
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Схема | all forms | exact matches only
блок-схема приложенияapplication flow (A map or diagram that outlines the flow of an application from one screen or piece of UI to the next)
выполняющийся моментальный снимок данных во время изменения схемы данныхactive snapshot running while the schema change (ssn)
документ схемы XMLXML Schema Document (A specification that describes the complex types used in a Web method and thereby enables interoperability between clients and Web services built on different platforms by adhering to a common type system, as defined by the W3C)
иерархическая схемаhierarchy diagram (A diagram that shows the hierarchical relationships among objects/nodes (for example, an organization chart))
изменение схемыschema change (данных ssn)
имя схемыSchema name (Windows Phone 8.1 Rori)
каскадная схема соединения концентраторовcascading hubs (A network configuration in which hubs are connected to other hubs)
ключевые слова схемы печатиPrint Schema Keywords (The Print Schema Keywords document is a public schema that defines a set of element instances that can be used to describe device attributes and print job formatting)
конструктор схем развёртыванияDeployment Designer (The designer used to create and manage Deployment Diagrams)
концентрическая схемаonion diagram (A type of block diagram with concentric and partial layer shapes)
логическая схемаlogical schema
набор строк схемыschema rowset (A specially defined rowset that returns metadata about objects or functionality on an instance of SQL Server or Analysis Services. For example, the OLE DB schema rowset DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS describes columns in a table, while the Analysis Services schema rowset MDSCHEMA_MEASURES describes the measures in a cube)
обязательная схема в поставщике ссылочных данныхmandatory schema in the reference data provider (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Открыть функциональную блок-схемуOpen Cross-Functional Flowchart (Office System 2010 ssn)
отложенная проверка схемыlazy schema validation (An option that delays checking the remote schema to validate its metadata against a query until execution in order to increase performance.)
панель схемы SketchFlowSketchFlow Map panel (A panel that displays the application flow of a prototype project)
панель схемы участниковSeating Chart panel (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Seating Chart for a Live Meeting session)
параметр эффектов схемыdiagram effect option (An animation enhancement that lets you apply effects to a diagram piece by piece; for example, from top to bottom of a pyramid diagram)
пирамидальная схемаpyramid diagram (A diagram that is used to show foundation-based relationships)
платформа схемы печатиPrint Schema Framework (A public schema that defines a hierarchically structured collection of XML element types, and specifies how the element types can be used together)
привязка к схемеSchema bound (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
примеры схемsample diagrams (A set of diagrams, provided as examples, which you can use to learn about Visio and its features. Rori)
проверка на соответствие схемеschema validation (The verification that the XML of a procedure conforms to the provisioning schema of Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF). This schema contains the generic XML elements and attributes available to invoke specific provisioning functionality)
простая модель типа блок-схемыsimple flowchart-type model (Windows 7 ssn)
радиальная схемаradial diagram (A diagram that is used to show relationships of elements to a core element)
сводная схемаPivotDiagram (A collection of shapes arranged in a tree structure that helps analyze and summarize data in a visual, easy-to-understand format. It starts out as a single shape, called a top node, that contains information imported from a worksheet, table, view, or cube)
символ блок-схемыflowchart symbol (An icon that illustrates one of the various flowcharting functions)
Создание структурных диаграмм, блок-схем и схем памятиCreate structural diagrams, flowcharts, and memory diagrams. (Office System 2010 Rori)
Создание схем событийной цепочки процесса для документирования бизнес-процессовCreate Event-driven Process Chain diagrams to document business processes (Visio 2013 ssn)
статическая структурная схемаstatic structure diagram (A diagram that shows the static structure of a model; that is, the elements that exist (such as classes and types), the internal structure of the elements, and their relationships to one another)
структура с фиксированной схемой расположения в памятиstructure with a fixed memory layout (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
структурная схема ROOMROOM structure diagram (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
структурная схема ROOMReal-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagram (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
схема анимацииanimation scheme (Adds preset visual effects to text on slides. Ranging from subtle to exciting, each scheme usually includes an effect for the slide title and an effect that is applied to bullets or paragraphs on a slide)
схема аудитаaudit diagram (A type of diagram used to document and analyze processes such as financial transactions and inventory management)
схема базы данныхdatabase diagram
схема вариантов использованияuse case diagram (A diagram that shows the external actors who will interact with your system and how they will use it. The diagram consists of a system boundary, actors, use cases, and use case relationships (communicates, uses, and extends))
схема взаимодействияcollaboration diagram (An interaction diagram that shows, for one system event described by one use case, how a group of objects collaborate with one another)
схема данныхdata diagram (A report type that maps shapes in a Visio diagram to data stored in lists, workbooks, or databases)
схема двусторонней связиbidirectional communication schema (A hierarchy of printer attributes, some of which are properties and others that are values (or value entries). Rori)
схема деятельностиactivity diagram (A special case of a statechart diagram in which all of the states are action states and the transitions are triggered by the completion of actions in the source state)
Схема документаDocument Map (greyhead)
схема документаDocument Map (A vertical pane along the left edge of the document window that displays an outline of the document's headings, and enables the user to navigate to or manipulate different parts of the document)
схема каталогаcatalog schema (A description of a catalog that specifies its category definitions, product definitions, and property definitions. Several catalogs can share one schema)
схема классовclass diagram (A visual and static representation of classes and the relationships between them)
схема компонентовcomponent diagram (An implementation diagram that shows the structure of the code itself)
схема конвертаenvelope schema (A type of schema that specifies the structure of an envelope, using several extra properties that are specific to envelopes and which specify information such as identifying the envelope contents in an enveloped data stream)
схема логического центра данныхlogical datacenter diagram (The diagram used to create a logical representation of a datacenter. The logical datacenter diagram (.ldd) file contains information based on the System Definition Model (SDM))
схема мозгового штурмаbrainstorming diagram (A type of diagram that shows the interrelationships among topics in a hierarchy. You can think of it as a graphical illustration of a text outline)
схема назначений клавишkeyboard mapping scheme (A set of keystroke combinations that you can use while working in the integrated development environment. You can choose from several predefined schemes or define your own)
схема печатиPrint Schema (A schema that provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based format for expressing and organizing a large set of properties that describe either a job format or PrintCapabilities in a hierarchically structured manner. It includes two components: the Print Schema Keywords and the Print Schema Framework)
схема поискаsearch schema (A data structure that describes crawled properties, managed properties, and the mapping between them)
схема помещенияindoor map (A Maps feature that shows the layout and location of stores in a shopping mall)
схема последовательностейsequence diagram (An interaction diagram that shows the objects participating in a particular interaction and the messages they exchange arranged in a time sequence)
схема потоков данныхdataflow diagram (A tool for functional analysis that shows the general flow of information through a system or program)
схема причинно-следственных связейIshikawa diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
схема причинно-следственных связейfishbone diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
схема причинно-следственных связейcharacteristic diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
схема причинно-следственных связейcause and effect diagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
схема процессаprocess diagram
схема развёртыванияdeployment diagram (The diagram used to define and evaluate deployment for applications in an application system. The deployment diagram (.dd) file contains information based on the System Definition Model (SDM))
SQL-схема репозиторияRepository SQL schema (A set of standard tables used by the repository engine to manage all repository objects, relationships, and collections)
схема свойствproperty schema (A schema that you associate with a BizTalk Server schema, and used to identify the element fields in a document that will be promoted to the message context as property fields. Rori)
схема секционированияpartition scheme
схема событийной цепочки процессаevent-driven process chain diagram (Visio 2013 ssn)
схема соответствияmapping schema (Rori)
схема сопоставленияschema mapping (A special kind of transformation whereby an XML document is converted from one XML schema to another)
схема сопоставления приложенийapplication map (A mapping between file name extensions and HTTP request handlers that enables Web hosting applications to determine which handler responds to requests for specific types of files)
схема состоянийstatechart diagram (A representation of a state machine, attached to a class or method, that describes the response of the class to outside stimuli. Rori)
схема ссылочных данныхreference data schema (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
схема типа "звезда"star schema (A relational database structure in which data is maintained in a single fact table at the center of the schema with additional dimension data stored in dimension tables. Each dimension table is directly related to and usually joined to the fact table by a key column. Rori)
схема типа "звезда"star schema (A relational database structure in which data is maintained in a single fact table at the center of the schema with additional dimension data stored in dimension tables. Each dimension table is directly related to and usually joined to the fact table by a key column)
схема типа "снежинка"snowflake schema (An extension of a star schema such that one or more dimensions are defined by multiple tables. In a snowflake schema, only primary dimension tables are joined to the fact table. Additional dimension tables are joined to primary dimension tables)
схема управления качествомTotal Quality Management diagram (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
схема управления качествомTQM diagram (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
схема управления питаниемpower scheme
схема управления питаниемpower plan
схема управления электропитанием в нерабочее времяnon-peak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
схема управления электропитанием в рабочее времяpeak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
схема услугиservice map (A representation of a service from the perspective of the business and user that shows critical dependencies, settings, and areas of responsibility. Rori)
схема участниковSeating Chart (A color-coded representation of the participants at a meeting and their statuses)
схемы событийevent maps (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Схемы чётности не поддерживаются в кластерных пулах носителей.Parity layouts are not supported on clustered storage pools. (Windows 8 Rori)
Таймаут сторожевой схемыWatchdog Timeout (Andy)
текущая схема управления питаниемactive power plan
учитывающий схемуschema-aware (Pertaining to a processing method based on a schema that defines elements, attributes and types that will be used to validate the input and output documents. Rori)
учитывающий схемуschema-aware (Pertaining to a processing method based on a schema that defines elements, attributes and types that will be used to validate the input and output documents)
файл схемы BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server schema file (A file containing the persisted form of a BizTalk schema)
функциональная блок-схемаcross-functional flowchart
хозяин схемыschema master (A domain controller that holds the schema operations master role in Active Directory. The schema master performs write operations to the directory schema and replicates updates to all other domain controllers in the forest. At any time, the schema master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
хозяин схемыschema master (одна из ролей хозяев операций (в данном случае – на уровне леса) microsoft.com bojana)
цвет схемыscheme color (One of the colors defined in a set of chosen colors. If you fill an object with a scheme color, the object's color changes whenever you choose another color scheme for that publication)
цвета схемыscheme color
цветовая схемаcolor scheme (A predefined set of harmonized colors that you can apply to text and objects. Text and objects with an applied scheme color will change automatically when you switch to a new color scheme or modify the current color scheme)
цветовая схема RGBRGB color space (The multidimensional color space consisting of the red, green, and blue intensities that make up a given color)
цветовая схема YUVYUV color space
это могло произойти из-за выполняющегося моментального снимка данных во время изменения схемы данных, также могла произойти попытка изменения административной процедурыthis could be due an active snapshot running while the schema change or the administrative proc change was attempted (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
язык определения схемы XMLXML schema definition language (The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language used for creating XML schema documents. The XML schema contains two parts: a set of predefined types (for example, string, dateTime, decimal), and an XML language for defining new types (for example, complexType, minOccurs, element))