
Terms for subject Journalism terminology containing Этим | all forms
параллельно с этимin a separate development (Журнализм. Используется в начале фраз по типу: "Параллельно с этим, начато строительство ..." CopperKettle)
подробнее об этом чуть позжеmore on that in a moment (часто употребляемая фраза в репортажах: This evening, we will have a change of the seasons: The occurrence of the vernal equinox, marking the official start of spring. In fact, it will be a rather auspicious occurrence. The earliest that the equinox has occurred nationwide in 128 years. More on that in a moment. (space.com) ART Vancouver)
согласен с этой оценкойecho that assessment (A Canadian man is at his wit's end due to a nefarious individual who has repeatedly ordered pizzas to his home and workplace for the last six months. Since the start of the year, the beleaguered man has received an additional three unwanted orders from the popular chain, leaving little doubt that he is being targeted. RCMP officer Troy Savinkoff echoed that assessment, musing that one order might be dismissed as a fairly harmless prank, but "we're into more of a mischief, fraud, and now harassment. That continuing behavior is concerning." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
сторонники этой теорииsubscribers to this theory (sophistt)
этой истории придали медийный глянецthey put a favorable spin on the story (Alexey Lebedev)