
Terms for subject Microsoft containing активная | all forms | exact matches only
активная база данных-получательactive secondary database (ssn)
активная блокировкаlivelock (microsoft.com sas_proz)
активная георепликацияactive geo-replication (The process of continuously copying changes from a primary database to one or more active secondary databases in the same or different geographic regions. Rori)
активная гиперссылкаactive hyperlink (A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color)
активная громкостьactive volume
активная заявкаactive requisition (A requisition for which a business process has been initiated, but not completed)
активная инструкцияactive statement (A SQL statement that has been run but whose result set has not yet been canceled or fully processed)
активная интернет-точка обновления программного обеспеченияactive Internet-based software update point (microsoft.com bojana)
активная миграция почтовых ящиковactive mailbox migration (The stage during the e-mail migration when the migration service is actively provisioning new cloud-based mailboxes)
активная папкаactive folder (Andy)
активная программаactive program (The program currently in control of a microprocessor)
Активная ссылкаactive hyperlink
активная страницаactive page (The page that is currently available for editing in a document)
активная точка обновления программного обеспеченияactive software update point (microsoft.com bojana)
активная точка указателя мышиhot spot (The position in a mouse pointer, such as the position at the tip of an arrow or the intersection of the lines in a cross, that marks the exact location that will be affected by a mouse action, such as a button press)
активная установкаActive Setup (An application that collects information about the user's computer before download of Internet Explorer begins, and then uses this information to manage the download intelligently)
активная цветовая палитраactive color palette (A subset of up to 256 of the colors in the True Color spectrum)
активное времяactive time (The entire duration of a timeline, including forward and backward iterations. For example, a timeline programmed to play forward and then backward, once, is active for twice the specified duration–once for the forward iteration and once again for the backward iteration)
активное обновлениеactive upgrade (An upgrade that is performed on a sequenced application package without shutting down the server that streams it)
активное окноactive window (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
активное подключениеlive connection (Andy)
активное представлениеActive View (A feature in Hotmail that's designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. Active View displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. A preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that's extracted from a shipping website. Interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites)
активное содержимоеactive content (Interactive or animated content used on the Internet. Active content includes ActiveX controls and web browser add-ons)
активное состояниеactive-state (ssn)
активное удостоверениеactive identity (The identity the user has logged on with)
активное удостоверениеactive identity (The identity the user has logged on with. Rori)
активное управление загрузкойactive download management (microsoft.com bojana)
активные подписки на почтовые ящикиActive Mailbox Subscriptions (A counter that measures how many active mailbox subscriptions there are at a given time)
активные представленияActive Views (Godzilla)
активный документactive document (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
активный ингредиентactive ingredient (An ingredient in a formula that has a specified concentration and potency)
активный индексactive index (ssn)
активный каналActive Channel (A Web site that has been enabled for Webcasting to information-receiving applications)
активный концентраторactive hub (A hub that has electronic circuitry to regenerate weak signals. Active hubs function as multiport repeaters, allowing computers to be networked together in a star topology)
активный кэшActive Cache (A client-side cache and caching service that enables Project Pro to interact directly with the local cache on the machine rather than with the server, for opens and saves, and then handles moving any changes to the project plan between the client and Project Server)
активный листactive sheet (The sheet that you're working on in a workbook. The name on the tab of the active sheet is bold)
активный маркёрactive tag (A tag with an independent power source and an active transmitter. Active tags are not dependent on a reader to emit radio frequency signals. Active tags can generally communicate over much longer distances)
активный мониторингactive monitoring (Gives Lync system administrators the ability to monitor pools, servers, and networks across data centers through the public Internet)
активный объектactive object (The object with which the user is currently interacting or that has the input focus)
активный операторactive statement
активный почтовый ящикactive mailbox (A mailbox that has been accessed at least once in the last 30 days)
активный разделactive partition (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
активный сценарийactive scripting (A Microsoft technology that uses COM to run third-party scripts in Microsoft Internet Explorer without regard to language and other elements of implementation)
активный сценарийactive script
активный томactive volume (The volume from which the computer starts up. The active volume must be a simple volume on a dynamic disk. You cannot mark an existing dynamic volume as the active volume, but you can upgrade a basic disk containing the active partition to a dynamic disk. After the disk is upgraded to dynamic, the partition becomes a simple volume that is active)
Активный узелactive hub
активный файлhot file (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
активный цветactive color (The color displayed in the central square of the color box that appears in most workpanes. The active color is used when you create a new object and when you add fills and patterns to a selected object)
Активный цветactive color
активный шаблонactive pattern (A pattern that enables you to define named partitions that subdivide input data, so that you can use these names in a pattern matching expression)
активный элементactive element (The layout container element that is currently subject to special operations, such as adding child elements or defining columns and rows. The active element is identified by a yellow bounding box)
Активный элемент управленияactive control (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
в активном состоянииin flight (Number of Atomic Groups in flight vlad-and-slav)
использование активных ссылокhotlinking (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
множественный активный результирующий наборmultiple active result set (A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumed)
окно активного документаactive document window (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen windows, the window containing the document that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
Палитра активных цветовactive color palette
переход к предыдущей концевой сноске в активном документеJumps to the previous endnote in the active document (Word 2013 Rori)
переход к следующей странице активного документаJumps to the next page in the active document (Word 2013 Rori)
режим "активный – активный"active/active mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two or more servers to achieve both high availability and scalability)
режим "активный – пассивный"active/passive mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two ARR servers that process requests and that together act as a failover server. This configuration can achieve high availability, but is still limited by the maximum capacity of one ARR server)
сделать активнымactivate (To make a record, file, or other data available in the system)
Событие сделано активнымEvent is enabled (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
создание активных ссылокhotlinking (of content – на содержимое microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Список "Активные серверы"Active server list box (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
управление питанием в активном состоянииactive-state power management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
управление питанием в активном состоянииActive State Power Management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
экземпляры Пакетной службы для активного использования памятиMemory Intensive Batch Instances (The service type of the Batch service for batches that require large amounts of memory. Rori)