
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Карта | all forms | exact matches only
авторизация кредитной картыcredit card authorization (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled)
авторизация кредитной картыcredit card authorization (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled. Rori)
базовый поставщик служб шифрования смарт-картBase Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
базовый CSP смарт-картBase Smart Card CSP (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
банковская картаcheck card
банковская картаdebit card (A type of bank card where the amount of purchase is immediately withdrawn from the user's bank account)
битовая карта томаvolume bitmap (A stored reference (which may exist both on hierarchical directory volumes and in memory) to every piece of data that is in the allocation blocks and indicates whether the block is allocated or free for use. Rori)
виртуальная смарт-картаVirtual Smart Card (The ability for some devices to act like physical smart cards even if they aren't)
владелец банковской картыcardholder (A person or company who has the authority to purchase goods and services using a payment card)
владелец картыcardholder (A person or company who has the authority to purchase goods and services using a payment card)
возвратный платёж с кредитной картыCredit Card Chargeback (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Commerce Platform (OCP) Wave 14 GA – June 2011 Rori)
вход со смарт-картойsmartcard logon (microsoft.com bojana)
дебетовая картаprepaid card (A physical card that represents a specific value or amount of service for which the user has paid in advance)
дескриптор битовой карты пространстваSBD (A bitmap describing the utilization of blocks allocated to a metadata partition)
дескриптор битовой карты пространстваSpace Bitmap Descriptor (A bitmap describing the utilization of blocks allocated to a metadata partition)
драйвер сетевой картыnetwork card driver (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
карта веб-сайтаsite map (A Web site file that lists the URLs in the Web site that are available for search engines to index)
карта географических соответствийwiremap (A location map that determines a caller's location, and is configured by a VoIP administrator)
карта для бумажникаwallet card (The wallet card works by providing your most important medical information if you are in need of critical care inside or outside a medical facility)
карта заданияjob card (A mechanism to provide feedback about the production process. A job card lists the individual job numbers of a specific operation, along with actual consumption statistics)
карта канбанаkanban card (A printed document that represents a kanban on the shopfloor, on a physical kanban board or Heijunka board, in a shipment, or in inventory)
карта маршрутаroute card (A production journal that is used to give feedback on actual time consumption for a route)
карта менюmenu map (Andy)
карта памятиstorage card (A card, inserted into a portable device, used to store files)
карта пикселейsample runmap (An array of sample runs that make up an entire image)
карта платежаprepaid card
карта подтверждения платежаprepaid card (A physical card that represents a specific value or amount of service for which the user has paid in advance)
карта распределения индексаIndex Allocation Map (A page that maps the extents in a 4-GB part of a database file that is used by an allocation unit)
карта рельефаbump map (A set of per-pixel color and luminance data used to simulate relief, detail, or texture (bumps) on the surface of a graphic object without modifying the geometry of the object model)
карта с отметкамиmarker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
карта утерянаreport lost card (A rich button in the Wallet feature that contains the contact phone number for the card issuer. Tapping the button calls the phone number)
карта флэш-памятиflash memory card (A device used by many digital cameras to store pictures and video. Flash memory cards store computer information such as text, pictures, and music, and can be copied, erased, and used many times)
код безопасности картыCard Verification Value (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
PIN-код SIM-картыSIM PIN (A type of personal identification number (PIN) for the SIM card, consisting of 4 digits, that is used to gain access to your mobile phone. Rori)
PIN-код SIM-картыSIM PIN (A type of personal identification number (PIN) for the SIM card, consisting of 4 digits, that is used to gain access to your mobile phone)
код платёжной картыprepaid card code
коллекция картmap gallery (A gallery that contains maps from reports that are located in the map gallery folder for the report authoring environment)
маршрутная картаdirectional map (A map created with transportation and mass transit shapes, such as highways, parkways, intersections, road and street signs, routes, railroad tracks, transit terminals, rivers, and buildings)
медицинская картаmedical record (A chronological written record of a patient's examination and treatment, including the patient's medical history)
Набор инструментов SIM-картыSIM Toolkit (A technology that provides a set of command specifications that define how applications on a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card must interact with any mobile equipment (ME). Because it allows custom encryption, it is used mainly with applications that need a lot of security, like banking, gaming, etc)
не удаётся найти проводку кредитной карты, необходимую для оплаты по данной накладной.Cannot find the credit card transaction needed to settle this invoice. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
неверная SIM-картаinvalid SIM (Windows Phone 8.1 ssn)
несовместимая картаnon-compliant card (An SD card that does not meet the requirements for use in a Windows Phone)
номер платёжной картыprepaid card number
объединение сетевых картNIC Teaming (A feature that enables users to group two or more physical network adapters into a single logical network device)
окно просмотра картыmap viewport (The area of the map to display in the map report item. For example, a map for the entire United States might be embedded in a report, but only the area for the northwestern states are displayed.)
показать на картеmap (To display an address or location on a map)
пред. авторизация кредитной картыcredit card preauthorization (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled. The merchant asks the credit card company to reduce the customer's credit line by the invoice amount without charging the account. The preauthorization usually expires after a fixed period of time defined by the credit card processor)
предоплатная картаprepaid card (A physical card that represents a specific value or amount of service for which the user has paid in advance)
проверка данных кредитной картыcredit card capture (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness when a sales order is fulfilled)
проверка данных кредитной картыcredit card capture (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness when a sales order is fulfilled. Rori)
проверочный код картыcard validation code (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
псевдоним картыnickname (An alternate name a user can give their cards to more easily identify what they are and how they can be used)
пузырьковая картаbubble map (A geographical map that displays a circle over specific locations, where the radius of the circle is proportional to a numeric value)
разрешение картыmap resolution (The accuracy at which the location and shape of map features can be depicted for a given map scale. In a large scale map (e.g. a map scale of 1:1) there is less reduction of features than those shown on a small scale map (e.g. 1:1,000,000))
редактор карт BizTalkBizTalk Mapper (A feature that visually enables users to build transformations between two schemas in a BizTalk application. It also has usability enhancements to help with complex maps)
сервер фрагментов картыtile server (A map image caching engine that caches and serves pregenerated, fixed-size map image tiles. Rori)
сетка редактора картMapper grid (The multi-layered middle area of the main BizTalk Mapper window, between the source and destination schemas, in which data mapping is defined)
слой картыmap layer (A child element of the map, each map layer including elements for their map members and map member attributes)
совместимая картаcompliant card (A card that meets the requirements for use in a Windows Phone)
Создание файла карты для компилятора справкиGenerating map file for help compiler (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Срок действия кредитной карты истёк.Credit card is expired. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
стандартная карта с отметкамиbasic marker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
стратегическая картаstrategy map (A performance management tool for visually presenting an organization's or organizational unit's objectives and goals, their groupings of objectives and goals, and their mappings of objectives and goals to themes, initiatives, KPIs, targets, business processes, and action plans. Each item in the visualization contains a set of metadata, which itself is customizable)
считыватель магнитных картmagnetic stripe reader (A device used to interpret data that is encoded on a magnetic stripe card)
счёт, обеспечивающий обработку кредитных картprovisioned credit card processing account (An account that has been set up and activated for processing credit card payments and which was set up by using Dynamics Live. Rori)
тарифная картаrate card (A sheet of paper that contains the standard rate for the media you buy and sell. Rori)
тепловая картаheat map (A type of map presentation where the intensity of color for each polygon corresponds to the related analytical data. For example, low values in a range appear as blue (cold) and high values as red (hot))
указатель карты веб-сайтаsite map index (A Web site file that lists the locations of site map files on a Web site. Rori)
универсальное устройство чтения карт памятиall-in-one card reader (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power)
универсальное устройство чтения карт памятиall-in-one card reader (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power. Rori)
устройство чтения картcard reader (An input device used chiefly for identification purposes that reads information that has been magnetically encoded, usually in two tracks, on a plastic card, such as a credit card or an employee badge)
устройство чтения смарт-картsmart card reader (A device that is installed in computers to enable the use of smart cards for enhanced security features)
файл карты BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server map file (The persisted form of a BizTalk map, created by BizTalk Mapper and compiled to generate run-time transformation directives specified using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT))
файл карты веб-сайтаsite map file (A Web site file that lists the URLs in the Web site that are available for search engines to index. Rori)
фрагмент картыmap tile (One of a number of 256 x 256 pixel images that are combined to create a Bing map. A map tile contains a segment of a view of the earth in Mercator projection, with possible road and text overlays depending on the style of the Bing map)
циркулирующая картаcirculating card (A reusable card that signals process and transfer activities as it circulates between the material's point of origin and point of consumption)
элемент управления картойmap control (A JavaScript control that contains the objects, methods, and events that you need to display maps powered by Bing Maps™ on your Web site)