
Terms containing Шашки наголо | all forms | in specified order only
gen.с шашками наголоall guns blazing (e.g. ‘We can't just go in there all guns blazing.' Igor Tolok)
Gruzovik, fig.с шашками наголоwith drawn swords
gen.с шашками наголоwith drawn swords
gen.с шашками наголоwith guns blazing (if you do something, especially argue, with guns blazing, you do it with a lot of force and energy: The boy's mother arrived at the school, all guns blazing, furious that her son had been suspended Taras)
gen.с шашкой наголоwith guns blazing (We figured you'd just come in with guns blazing like usual Taras)
gen.Шашки наголо!Charge! (Bartek2001)
gen.шашки наголоeyes on the prize! (Bartek2001)