
Terms for subject Formal containing По | all forms | exact matches only
Австралийская Комиссия по конкуренции и потреблениюAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission (gov.ru Andrey Truhachev)
Агентство по науке и технологии ЯпонииJST (Управление научных и прикладных исследований, Японская корпорация по науке и технике AGaliguzov)
бабка по отцовской линииpaternal grandmother (Alex_Odeychuk)
вести себя неподобающим образом по отношению к семьеwrong a family (Alex_Odeychuk)
взыскано по тарифуcharged under the Schedule of Rates/Rate Schedule (ART Vancouver)
внести ясность по поводу содержанияclarify language (документа: We are taking this opportunity to clarify language within our "Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts" of June 1 that may have implied funds transfers to another account in the same name were free of charge. ART Vancouver)
всё по порядкуeverything in its due order ("Let us have everything in its due order." Holmes thrust his long thin legs out towards the fire and composed himself to listen. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) приготовился слушать ART Vancouver)
вынести решение по делуdetermine the case
выполнять обязательства поmeet the obligations of (Aside from having a good credit history, you must have enough non-rental income to meet the obligations of the mortgage. ART Vancouver)
выше по качествуsuperior (ART Vancouver)
Государственное агентство по вопросам электронного управления УкраиныState Agency for e-Governance of Ukraine (Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
Государственный комитет по имуществу Республики БеларусьState Committee on Property (government.by owant)
ГУ МВД России по г. МосквеMoscow Department of the Russian Ministry of Interior (с оф. сайта petrovka38.ru michgrig)
данные по состоянию наdata correct at (Data correct at 14.48 UTC 23 March Alex_Odeychuk)
Департамент по контролю над безопасным использованием горючих и взрывоопасных веществPESO (Индия; Petroleum and explosives safety organisation (India) Enrustranslators)
дискриминация по признаку полаgender-based discrimination (ART Vancouver)
дискриминация по признаку полаdiscrimination on the grounds of gender (ART Vancouver)
законодательство по охране окружающей средыenvironmental laws (ART Vancouver)
зарегистрированный по месту жительства по адресуregistered as residing at the following address (вариант "registered and residing at" не всегда подходит, т.к. несмотря на официальную регистрацию в РФ, некоторые граждане физически проживают за границей, что очевидно, напр., для органов (МИД и др.), рассматривающих их документы ART Vancouver)
зарегистрированный по этому адресуregistered at this address (We wanted to alert you that there's currently no XYZ Electrical Corp. account registered at this address. You'll need to register for a XYZ Electrical Corp. account to prevent a disconnection of electrical service. ART Vancouver)
заседание по рассмотрениюreview meeting (igisheva)
заявление по установленной формеapplication in the prescribed form (Earl de Galantha)
имя по паспортуlegal name (имя, записанное так, как в паспорте: Enter your legal name. Alex_Odeychuk)
имя по удостоверению личности государственного образцаthe name on your government-issued ID (Use the name on your government-issued ID. Alex_Odeychuk)
инициативы по борьбе с коррупциейanti-corruption initiatives (ART Vancouver)
инструктаж по технике безопасностиsafety-awareness briefing (ART Vancouver)
Информационный центр по науке и технике ЯпонииJapan Information Center of Science and Technology (AGaliguzov)
используемый по лицензииlicensed (ART Vancouver)
комиссия по защите конкуренцииcompetition commission (Аргентина Andrey Truhachev)
Комитет по дорогам и транспортуRoads and Transport Authority (ОАЭ pelipejchenko)
Комитет по науке и развитию человеческого потенциалаKnowledge and Human Development Authority (pelipejchenko)
Комитет РФ по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификацииRF Standardisation, Metrology and Certification Committee (ГосСтандарт, GosStandart Alexander Demidov)
Корпорация по развитию исследований в ЯпонииJapan Research and Development Corporation (AGaliguzov)
критический обзор по завершении оценки состоянияpost-assessment review (ART Vancouver)
Международная комиссия по делам записи актов гражданского состоянияICCS (International Commission on Civil Status Elsha)
Международный комитет по стандартизации и сертификации смазочных материаловInternational Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (igisheva)
Министерство по развитию Дальнего ВостокаMinistry for the Development of the Russian Far East (Ying)
Министерство РФ по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствийMinistry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response (МЧС, EMERCOM Ivanov M.)
муниципальная служба по контролю за домашними и бродячими животнымиDog Warden (Service Yan Shapiro)
настоящим я заявляю, что, по имеющимся у меня сведениям, которым у меня есть все основания доверять, все вышеизложенные факты верныI hereby declare that all the particulars above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief
национальная комиссия по неподкупностиNational Integrity Commission (комиссия по проверке деклараций о доходах государственных служащих в Молдове Rori)
не несёт обязательств поassumes no liabilities on (val123)
не по Вашей винеthrough no fault of You (information which has entered the public domain through no fault of You or any persons to whom You have provided Confidential Information ART Vancouver)
обязанный по законуlegally required (Here in Vancouver, we are legally required to tweet about it when it snows. So on advice of counsel, here is my submission in accordance with said legal requirement. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
орган по регулированию сектора недвижимостиRERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority; Дубай – ОАЭ soul_for_sale)
Организация по научным исследованиям и разработкамthe Office of Scientific Investigation and Research
организация по управлениюleadership in (чем-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
оставить свой пост по состоянию здоровьяresign for reasons of ill health (4uzhoj)
периодическое издание по специальностиsubject matter journal (научный журнал по специальности Alex_Odeychuk)
письмо по поводуletter regarding (I have received a letter from ICBC regarding a refund for past overcharges. ART Vancouver)
по борьбе с коррупциейanti-corruption (ART Vancouver)
по-видимомуit would appear that (Although it's impossible to say what the large creature in the water may have been, based on the tourist's account, it would appear that it was a living creature and not a log as it looked around when a speedboat passed nearby. ART Vancouver)
по-видимому, даI'd have to say so (ART Vancouver)
по-видимому, являетсяappears to be (A peculiar photograph from a farm in Tennessee shows what appears to be some kind of figure lurking behind a fence and the property owner suspects that it just might be Sasquatch. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по виду являтьсяlook to be (The sighting was approximately 7NM to the NE of Manchester Airport (around Ashton) and looked to be a large drone probably weighing at least 10kg. It narrowly missed the nose/windscreen of the aircraft. org.uk ART Vancouver)
по возвращенииupon re-entry (Failure to have all proper documentation upon re-entry to the U.S. may be a cause for delay when going through the U.S. port-of-entry, and may be reason for the officer to send you to Secondary Inspections.)
по всей видимости, являетсяappears to be (An odd pair of photos circulating online show what appears to be a large bipedal creature lurking in a from Washington state forest and some suspect that mysterious figure could be Sasquatch. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по вышеизложенным причинамfor the previous reasons (Alex_Odeychuk)
по вышеизложенным соображениямfor the previous reasons (Alex_Odeychuk)
по газонам не ходитьstay off the grass (Vadim Rouminsky)
по газону не ходитьstay off the grass (Vadim Rouminsky)
по гуманитарным мотивамfrom the humanitarian viewpoint (financial-engineer)
по гуманитарным соображениямfrom the humanitarian viewpoint (financial-engineer)
по должностиby virtue of her position (as ... (название должности) ... Alex_Odeychuk)
по должностиby virtue of position (Alex Lilo)
по должностиby virtue of his position (as ... (название должности) ... Alex_Odeychuk)
по должностиby virtue of office or position (Alex Lilo)
по должностиby virtue of office (Alex Lilo)
по желаниюat the discretion of (second opinion)
по заданию заказчикаas assigned by the client (jobs ART Vancouver)
по закону не обязанthere is no legal obligation (for sb. to do sth.: [Justice David] Crerar conceded it may have been prudent for the trustee to apply to have the deposits sent to the courts, but he found there was no legal obligation for him to do so. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
по имеющимся оценкамit is estimated that (It is estimated that Brisbane and Perth will double their population size to 4 million and 3.5 million respectively by 2049. ART Vancouver)
по контрактуunder the terms of the contract ("по контракту" – более разговорная форма, чем "согласно условиям контракта" ART Vancouver)
по которомуwhereby (a program whereby ... – программа, по которой ... ART Vancouver)
по которому ожидается решениеpending (pending applications for partnership ART Vancouver)
по которому решение пока не принятоpending (ART Vancouver)
по крайне важному делуon the matter of the utmost importance (see the minister on the matter of the utmost importance ART Vancouver)
по мере ростаas ... grow / continue to grow (As our cities and communities continue to grow in both size and complexity, how can various levels of government engage local residents in planning future neighbourhoods? ART Vancouver)
по надуманному поводуunder/on false pretenses (ART Vancouver)
по-обезьяньиin an ape-like manner (He divided researchers into two camps: those who think Sasquatch is a descendant of Gigantopithecus (extinct giant ape), and others who believe it is a human hybrid. "They don't behave in an ape-like manner," he revealed, pointing out their intelligence exceeds modern apes and they have developed a complex language. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по окончании испытательного срокаupon completion of the probationary period (ART Vancouver)
по окончании программыupon completion of the program (ART Vancouver)
по официальным подсчётамby official count (Oxangel)
по ошибке попавший в данную категориюmiscategorized (ART Vancouver)
по поводу тогоas to (Please note: This service makes no recommendation as to which visa is appropriate for you or whether you would be granted any visa. ART Vancouver)
по порядкуin due order (точнее, in one's [its] due order: "I will lay an account of the case before you in its due order, showing you the various points which guided me in my decision." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
по предварительным оценкамindicatively (The poverty reduction strategy is indicatively costed at $2.1 billion, with $1.2 billion representing the current funding gap.)
по представлениюidentified by (сугубо в контексте: He may be included in the list of sanctioned persons identified by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control. 4uzhoj)
по приходе тудаonce there (Ruwshun)
по программеthrough the program (Canada Revenue Agency requires that the Province of Alberta provide a T5009 tax slip to all persons who received an annual Transit Pass through the Alberta Transit Pass program for students. ART Vancouver)
по просьбеat someone's request (At the district's request, Metro has agreed to leave traffic controls the way they are for now. ART Vancouver)
по прошествии столь долгого времениafter such a long time ("That's where a legendary, supernatural creature known as the Man-Monkey of England's Shropshire was seen, just a few weeks after the article was published. An escaped gorilla or a supernatural ape? After such a long time, the answer is unlikely to be found." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
по распоряжениюon instructions (Andrey Truhachev)
по своему единоличному усмотрениюat its sole discretion (ABC Corp. reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time at its sole discretion. ART Vancouver)
по своему усмотрениюin its sole discretion ("In most situations *at* is the most common usage. But *in* is also correct and seems to be in wide use. So I'd say they are interchangeable, with the first being the obviously preferred choice and the second less so, but still grammatical." See examples of both: "The company has the right, at its sole discretion, to ... • will be determined by the Company in its sole discretion." stackexchange.com ART Vancouver)
по своему усмотрениюat its sole discretion ("In most situations *at* is the most common usage. But *in* is also correct and seems to be in wide use. So I'd say they are interchangeable, with the first being the obviously preferred choice and the second less so, but still grammatical." See examples of both: "The company has the right, at its sole discretion, to ... • will be determined by the Company in its sole discretion." stackexchange.com ART Vancouver)
по соображениям безопасностиdue to security reasons (Alex_Odeychuk)
по состоянию здоровьяfor reasons of ill health (If you are required to withdraw under this procedure, you will be recorded as temporarily withdrawn from the University for reasons of ill health. • CBS Corp interim chairman Richard Parsons has resigned from the board for reasons of ill health about a month after joining. 4uzhoj)
по состоянию на текущий годas of this year (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
по состоянию на текущий моментso far (Alex_Odeychuk)
по стечению обстоятельствby circumstance ("sustain major damage by chance or circumstance" ART Vancouver)
по сути своейinherently (Duck Pond is not a healthy environment – inherently. It was dying from the day it was made. We pump municipal water into it just to maintain its water levels. It has a lot of issues inherently. It cannot survive as it is. -- по сути своей / изначально ART Vancouver)
по телефонуthrough a phone call (None of your data, passwords, or other sensitive information can be transmitted through a phone call. 4uzhoj)
по этой причинеthus (I have spoken to our accounting department about this recently and it seems that due to the summer months being slower and full of vacation time, our signing authorities are in the office very sporadically. Thus, there will be some delay in the pay cheques this summer. ART Vancouver)
по этому вопросуin relation to this matter (In a press release, they announced that "following an investigation, the department has concluded that Joe the Pigeon is highly likely to be Australian and does not present a biosecurity risk." Satisfied that its identification band was fraudulent, they concluded that "no further action will be taken by the department in relation to this matter." – дальнейшие меры по этому вопросу coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по этому поводуthis effect (VASILY PRO)
покрыть расходы по ремонтуcover the repair (If during the period of occupancy the Tenant damages the flooring to such an extent that the Security Deposit is insufficient to cover the repair or replacement, the Tenant agrees to pay the additional cost to replace the flooring. ART Vancouver)
получить по ошибкеreceive something in error (If you have received this message in error, please call our customer service to be removed from this service. ART Vancouver)
посеять сомнения по поводуsow doubts as to whether (ART Vancouver)
превосходить по важностиtake precedence over (This file definitely takes precedence over the TRF report, which can wait until next week. ART Vancouver)
предоставить по запросуprovide upon request (References and any additional information will be | can be provided upon request. ART Vancouver)
предпринять действия поtake an action in (ART Vancouver)
принимать меры по защите своих правenforce one's rights (ART Vancouver)
принятие должностным лицом решения по своему усмотрениюexercise of official discretion (ART Vancouver)
проживать по адресуstay at an address (Including yourself, how many persons are staying at this address on May 10, 2016? ART Vancouver)
просим ответить по возможности скорееplease reply at your earliest convenience
работать в качестве советника комитета по техническим вопросамserve as a technical adviser to the committee (Alex_Odeychuk)
работник по связям с общественностьюpublic-relations worker (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
решение, объявленное в заявлении на сайте правительства по итогам заседания кабинета министровthe decision, announced in a statement on the government's website after a meeting of the cabinet of ministers (Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
с начала года поin the year to
секретарь по протокольным вопросамsocial secretary
Совет по политике в сферах науки и технологииCSTP (AGaliguzov)
соответствующий по смыслуrelevant (ART Vancouver)
специалист по документооборотуdocument coordinator (Alex_Odeychuk)
стилистическое руководство по переводу письменных материаловtranslation style guide (Alex_Odeychuk)
труд по принуждениюinvoluntary labour (ART Vancouver)
уволиться по состоянию здоровьяresign for reasons of ill health (BS Corp interim chairman Richard Parsons has resigned from the board for reasons of ill health about a month after joining. 4uzhoj)
Управление по вопросам занятостиEmployment Relations Authority (Anstice)
Управление по надзору в сфере природопользованияFederal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service (gov.ru Ying)
усилия по обеспечению ...дали ...efforts earned (These efforts earned us our second LEED Platinum rating. MichaelBurov)
усилия по обеспечению ...получили ...efforts earned (Our gender equality efforts earned global recognition... MichaelBurov)
усилия по обеспечению ...привели к ...efforts earned (Our efforts earned us the Research Champions award. MichaelBurov)
Федеральная государственная служба по вопросам экономики, малого и среднего бизнеса, частного предпринимательства и энергетикиFPS Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-employed and Energy (Бельгия pelipejchenko)
Федеральное министерство по делам семьи, пожилых людей, женщин и молодёжиFederal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (German: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), abbreviated BMFSFJ Andrey Truhachev)
Центр по правам человека в Молдовеthe Center for Human Rights of Moldova
центральная руководящая группа по борьбе с коронавирусомcentral leading group to fight the coronavirus (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
я по-прежнему убеждён, чтоI remain convinced that (Martini believes that those in the spirit realm are detached from our time frame and can see into the past or future. (...) He remains convinced that we pass to another realm and can communicate after we die because he says that he has heard corroborating information on various matters from psychics and others who have had no contact with each other. • Considerable work remains in confronting our city's crises, but I remain convinced that we can overcome them, if we all work together with care, compassion, and common purpose to build a Vancouver for all of us. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Японское сообщество по Развитию наукиJSPS (AGaliguzov)