
Terms for subject Proverb containing алмазы | all forms
алмаз алмазом гранитсяdiamond cuts diamond
алмаз алмазом режетсяdiamond cuts diamond
Алмаз и в грязи виденA good name keeps its lustre in the dark (VLZ_58)
Алмаз и в грязи виденA diamond on a dunghill is a precious diamond still (VLZ_58)
свой глаз – алмазif you want a thing well done, do it yourself
свой глаз-алмазhe that by plough would thrive, himself must either hold or drive
свой глаз-алмазa man sees best with his own eyes
свой глаз-алмазit is a proud horse that will not bear his own provender a I've got an eye for such things
свой глаз-алмазif you want a thing well done, do it yourself (one always trusts one's own judgement rather than that of others)
свой глаз-алмаз а чужой-стеклоa man sees best with his own eyes
свой глаз-алмаз а чужой-стеклоhe that by plough would thrive, himself must either hold or drive
свой глаз-алмаз а чужой-стеклоit is a proud horse that will not bear his own provender a I've got an eye for such things
свой глаз-алмаз а чужой-стеклоif you want a thing well done, do it yourself (one always trusts one's own judgement rather than that of others)