
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing ПРОЕКТ | all forms | exact matches only
в проект могут быть внёсены измененияdesign is subject to alterations (Yeldar Azanbayev)
в самом конце проектаdown to the wire (Interex)
воплощение в жизнь проектаImplementation Plan Approval (Yeldar Azanbayev)
закончить проектpush it over the goal line (VLZ_58)
запустить проектget things off the ground (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." (vancouverisawesome.com)  ART Vancouver)
когда ещё и в проекте не былоwhen was a mere twinkle in father's eye (when someone was a mere twinkle in their ..... = когда кто-либо ещё и в проекте не было Yeldar Azanbayev)
когда ещё и в проекте не былоbefore pronoun was/were a twinkle in possessive pronoun father's/daddy's eye (Liv Bliss)
когда ещё и в проекте не былоwhen was a twinkle in their father's eye (when someone was a twinkle in their ..... = когда кто-либо ещё и в проекте не было Yeldar Azanbayev)
когда тебя ещё и в проекте не былоwhen you were just a twinkle in your father's eye (Anglophile)
проект, обречённый на провал с самого началаdead duck (A project that is doomed to failure from the start. Interex)
проработать факты, детали до начала какого-либо проектаget one's ducks in a row or lined up (Сев. Амер. Kovrigin)
Тратить усилия на бесполезные проектыbeat one's head against a stone wall (To waste effort on a futile project. Interex)