
Terms for subject Formal containing Рассмотрев | all forms | exact matches only
внимательно рассмотретьgive careful consideration (a notice posted outside for election canvassers: Please do not knock or ring the doorbell. If you ring the doorbell or knock on the door, an unfortunate cascade of three things will happen: 1. The dog will lose her mind. 2. I will lose my shit. 3. You will lose my vote. Nonetheless, please feel free to quietly leave any campaign literature. We will give the information careful consideration. Best of luck to everyone! ART Vancouver)
подробно рассмотретьprovide insight (вопрос, тему: The experts provided more insight on the issue. ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть вариантconsider an option (ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть возможностьlook into the possibility of (чего-либо; AOL News Alex_Odeychuk)
рассмотреть возможность продажиentertain a sale ([formal] If you entertain an idea or suggestion, you allow yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously.: The disputed domain name has been used for the purposes of a "parking page" website offering links to various goods and services, including those connected with springs and gates. The page has also stated that the domain owner is willing to entertain a sale or other proposals. Leana)
рассмотреть вопросlook into a matter (We're going to look into this issue/matter. -- Мы этот вопрос обязательно рассмотрим. ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть вопросaddress the matter (Hopefully this matter will be addressed when they detail their conclusions next month. – этот вопрос будет рассмотрен ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть вопросы, вызывающие беспокойствоaddress concerns (This will allow me to see a smaller number of patients on a daily basis but provide you with a complete and thorough examination addressing all your concerns. – рассмотреть все вопросы, вызывающие у вас беспокойство ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть жалобуinvestigate a complaint (Complaints are investigated promptly. ART Vancouver)
рассмотреть повторноrevisit (igisheva)
рассмотреть повторноre-visit (igisheva)
Рассмотрим вкратце проблемуwe shall consider briefly the problem of (Lanita2)
Рассмотрим детально проблемуwe shall consider in detail the problem of (Lanita2)
тщательно рассмотрев вопросbased on careful consideration (In what could be a major blow to local First Nations and the B.C. tourism sector, the province has announced it will not support a bid to host the 2030 Olympics and Paralympics. (...) “Based on careful consideration, the Province is declining to support a bid,” Beare’s statement Thursday reads, in part. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)