
Terms for subject Business style containing Опыт | all forms | exact matches only
конференция по обмену опытомadvice and support session (VPK)
начальный опыт работыbasic experience working (with ... – с ... Alex_Odeychuk)
опыт клиента на всех стадиях его взаимодействия с компаниейEnd-to-end consumer experience (yevsey)
опыт клиента на всех стадиях его взаимодействия с компаниейE2E consumer experience (yevsey)
опыт работыexperience (Alex_Odeychuk)
опыт работыworking experience (with ... – с ... Anglophile)
опыт руководящей работыgoverning experience (Barack Obama initially seemed somewhat overwhelmed (he lacked the governing experience that Clinton and Bush had), but both he and Michelle were always very pleasant to work with, Bongino remarked. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
опыт управленияgoverning experience (Barack Obama initially seemed somewhat overwhelmed (he lacked the governing experience that Clinton and Bush had), but both he and Michelle were always very pleasant to work with, Bongino remarked. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
передовой опыт в отраслиindustry best practices (sankozh)
получить международный опытgain global exposure (stanford.edu Alex_Odeychuk)