
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Скорость | all forms | exact matches only
автонастройка скорости передачи данныхauto baud rate (Windows 8 Rori)
Задана недопустимая скорость дискретизацииthe given sampling rate is invalid (Windows 10)
компонент регулирования скоростиbit rate throttling feature (ssn)
Компонент регулирования скорости отключёнthe bit rate throttling feature has been disabled (IIS Media Services 4.0)
максимальная регулируемая скоростьmaximum throttle rate (IIS Media Services 4.0 Rori)
не удалось получить параметры регулирования скоростиcould not retrieve the bitrate throttling settings (IIS Media Services 4.0)
общая скоростьtotal bitrate (ssn)
общая скорость потокаtotal bitrate (ssn)
отчёт о скоростиvelocity report (A report that provides a measure of the rate of work accomplished per iteration unit of time)
параметры регулирования скоростиbitrate throttling settings (ssn)
переменная скоростьVBR
получение параметров регулирования скоростиretrieving bitrate throttling settings (IIS Media Services 4.0 ssn)
постоянная скоростьconstant bit rate
постоянная скоростьCBR
регулирование скоростиbit-rate throttling (The ability to slow down the rate at which files can be downloaded)
регулирование скоростиbitrate throttling (ssn)
регулируемая скоростьthrottle rate (The rate at which files are delivered to clients after Fast Start finishes. For media files, the value is expressed as either a percentage of the encoded bit rate of the file or, if delivered as a data file, in kilobits per second (Kbps). Rori)
регулируемая скорость прерыванийinterrupt throttle rate (Windows 8 Rori)
с несколькими скоростямиMBR
с несколькими скоростямиmultiple bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
Скорости вашего интернет-соединения достаточно для голосовых звонков и высококачественной видеосвязиthe internet connection between you will be fast enough for audio calls and high quality video calls. (Skype for Windows 5.10)
скорость бит/сbaud rate (The speed at which a modem can transmit data, measured by the number of events, or signal changes, that occur in one second. Rori)
скорость воспроизведенияplayback speed (The speed at which a voice message is played back to user in the Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging feature)
скорость двойного щелчкаdouble-click speed (The maximum interval between the first and second time a user presses a button on a mouse or other pointing device that will still identify these actions as a double-click to the computer as opposed to two single-clicks)
скорость доступаaccess speed (The time needed for a read/write head in a disk drive to locate a track on a disk. Access time is usually measured in milliseconds and is used as a performance measure for hard disks and CD-ROM drives)
скорость записи устройстваCD burner speed (The speed at which the CD drive will record the data)
скорость измененияrate of change (The rate of price change compared with historical data. The rate of change is calculated against a period of days prior to the current price. The output is a percentage)
скорость передачиtransfer rate (The rate at which a circuit or a communications channel transfers information from source to destination, as over a network or to and from a disk drive. Transfer rate is measured in units of information per unit of time – for example, bits per second or characters per second – and can be measured either as a raw rate, which is the maximum transfer speed, or as an average rate, which includes gaps between blocks of data as part of the transmission time)
скорость подключенияconnection speed
скорость портаserial baud rate (Windows 10 Rori)
скорость потокаbitrate (ssn)
скорость прохождения заданий ввода-вывода через пул потоков обработкиrate of I/O jobs through the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
скорость управления прерываниямиinterrupt moderation rate (Windows 10 ssn)
скорость центрального процессораCPU speed (A relative measure of the data-processing capacity of a particular central processing unit (CPU), usually measured in megahertz)
турбулентная скоростьturbulence speed (A parameter in the Perlin Noise function which controls how fast the vector field is changing)
Указана недопустимая скорость передачи данныхInvalid baud rate specified (Windows 7 Rori)
этап, когда скорость исправления ошибок превышает скорость обнаружения ошибокbug convergence (The point at which the rate of fixed bugs exceeds the rate of found bugs. Bug convergence is a visible indication that the team is making progress against the active bug count. It is a sign that the project end is within reach. Rori)