
Terms for subject Uncommon / rare containing Промышленный | all forms | exact matches only
в промышленных масштабахon a wholesale scale (At first, they were used by sailors, then, in 1853 Levi Strauss started to actually produce them on a wholesale scale. • Some ground ... was divided among too many owners to secure such improvеments, and the miners were in too much of a hurry to get rich and leave the country to think of combining for the slow but eventually sure work necessary for such enterprises. Consequently, abandonment followed sooner or later, and no further work was done until consolidations permitted of mining on a wholesale scale. • The Macquarie Arms Hotel at Windsor has a tunnel to the Hawkesbury River which was reputedly built for the purpose of smuggling. The large bricked conduit or tunnel, parts of which can still be seen by an observant eye, is said to have been constructed from the river to Andrew Thompson's store to draw up barrels of rum which was illicitly manufactured on a wholesale scale. 4uzhoj)
промышленный кодексindustrial code (Примечание. Если у вас в руках автоперевод с чешского, то, скорее всего, имеется ввиду Živnostenský zákon – Закон "О хозяйственной/коммерческой деятельности")
промышленный кодексindustrial code