
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Целевой | all forms | exact matches only
Вложенная целеваяNested Target (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment relationships. Each of the first three lines of Level 1 text correspond to the upper left text in the shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to the smaller shapes. Works best with minimal Level 2 lines of text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
динамическая целевая страницаdynamic landing page (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven. Rori)
динамическая целевая страницаdynamic landing page (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven)
код целевого назначенияpurpose code (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
код целевого языкаtarget language identifier (на котором отображается пользовательский интерфейс приложения Alex_Odeychuk)
Минимальное количество элементов источника или целевого объектаMinimum cardinality of the source or target (System Center Service Manager 2012 Rori)
моникер целевой версии xTarget x Moniker (vlad-and-slav)
Простая целеваяBasic Target (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment, gradations, or hierarchical relationships. The first five lines of Level 1 text are associated with a circle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
процент целевого вознагражденияtarget incentive percent (A target award that is defined as a percent of a basis and provided in cash or stock according to compensation level. The basis is usually the annualized fixed pay rate, but can also be a midpoint, control point, or other compensation range reference point)
разгрузка целевых компонентовoffload target
сумма целевого вознагражденияtarget incentive amount (A target award that is defined as a flat award of cash or stock according to compensation level)
тип целевого объектаtarget type (The type of target, which has certain characteristics and behavior)
целевая валютаdestination currency (Rori)
целевая конфигурационная группаdestination configuration group
целевая модельdestination model (The model to which data will be moved)
целевая модельtarget model (The model to which data will be moved)
целевая подпискаdestination subscription (A new subscription that is created as a result of a conversion or a merge)
целевая премияtarget award (The amount of a variable compensation award that is calculated by the plan before company or individual performance is taken into account. The target award is what an employee will receive if all targets are reached)
целевая прибавкаtarget increase (The increase of a variable compensation award that is calculated by the plan before company or individual performance is taken into account. The target increase represents the award that an employee will receive if all targets are reached)
целевая секцияtarget partition (An Analysis Services partition into which another is merged, and which contains the data of both partitions after the merger)
целевая страницаlanding page (Создание целевой страницы для поддерживающего транзакции предложения SaaS на коммерческой платформе tepladarynka)
целевое значениеtarget (As one aspect of a KPI, the desired level of performance with respect to a specific business goal or strategy. Actual values are evaluated against the target to determine KPI score and status)
целевое устройствоtarget device (" A device that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, an external hard drive that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target device" of the backup function. ")
целевой каталогtarget directory (The destination folder into which a file or files are to be copied or moved)
целевой ключевой показатель эффективностиobjective KPI (A KPI that derives its target value and score from a rollup of its child KPIs)
целевой логический центр данныхtarget logical datacenter (The logical datacenter definition to which the system is being deployed)
целевой объектtarget (The database on which an operation acts)
целевой объект привязкиbinding target (In data binding, the object that consumes the value of the binding)
целевой ПКtarget PC (" A computer that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, a computer that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target PC" of the backup function. ")
целевой путьdestination path (в Windows 7, 8, Server 2008 Alex Lilo)
целевой сеансtarget session (Andy)
целевой серверtarget server (A server that receives jobs from a master server)
Целевой списокTarget List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
целевой файлdesignated file (Andy)