
Terms for subject General containing Пролетаете | all forms
быстро пролетатьspeed
по мере того, как пролетают минутыas the minutes fly away
пролетать в небеpass overhead (What the group witnessed was, in fact, a weather phenomenon known as a 'punch hole cloud' which occurs when planes passing overhead distribute ice crystals that interact with the atmosphere and create the alien-looking formations. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
пролетать мимоscour
пролетать мимоroll by (облака Andrey Truhachev)
пролетать мимоdrift by (облака Andrey Truhachev)
пролетать мимоskirr
пролетать мимоzip right pass (Alex_No_Chat)
пролетать на бреющем полетеbuzz
пролетать с шумомhurtle
пролетать со свистомhurtle
пролетать со свистомzing
пролетать стрелойfly like lightning
стремительно пролетатьgo by in a blur (о времени Believe it or not, these semesters go by in a blur, and when it's over you look back and think, "I know I just learned something, but what was it?" VLZ_58)