
Terms for subject Christianity containing Папа | all forms | exact matches only
Агапит, папа РимскийAgapitus, pope of Rome (христианский святой VI века browser)
Климент, папа РимскийClement, pope of Rome (раннехристианский святой browser)
Маркеллин, папа РимскийMarcellinus, pope of Rome (раннехристианский святой browser)
Мартин Исповедник, папа РимскийMartin the Confessor, pope of Rome (христианский святой browser)
Мильтиад, папа РимскийMilteades, pope of Rome (христианский святой browser)
непогрешимость папыinfallibility of the Pope
Папа ЛикаонскийPapas of Lycaonia (раннехристианский святой browser)
папа римскийthe Pope
Стефан, папа РимскийStephen, pope of Rome (раннехристианский святой browser)
Феодор, папа РимскийTheodore, pope of Rome (христианский святой browser)
Чёрный ПапаBlack Pope (генерал ордена иезуитов; "Black Pope" is a commonly-used term that the Jesuits don't like: ...the desk, with the huge map of the world on the wall behind, and the modest cot off to the side, from which the Black Pope had dispatched his cadre, also known as "God's Marines" and "The Company," and even "the Special Forces of the Catholic Church," to manipulate the fates of nations and empires for more than 400 years on behalf of the Papacy. thepolemicist.net)