
Terms containing агент ЦРУ | all forms | in specified order only
polit.агент ЦРУCIA agent (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.агент ЦРУCIA operative (Robert Baer, a CNN analyst and former CIA operative, stated that normally a CIA employee undergoes a polygraph examination every three to four years. Under the aegis of operation Timber Sycamore and other clandestine activities, CIA operatives and U.S. special operations troops have trained and armed nearly 10,000 rebel fighters at a cost of $1 billion a year. Films include Charlie Wilson's War (2007), based on the story of U.S. Congressman Charlie Wilson and CIA operative Gust Avrakotos, who supported the Afghan mujahideen, and The Good Shepherd (2006), a fictional spy film produced and directed by Robert De Niro ... WK Alexander Demidov)
mil.Точка, второй тренировочный центр агентов ЦРУ в Харвей-Пойнт, штат Северная Каролинаthe Point
mil.Ферма, главный тренировочный центр агентов ЦРУ на армейской базе Кэмп-Пири, штат Виргинияthe Farm
gen.я только что узнал, что мой дядя был несколько лет агентом ЦРУI just learned that my uncle had been a spook for years (Taras)