
Terms for subject United Kingdom containing Служба | all forms | exact matches only
Королевская служба тылового обеспечения сухопутных войскRoyal Army Service Corps (The Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) was a corps of the British Army responsible for land, coastal and lake transport, air despatch, barracks administration, the Army Fire Service, staffing headquarters' units, supply of food, water, fuel and domestic materials such as clothing, furniture and stationery and the supply of technical and military equipment. In 1965 its functions were divided between other Corps (RCT and RAOC) and the RASC ceased to exist; subsequently, in 1993, they in their turn (with some functions of the Royal Engineers) became the "Forming Corps" of the Royal Logistic Corps. 4uzhoj)
Служба аккредитации Соединённого КоролевстваUnited Kingdom Accreditation Service (Официально – согласно Общероссийскому классификатору стран мира от 01.07.2002 – Соединённое Королевство ABelonogov)
Служба доходов и таможни Его ВеличестваHM Revenue and Customs (с 8 сентября 2022 г. – His Majesty's wikipedia.org Aiduza)
Служба доходов и таможни Её ВеличестваHer Majesty's Revenue and Customs (wikipedia.org Aiduza)
Служба по контролю за финансовыми операциямиFinancial Conduct Authority (Alexander Matytsin)
Служба установления личности и выдачи паспортовIPS (Identity and Passport Service: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-passports-printed-in-the-uk Midnight_Lady)
Служба финансово-бюджетного надзораFinancial Services Authority (4uzhoj)
Служба финансового надзораFinancial Services Authority (Великобритании Alexander Matytsin)