
Terms for subject Low register containing Чушь | all forms
полная чушьtotal bullshit (Alexander Oshis)
полная чушь!a load of old tosh! (Maria Rykova)
полная чушьcomplete bullshit (Yeldar Azanbayev)
полная чушьload of total hooey ("It weren't me, Edwards," he says. "I had a visit from the Cambodian mob ... I had to tell them or they'd have beaten me up real bad. It musta been them who tried to take you out." I grin at him. "Charlie, that is a load of total hooey," I say. (Derek Lantin) 4uzhoj)
полная чушьwhole lot of hooey (I heard his speech. It sounded like a whole lot of hooey to me. 4uzhoj)
полная чушьcrock of shit (VLZ_58)
полная чушьload of hooey (That bit was a load of hooey, but she falls for it. • I heard his speech. It sounded like a whole lot of hooey to me. 4uzhoj)
полная чушьbullshit to the second power (VLZ_58)
полная чушьload of garbage (4uzhoj)
полная чушьload of baloney (4uzhoj)
полная чушь!bullshit!
полная чушь!load of dung! (Maria Rykova)
полная чушьIrish bull (bullshit Anglophile)
хватит пороть чушьcut the crap (We need to tell them: Hey, guys, cut the crap – you need to work toward a solution. Val_Ships)