
Terms for subject Religion containing Союз | all forms | exact matches only
библейский христианский союзbible christian union
Всемирный союз прогрессивного иудаизмаWorld Union for Progressive Judaism (A worldwide body of Reform or Liberal Judaism)
вступать в союзenter into alliance
вступающий в союзentering into alliance
вступить в союзenter into alliance
вступление в союзentering into alliance
движение сторонников "Союза зелёной ленты"Ribbonism
движение сторонников "Союза зелёной ленты"Ribandism
Евангелический союзEvangelical Alliance (Association of churches, Christian societies, and individual Christians of different denominations, organized in London in 1846)
евангелический союзevangelical union
Колледж иудейского союзаHebrew Union College (The oldest Jewish seminary in the United States for the training of rabbis, long a stronghold of American Reform Judaism)
Международный союз мусульманских теологовIUMS (сокр. от "International Union for Muslim Scholars" Alex_Odeychuk)
Международный союз мусульманских теологовInternational Union for Muslim Scholars (Alex_Odeychuk)
Реформатский союзReformed League (Voluntary association of German Reformed churches founded at Marburg in 1884 to aid Reformed churches and to conserve the Reformed heritage in Germany)
Союз американских иудейских конгрегацииUnion of American Hebrew Congregations (Oldest American federation of Jewish congregations, which, since its founding in 1873, has sponsored many programs to strengthen Jewish congregations and promote Jewish education on every level)
союз верующих, не принадлежащих к официальной Церквиpara-church
Союз Духовных Общин ХристаUnion of Spiritual Communities of Christ (преемник Христианской Общины Вселенского Братства cyberleninka.ru dimock)
Союз евангельских христиан-баптистовEvangelical Christian Baptist Union
Союз зелёной лентыRibbon Society (Irish secret society founded at the end of the 18th century in opposition to the Orange Society, or Protestant Orangemen)
Союз матерейMothers' Union (A Church of England women's society to strengthen Christian family life)
Союз оранжистовOrange Order
Союз оранжистовOrange Society
Союз ортодоксальных иудейских конгрегаций АмерикиUnion of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Official federation of Jewish Orthodox synagogues in the United States and Canada; its counterpart organization for rabbis is the Rabbinical Council of America)
Союз православных хоругвеносцевthe Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers (denghu)
Союз современных церковниковModern Churchmen's Union
союз церквейdenomination
сторонник "Союза зелёной ленты"Ribboner
сторонник "Союза зелёной ленты"ribbon-man
член "Союза зелёной ленты"Ribboner (Memeber of the Irish secret-society movement in opposition to the Protestant Orangemen)
член "Союза зелёной ленты"ribbon-man
Шмалькальденский союзSchmalkaldic League (A defensive alliance formed by Protestant states of the Holy Roman Empire to defend the newly formed Lutheran churches)