
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Классификация | all forms | exact matches only
австралийское бюро классификации фильмов и литературы OFLCOffice of Film and Literature Classification (A government body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Australia)
Британская комиссия по классификации фильмовPan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classification (A game ratings system for the UK; PEGI/BBFC)
европейская система классификации игрPan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classification
классификация выставления счетовbilling classification (A payment request classifier documented on customer invoices that govern payment terms and conditions and the processing of the invoices)
классификация ликвидностиliquidity classification (A systematic organization of time intervals that predict the liquidity of a party)
классификация ликвидности учётного событияaccounting event liquidity classification (ssn)
классификация событийevent classification (A means of differentiating types of events that occur on the cache client and cache host. The Windows Server AppFabric log sinks follow the classification established with the System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel enumeration)
классификация хранилищаstorage classification (A user-defined name assigned to a storage pool that is used to describe the particular capabilities of the storage pool)
классификация центра справки и поддержкиHelp and Support Center taxonomy (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
код классификации единовременного платежаSingle Payment Classification Code (A Standard Entry Class ACH code that describes a type of financial transaction)
матрица классификацииclassification matrix (A chart that shows the accuracy of a data mining model or other statistical analysis by separately counting cases that were correctly and incorrectly classified)
служба классификаций и рекомендаций данныхMicrosoft Data Categorization and Recommendation Service (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you; Майкрософт)