
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing Надо | all forms | exact matches only
так надоthat was pre-planned (= это было заранее запланировано Shabe)
так надоthat was planned (= это было запланировано (заранее): ... he realized how shocked I was from witnessing what happened... "Don't worry, that was planned." Tommy told me earlier that he was going to come in and ask for the gun. google.pl Shabe)
тот, что надоgood (См. пример в статье "нужный". I. Havkin)
я вообще считаю, что военных надо держать в стороне. Глупо с ними советоватьсяas a general rule, my opinion is that military men must be kept out of it. It's folly to take their advice (Эренбург)