
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Комнаты | all forms
комната веб-собранийWeb Meeting Place
комната чатаchat room (A data communication channel that links computers and allows users to send messages to each other in real time. Chat rooms are available through online services and some electronic bulletin board systems. Rori)
секретная комната чатаsecret chat room (In the Lync persistent chat feature, a room that has been set up with the most restricted level of privacy. Only members of a secret chat room can find it, see who is participating in it, follow it, or read and post in it)
секретная комната чатаsecret chat room (In the Lync persistent chat feature, a room that has been set up with the most restricted level of privacy. Only members of a secret chat room can find it, see who is participating in it, follow it, or read and post in it. Rori)
Семейная комнатаFamily Room (" The default room name in the Rooms feature of the People Hub. Based on the concept of the "family room" in many homes, in which family and guests gather for group activities.")