
счётно-аналитическая машинаaccounting machine
счётно-аналитические машиныtabulating machinery
Федеральное казённое учреждение "Главный информационно-аналитический центр МВД России"Federal state institution "Main information and analysis center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Johnny Bravo)
финансово-аналитическая службаfinancial and analytical service (Linera)
химико-аналитическая лабораторияchemical analysis laboratory (Alexander Demidov)
центр аналитических исследований и разработокthink-tank (ЦАИР)
центральное информационно-аналитическое управлениеcentral repository (полиции (внутренних дел) – по аналогии с украинским органом, выдающим справки о несудимости 4uzhoj)
человек с аналитическим складом умаanalytical person (Sloneno4eg)
человек с аналитическим складом умаanalytical (Dear Kentgrant. This shall do. In English adjectives are used quite often as a nouns. But "analys" is man performing analysis, but not a man with an analytical mindset Sloneno4eg)
человек с холодным аналитическим умомconverger
экспертно-аналитическая группаthink tank (Stas-Soleil)