
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Цена | all forms | exact matches only
Блокировка ценLock Pricing (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
гарантированная цена предложенияguaranteed price quote
группа допустимых отклонений по цене номенклатурыitem price tolerance group (A group of items that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
группа допустимых отклонений по цене поставщикаvendor price tolerance group (A group that can be assigned to vendors and that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
допустимое отклонение по ценамprice variance tolerance (The allowable difference in prices between purchase order lines and vendor invoice lines that are used for invoice matching)
единица ценыprice unit
значение скорректированной ценыadjusted price value (Similar to adjusted price, except it is not displayed in the local currency (that is, there is no currency associated with the price))
корректировка ценыprice adjustment (A modification to a quoted price)
коррекция ценprice adjustment (An automatic update of the price of a service item based on the setup of service price adjustment groups)
модель цены реализацииsales price model (A model that defines whether the calculation of sales price is based on quantity or on a markup amount or percentage of the cost price)
набор ценprice tier (A price that reflects a representative value in other currencies. The specific price of a price tier that is shown in one currency will be close to the corresponding price in another currency. Foreign exchange, differences in taxation policies, and other market factors influence the determination of a price tier's price that is shown in another currency)
непрямая ценаindirect price (A price that is associated with a pricing category. The price field in the product record is ignored)
общая цена в дополнительной валютеAdd.-Currency Total Price (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
отклонение по ценеprice variance (The difference between an expected price and an actual price)
отклонение цены накладнойIPV (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
отклонение цены накладнойinvoice price variance (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
отклонение цены производства от себестоимостиPV (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
отклонение цены производства от себестоимостиproduction variance (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
оценка проекта Фиксированная ценаfixed-price project estimate (The estimated total cost to complete a fixed-price project)
первоначальная цена активаcost basis (The purchase price of an asset, including freight, tax, and other expenses, less any adjustments, such as Section 179 Expense Deduction and salvage value)
переопределить ценуOverride Price (An option that allows the user to manually enter a price per unit to a product that is added to a quote, order, or invoice from the product catalog)
проверка ценыprice check (The process of looking up a price)
проект с фиксированной ценойfixed-price project
Проект Фиксированная ценаfixed-price project (A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project)
процент допустимого отклонения по ценеprice tolerance percentage (The percentage of variance that is allowable between the prices on a purchase order and a vendor invoice that are used for invoice matching)
процент от цены прайс-листаpercent of list (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
процент расхождения по ценамprice variance percentage (The actual percentage of variance between a purchase order and a vendor invoice, calculated as follows: For positive lines = (Invoice net unit price – Purchase order net unit price)/Purchase order net unit price; for negative lines = (Invoice net unit price – Purchase order net unit price) -1/Purchase order net unit price)
рассчитываемая ценаcustom price (The price calculated according to specific pricing rules that apply to products in a virtual catalog. There are three types of custom prices: percentage off, fixed amount off, and explicit price)
скорректированная ценаadjusted price (The unit or sale price of the product, multiplied by the adjusted percentage. This is displayed in the local currency (that is, the currency of your installed locale))
сравнение расхождений по ценеprice match variance (A matching discrepancy between the invoice net unit price of one or more line items on a vendor invoice and the purchase order net unit price on the related purchase order)
сумма расхождений по цене за единицуunit variance amount (The amount of variance between the invoice net unit price and the purchase order net unit price when invoice lines and purchase order lines are compared)
суммарная ценаextended price (The item price that is entered on a purchase order)
трансферная ценаtransfer price
формула медианной ценыmedian price formula (A formula that calculates the average of the high and low prices)
цена единицы покупкиpurchase unit price (The price of a purchase unit)
цена единицы продажиsales unit price (The price of a sales unit)
Цена за единицу при продаже через ИнтернетInternet Unit Price (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
цена покупкиpurchase price (The price of product acquisition calculated as the extended price minus trade discounts)
цена продажиsales price
цены для государственных организацийGovernment Pricing (Pricing of Office 365 offers applicable to Government entities only)
чистая цена за единицу заказа на покупкуpurchase order net unit price (The expected currency amount per unit that is represented by the purchase order, calculated as follows: Purchase order line net amount / Quantity on the purchase order)
чистая цена за единицу по накладнойinvoice net unit price (The actual currency amount per unit that is represented by the vendor invoice, calculated as follows: Invoice line net amount / Quantity on the invoice)
Эквивалент цены продукта по прайс-листу в базовой валютеBase currency equivalent of the list price of the product (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)