
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing ПО | all forms | exact matches only
быть не по вкусуbe not to the liking (кому-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не по вкусу соседям vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
в час по чайной ложкеtakes forever (ART Vancouver)
всем было по фигуno one gave a damn (Leonid Dzhepko)
Говорите ли вы по-английски?do you speak English?
говорите по существуkeep to the point
говорить по-мужскиtalk man-to-man (igisheva)
говоря по справедливостиto be fair ("People have asked me whether the provincial gentle density and Transit-Oriented Area initiatives will increase property values. In some cases, they will, e.g.: this property at 5708 Alma, next to the Dunbar Bus Exchange, assessed at $2,520,500 was recently listed at $5,800,000!" "To be fair, you can list your property at whatever you like. There are lots of realtors who "buy" listings. The real proof would be what it sells for ... if it does." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
если по-честномуto be honest (Если уж по-честному, ... ART Vancouver)
если судить поif sth. is anything to go by (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству  ART Vancouver)
есть масса причин, по которымthere is a a host of reasons why (“There is a host of reasons why things aren’t happening on those sites,” said Kirk Kuester, an executive vice-president with Colliers International in Vancouver. “It could be a situation on the owner’s side: ‘I missed the market and now I want to sell for yesterday’s price.’” Or it could be an environmental problem (sites of former gas stations and drycleaning operations are particularly difficult and can take years to resolve). Or it could be that an owner or developer has gotten lost in the city’s permitting labyrinth. Or they’re afraid of putting in short-term tenants. Or who knows.” bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
идти по дорогеwalk down the road (One of her most terrifying encounters was when she saw a cloud of smoke take a human form and then walk down the road. She saw the figure move through an invisible door, and then it appeared in the window of a neighboring apartment building. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
каждому воздастся по заслугамMay everyone get his just deserts ("their" из соображений политкорректности VLZ_58)
каждому воздастся по заслугамyou got your just desserts (Interex)
как по сигналуas if on cue (ART Vancouver)
кратко и по существуterse and to the point ("Terse and to the point." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) ART Vancouver)
мне по фигу!I don't give a crap! (Leonid Dzhepko)
мне по фигу морозI don't give a hoot about the cold (Leonid Dzhepko)
мы всё делаем по законуwe do everything by the law
настоящее письмо написано в продолжение нашего разговора по телефону сегодня утромthis letter is in furtherance of our phone conversation of this morning
не по зубамbe no match for (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- снег оказался не по зубам автобусам • Sometimes even the best drivers are no match for rough roads. youtube.com ART Vancouver)
отлучиться по нуждеtake a bio break (Yeldar Azanbayev)
по возвращению вupon returning to (Upon returning to the United States, Ken entered the world of talk radio with an overnight program on a newly opened station in Reno. ART Vancouver)
по волнам моей памятиriding the wave of reminiscence (Халеев)
по вопросуon the topic of (This week at a meeting of high-profile speakers on the topic of extraterrestrial life, astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch asserted that the compounds weren't necessarily stray Earth remnants. When the lander samples were discovered, he explained, water was added to them with the assumption that in a moistened environment, the microbes would become more energized and easier to examine. Instead, the hydration may have done the opposite, essentially drowning the samples. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по вопросуon the matter of (On the matter of getting a neighbour to trim the gigantic hedge obscuring my view, I took in a lot of flak. Some people just prefer to be hidden from the rest of the world, I was told, and it’s their business. ART Vancouver)
по-язык значитis the language for (также без the: Another cave, Ogof Fynnon Ddu (ogof is the Welsh for 'cave') lies to the east. -- по-валлийски значит "пещера" (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • Pump is Welsh for five. ART Vancouver)
по легендеlegend says that (There was once a Benedictine nunnery on the site. Legend says that when St Bega, an Irish princess, asked the lord of the manor for land on which to build it, she was mockingly offered all the land covered by snow on mid-summer's day. When St Bega awoke that day, there was snow covering a 3-mile stretch of land, which was then given to her for the nunnery. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) ART Vancouver)
по мнению кого-л.in one's mind (Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported "moon landings", yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification, largely because of his professional familiarity with their studio lighting. In Sibrel's mind, as well as many others, the claim that NASA walked on the moon on the very first attempt with 1960's technology, which only had one-millionth the computing power of a cell phone, when today with five decades of better technology NASA can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the moon, simply defies logic. sibrel.com ART Vancouver)
по мнению кого-л.in one's view (For its part, major media outlets like the New York Times have engaged in the "prebunking" of this report; in Zabel's view, this is evidence of a prejudice against the paranormal by mainstream journalists. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
по-моемуI would say (I would say, at the end of the day, just love your child. Nothing else matters. ART Vancouver)
по-моему, нетI don't think so (Stressed out? No, I don't think so. She looks relaxed. ART Vancouver)
по-настоящемуin earnest (An abbreviated 60-game season began on Thursday, making baseball the highest-profile North American sport to begin in earnest since the pandemic struck. • Although Beitman has long been fascinated by coincidences, it wasn’t until the end of his academic career that he was able to study them in earnest. latimes.com ART Vancouver)
по-язык означаетis the language for (также без the: Another cave, Ogof Fynnon Ddu (ogof is the Welsh for 'cave') lies to the east. -- по-валлийски означает "пещера" (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • Pump is Welsh for five. ART Vancouver)
по правде сказатьto tell the truth (как вводная фраза igisheva)
по приглашениюat one's invitation (также at the invitation of sb.: In March, at Dustin's invitation, I went down to Hollywood to see a new project he was in. • Visitors may play there at the invitation of a member, or by written request from their own golf club. -- Гостям позволяется играть по приглашению члена клуба (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
по путиalong one's route (о движении: Considering that it was a clear, sunny day, it was more or less a pleasant walk through the picturesque countryside, and at first that’s precisely what it was, but things were about to take a turn into the weird. Along their route, the men passed the small hamlet of Kersey, a charming little village of only a few hundred people known for its rustic streets and historical medieval buildings. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
по самым скромным оценкамat a conservative estimate (или "подсчётам": "He isn't half as pumpkin-headed as you.' 'He is, at a conservative estimate, about twenty-seven times as pumpkin-headed as me." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
по сей день жалетьregret it to this day (She regrets it to this day. – по сей день жалеет об этом ART Vancouver)
по совести говоряto tell the truth (igisheva)
по совести сказатьto tell the truth (как вводная фраза igisheva)
по соображениям безопасностиover security concerns (The federal government is banning two apps from its phones over security concerns. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
по справедливости говоряin all fairness (per M. A. Berdy: e.g. In all fairness, he's not a bad artist. По справедливости говоря, он неплохой художник. Leonid Dzhepko)
по счастливому совпадениюas luck would have it (While strolling around the property, they suddenly were taken aback when they spotted what appeared to be a little girl in the uppermost window of the medieval building. "I remember thinking 'did we really just see that?,'" Newport later recalled, marveling that "in a blink, she was gone." As luck would have it, she happened to be taking pictures of the castle when the strange sighting occurred and so she checked her phone to see if it might have captured the curious observer that she thought she had noticed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по техническим причинамdue to technical difficulties (We are sorry, but due to technical difficulties we are unable to process your request at this time. ART Vancouver)
новые подробности-по мере развития событийmore as it develops (VLZ_58)
последнее по списку, но не по значениюlast but not least (ART Vancouver)
посмотрим по обстановкеlet's wait and see how this plays out (ART Vancouver)
расходиться во мнениях по поводуbe divided over (Researchers who study coincidences are divided over their significance. Some, like Beitman, believe they suggest a deeper connection between our minds and the material world than modern science can explain. Others see coincidences as pure mathematical probabilities akin to the “infinite monkey theorem” that states that a monkey hitting keys on a typewriter randomly for an infinite amount of time will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare. latimes.com ART Vancouver)
решать проблемы по мере их поступленияwork out the problems as they come up (одну за одной Rust71)
с ним можно связаться по телефонуhe can be reached by telephone at (Leonid Dzhepko)
само по себеas it is (A man and his girlfriend were reportedly driving along a rural road when they saw some movement near the side of the road. They originally thought the figure was a naked man crawling along on the ground, which was already odd enough as it is, but as they approached they realized that it was even much stranger than this. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- что уже само по себе было странно ART Vancouver)
трудно сказать по фотографииhard to tell from the picture (Hard to tell from the pictures, but does it look like smoke or a cloud? Fingers crossed it's a massive, fast developing cloud... (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
человек по имениa man by the name of (Moving back over to the United States, on September 4, 1965 a man by the name of A.F. Salsbury Renton was out hunting at the Green River Gorge, in Washington, when he was confronted by an alien spaceship, and he would say of his bizarre experience: "Then a voice came from out of the craft which sounded like it came from a loud speaker and said in a distinct, but loudly amplified tone, ‘Don’t be afraid little Earthman, we are not going to hurt you – put down that gun and we will come out and see you.’ " mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
я это сделал по моему собственному желаниюI did it of my own accord