
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Правила | all forms | exact matches only
Безоговорочный лидер в какой-либо сфере торговля, промышленность и т.д. Тот, кто устанавливает правила, задаёт тон800-pound gorilla (Natali-Dali)
в виде общего правилаas a rule of thumb (Andrey Truhachev)
в виде общего правилаas a rough guide (Andrey Truhachev)
в качестве общего правилаas a rule of thumb (Andrey Truhachev)
в качестве общего правилаas a rough guide (Andrey Truhachev)
в общем и целом, как правилоby and large (org.uk Lonely Knight)
в строгом соответствии с правиламиaccording to Hoyle (Interex)
взять себе за правилоmake a habit of something (Andrey Truhachev)
действовать согласно правиламplay ball (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
играть не по правиламthrow the rule book out of the window (Халеев)
играть по правиламplay fair and square (Александр_10)
играть по правиламplay ball (установленным: If you want to go camping and live like you want, there’s plenty of space in the bush. If you want to live in a community with easy access to goods and services, there are standards and expectations that must be respected. That’s the trade-off. A rules based society can’t function properly when groups of people simply decide they’re not going to play ball anymore. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
использовать существующие правила или порядки к своей выгодеplay the system (plushkina)
как правилоthe rule of thumb is that (Millennials (born 1985-2004) are the largest generation ever born in America (88 million) and even outnumber the Boomers. He suggested they influenced the outcome of the recent presidential election, as some 16 million new voters entered the ranks in 2020, while some 8 million older voters died off. The rule of thumb, according to Gronbach, is that younger voters tend to be more liberal, and older ones more conservative. coasttocoastam.com)
миром правит любовьits love that makes the world go round
нарушать общепринятые правилаcolour outside the lines (дословно: выходить за контур рисунка при раскрашивании capricolya)
нарушать общепринятые правилаstep out of line (She really stepped out of line when she called him incompetent in front of his boss. Val_Ships)
нарушать правилаthrow the rule book out of the window (Халеев)
нарушить все писаные правилаbreak every rule in the book (Valeriia21)
нарушить правилаthrow the rule book out of the window (Халеев)
не подчиняться чётким правиламbe more of an art than a science (However, it should also be remembered that composting is a quirky business, sometimes more of an art than a science. capricolya)
неотменяемые правилаred rules (hellle)
нет правила без исключенияthere is no rule without an exception
обойти правилаfind a way around (zeleno4ka)
по всем правиламaccording to the book (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламby the rules (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламaccording to procedure (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламthe way it's supposed to be done (handled, etc. VLZ_58)
по всем правиламfollowing procedure (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламaccording to the rules (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламfollowing the rules (VLZ_58)
по всем правиламaccording to Hoyle (according to the ultimate authority, according to the guy who wrote the rule book, an idiom derived from card game expert Edmond Hoyle; syn.: according to rule, by the book, by the numbers, correct, indisputable, according to the highest authority, gospel: We are proceeding correctly, according to Hoyle Taras)
по всем правиламin the customary fashion (VLZ_58)
по правиламby the numbers (Юрий Гомон)
по правилам игрыaccording to Hoyle (VLZ_58)
подчиняться правилам высшей инстанцииfall in line (To submit to the rules of a higher authority. Interex)
положить себе за правилоmake a habit of something (Andrey Truhachev)
положить себе правиломmake a habit of something (Andrey Truhachev)
править балrun the show (Anglophile)
править балbe eating the world (Alex_Odeychuk)
уже скорее правило, чем исключениеmore honored in the breach than in observance (приблиз. эквивалент; источник – У. Шекспир "Гамлет", акт 1, сцена 4, ориг. "Похвальнее нарушить, чем блюсти." Баян)
следовать правиламget with the program (oliversorge)
следовать правиламwalk the line (shergilov)
соблюдать правилаtoe the line (Taras)
согласно строгим правиламaccording to Hoyle (Taras)
чётко определённое правилоbright-line rule (A clearly defined rule or standard Interex)