
Terms for subject Traffic control containing ПО | all forms | exact matches only
брать плату за проезд по мостуcollect a toll (Tolls were still being collected in 1955. Drivers fumbling around in their pockets and glove boxes for change probably didn't help to speed things up. Tolls did come off in 1963. But will they come back again? (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
брать плату за проезд по мостуcharge a toll (Tolls were still being collected in 1955. Drivers fumbling around in their pockets and glove boxes for change probably didn't help to speed things up. Tolls did come off in 1963. But will they come back again? (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
проезд в пересекающемся направлении по каждой второй улицеalternate cross-streets to cross traffic (система с чередующимся блокированием поперечных проездов)
рабочая группа СЕФАКТ ООН по методам и методологииtechniques and methodology working group (Yeldar Azanbayev)
скорость движения по кольцуrotation speed