
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Интернета | all forms | exact matches only
агент доступа к ИнтернетуInternet Agent (An agent that monitors applications that make unauthorized connections to the Internet or change your computer's Internet connections settings such as dial-up or wireless connectivity)
адрес в интернетеInternet address (An address for a resource on the Internet that is used by Web browsers to locate Internet resources. An Internet address typically starts with a protocol name, followed by the name of the organization that maintains the site; the suffix identifies the kind of organization it is)
URL-адрес для ИнтернетаInternet-facing URL (A URL that is directly accessible over the Internet and that does not require special credentials or network access to connect to it)
URL-адрес для ИнтернетаInternet-facing URL (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
URL-адрес прокси-сервера ИнтернетаInternet Proxy URL (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
активная интернет-точка обновления программного обеспеченияactive Internet-based software update point (microsoft.com bojana)
безопасность в интернетеonline safety (The protection of Internet users from phishing fraud, indentity threat, spyware, and malware (malicious software))
брандмауэр подключения к ИнтернетуInternet Connection Firewall (A Network Connections feature that is used to set restrictions on what traffic is allowed to enter your network from the Internet)
брандмауэр подключения к ИнтернетуICF (A Network Connections feature that is used to set restrictions on what traffic is allowed to enter your network from the Internet)
Outlook в интернетеOutlook on the web (The Microsoft Office application–for use by both consumer and commercial users–that provides access to email, a personal calendar, group scheduling, task management, and collaboration applications via a web browser, running on Microsoft Exchange Server.)
видео из ИнтернетаOnline Video (A feature that lets you insert a video from a web-based source into your document and play it back without leaving the document. Rori)
Вход на сервер новостей ИнтернетаInternet News Server Logon (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
диспетчер служб ИнтернетаInternet Services Manager (A snap-in for MMC used to manage many IIS 5.0 Web sites from a single location anywhere on the Internet. With this snap-in, you can create Web sites and virtual directories. You can also set levels of permission, fine-tune logging, and enable throttling)
диспетчер служб ИнтернетаInternet service manager (A utility included with IIS and Personal Web Server that allows you to configure the Web sites your server supports)
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise для интернет-сайтовMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 for Internet Sites Enterprise (A license for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 where the use of the software is only for Internet-facing websites, offering a larger number of features compared to the standard version. All content, information, and applications must be accessible to non-employees)
доступ к ИнтернетуInternet access (The capability of a user to connect to the Internet)
единый вход в ИнтернетWeb SSO (microsoft.com bojana)
Заголовки почты ИнтернетаInternet Mail Headers (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
Заказы через ИнтернетInternet Orders (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Закон о защите личных сведений детей в интернетеChildren's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Затраты на транспортировку при продаже через ИнтернетInternet Freight Cost (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
защищённая зона Интернетаlocked-down Internet (microsoft.com bojana)
звонки через ИнтернетInternet Calling (A feature that lets you use the Internet to make a phone call)
интернет-играInternet game (A desktop application that connects to a public game service on the Internet. The game service is hosted by the MSN Gaming Zone)
интернет-игра WindowsWindows Internet game (A desktop application that connects to a public game service on the Internet. The game service is hosted by the MSN Gaming Zone)
интернет-магазинonline store (Rori)
Интернет-нардыInternet Backgammon (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual board with pieces called stones that move forward according to the roll of dice until the winner removes all of his stones from the board)
Интернет – различное содержимоеOnline – Experience Can Change (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
интернет-синхронизацияInternet synchronization (A feature in Microsoft Jet and Microsoft Access that allows replicated information to be synchronized in an environment in which an Internet server is configured with Microsoft Replication Manager, a tool included with Microsoft Office 2000 Developer)
интернет-служба устранения неполадок WindowsWindows Online Troubleshooting Service (An online service that is used by Microsoft and OEMs to post Windows Troubleshooting Packs for their customers to quickly resolve issues after Windows has shipped)
интернет-содержимоеonline content (Material that has been published on the Internet. Rori)
интернет-сообществоonline community (The collective of people who interact through or use online resources)
интернет-телевидениеInternet TV (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
интернет-удостоверениеInternet Identity (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
интернет-форумInternet forum
интернет-хранилищеonline storage (Storage space provided over the Internet that's allotted to users for keeping digital information, such as photos or documents. Rori)
Интернет-шашкиInternet Checkers (An Internet game that is played by two players on a virtual chessboard of 64 squares. Players only play on the dark squares and aim at capturing all of their opponent's pieces by jumping over them)
интерфейс для выхода в ИнтернетInternet facing interface (Windows 8 ssn)
клиент интернет-печатиInternet Printing Client (Windows 8 Rori)
Клиент печати через ИнтернетInternet Printing Client (Windows 8 Rori)
лимитное подключение к Интернетуmetered Internet connection (An Internet connection created using a metered data plan)
Лучшее в интернетеBest of Web (A curated list feature that highlights interesting and noteworthy web sites)
маршрутизатор ИнтернетаInternet router (Windows Small Business Server 2008 Rori)
многопользовательская интернет-играmassively multiplayer on-line game (A game conducted over the Internet in which a large number of players (hundreds or thousands) participate simultaneously)
мобильный Интернетmobile web (Websites or services that are available to a web browser on a mobile device via WAP technology)
можно выбрать параметры конфиденциальности, воспроизведения и интернет-магазинаCustomize privacy, playback, and online store settings (Windows 8, Windows Vista)
Неверная настройка ИнтернетаInternet not set up. (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
нет доступа к Интернетуno Internet Access (Windows 8)
Носитель на основе ИнтернетаInternet-based media (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
общение в интернетеWeb chat
общий доступ к подключению ИнтернетаInternet Connection Sharing (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
общий доступ к подключению ИнтернетаICS (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
общий ИнтернетInternet sharing (Windows Phone 8 Rori)
Общий ИнтернетInternet Sharing (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
Объект, содержащий подробности об атрибутах секретности для зоны ИнтернетаObject which contains details for privacy attributes for the "internet" security zone. (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
Объем заказов через ИнтернетInternet Order Quantity (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяweb release (Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяrelease to web (Alex_Odeychuk)
Открытие объекта в интернетеOpen Internet Address (Office System 2010 SP1)
Отправить факс через ИнтернетSend as Internet Fax (Office System 2013 Rori)
ошибка при подключении к ИнтернетуInternet Error (Xbox Dash Rori)
поддержка через Интернет для самостоятельного разрешения вопросовSelf-help online support
подключение к ИнтернетуInternet connection (A connection between the user's device and a server that provides access to the Internet, typically through an Internet service provider)
поиск в интернетеSearch on Web (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
показать через ИнтернетPresent Online (A feature that enables users to present a document to remote viewers in a web browser or in Lync)
полезные сведения в интернетеOnline Spotlight (A section of the Business Contact Manager Home page where links to Help topics and other information are provided. The links are included in the Online Spotlight section to call the user's attention to the information.)
Полное доменное имя в интернетеInternet FQDN (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1)
полнофункциональное интернет-приложениеRich Internet Application (microsoft.com bojana)
полнофункциональное интернет-приложениеrich Internet application (A web application that provides a user interface which is more similar to a desktop application than typical web pages. It is able to process user actions without posting the whole web page to a web server)
полнофункциональное интернет-приложениеRIA (A web application that provides a user interface which is more similar to a desktop application than typical web pages. It is able to process user actions without posting the whole web page to a web server)
поставщик OLE DB для публикации в интернетеMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing (A set of interfaces that combines the universal data access of OLE DB with the advantages of managing documents on Web servers; Майкрософт)
поставщик интернет-службonline service provider (A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google). Rori)
поставщик интернет-службOSP (A provider of online services like e-mail, messaging, and others (example: Windows Live, Yahoo, Google))
поставщик интернет-услугInternet service provider (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
поставщик содержимого ИнтернетаInternet content provider (An organization that prepares content for posting on the Web)
поставщик услуг Интернетаaccess provider
поставщик услуг ИнтернетаISP
поставщик услуг ИнтернетаInternet service provider
поставщик услуг ИнтернетаInternet access provider
поставщик услуг ИнтернетаIAP
Правила для зон ИнтернетаInternet Zone Rules (Windows 7 Rori)
предложение поставщика услуг Интернетаdesktop ISP sign-up offer
предложение поставщика услуг ИнтернетаISP signup offer
предложение поставщика услуг Интернета от сборщика системOEM ISP sign-up offer (A set of HTML pages created by either the OEM or a third-party company that lets end users sign up for Internet access from a particular Internet service provider (ISP). You can incorporate these pages into Windows Welcome, or include a shortcut to the first page of the OEM link on the Start menu)
Привлечение интереса в интернетеInternet Lead Capture (Dynamics CRM 5.0)
Проверка подлинности через ИнтернетInternet Authentication (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
программные продукты и интернет-службыSoftware Plus Services (A business model which blends locally installed, full-package software with Internet-delivered or hosted applications)
программные продукты и интернет-службыSoftware + Services (A business model which blends locally installed, full-package software with Internet-delivered or hosted applications)
публикация в интернетеWeb publishing (The process of publishing content to an intranet or Internet site)
Путь для поиска в интернетеInternet Search Path (Windows Server 2008)
развёртывание с выходом в ИнтернетInternet-facing deployment (A method of deploying on-premises CRM so that remote users can connect to the application from the Internet. Rori)
развёртывание с выходом в ИнтернетIFD (A method of deploying on-premises CRM so that remote users can connect to the application from the Internet)
Рекомендуется следовать этому совету, чтобы пользователи Интернета не путали веб-узел удалённого доступа с общедоступным веб-узлом.we recommend that you follow this practice so that Internet users do not confuse your remote access Web site with your public Web site. (Rori)
Сведения о доступности в интернетеInternet Free-Busy (Outlook 2013)
сведения о соблюдении конфиденциальности интернет-магазиномonline store privacy information (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
связь служб полнофункционального интернет-приложенияRIA Services link (A project-to-project link reference that facilitates generating presentation tier code from middle tier code)
Сети и ИнтернетAll Control Panel Items (thevista.ru bojana)
система сайта управления интернет-клиентамиInternet-based site system (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet. Rori)
Скорости вашего интернет-соединения достаточно для голосовых звонков и высококачественной видеосвязиthe internet connection between you will be fast enough for audio calls and high quality video calls. (Skype for Windows 5.10)
служба интернетаinternet service
служба ИнтернетаInternet service (One of any of a number of technologies for making information accessible to users over the Internet. Each Internet service is defined by a protocol, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and each is enabled using client/server applications, such as Web browsers and Web servers. Internet protocols are defined in the Request for Comments (RFC) documents that are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF))
служба каталогов ИнтернетаInternet Directory (Storage place for information such as names, Web addresses, organizations, departments, countries/regions, and locations. Typically, Internet Directories are used to find e-mail addresses that are not in a local address book or a corporate-wide directory)
Служба Xbox LIVE представляет собой игровую службу в интернете, позволяющую пользователям со всего мира играть в игры и общаться друг с другом.Xbox LIVE is an online gaming service that allows people from around the world to play games and interact with each other online. (Xbox 360, Xbox Dash)
Служба проверки подлинности в интернетеIAS
служба регистрации в центре сертификации через ИнтернетCertification Authority Web Enrollment (The role service that provides a set of web pages that allow interaction with the Certification Authority role service. Rori)
События в интернетеWeb Event Page
Сообщение почты ИнтернетаInternet Mail Message (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
справка Windows в интернетеWindows Assistance Online (A World Wide Web version of Windows Client Help)
справка в интернетеonline help (The capability of many programs and operating systems to display advice or instructions for using their features when so requested by the user, as by a screen button or menu item or a function key)
справка Windows в интернетеWOA (A World Wide Web version of Windows Client Help)
средство анализа подключения к ИнтернетуInternet Connectivity Evaluation Tool (An online tool that checks your existing Internet router to see if it supports certain technologies and advanced features, such as improved download speeds and face-to-face collaboration using Windows Meeting Space. This tool is intended to be run from a home network behind a home Internet (NAT) router. Rori)
Стандартные блоки в интернетеOnline Building Blocks (Office System 2010, Publisher 2013)
Сумма налогов при продаже через ИнтернетInternet Tax Amount (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
Сумма продаж через ИнтернетInternet Sales Amount (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
точка интернет-доступаInternet APN (An APN (Access Point Name) that determines the cellular data networks to which a phone can connect. It includes information about what kind of connection, security, and type of IP address the phone should use for the Internet connection)
точка обновления программного обеспечения интернет-клиентовInternet-based software update point (The software update point for a site that accepts communication from only client computers on the Internet. There can be only one active Internet-based software update point)
узел ИнтернетаInternet site
управление клиентами через ИнтернетInternet-based client management (A feature in Configuration Manager that allows you to manage computers that have the Configuration Manager client agent but do not connect into the network through a VPN or dial-up connection)
управление предприятием через ИнтернетWeb-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM – An initiative undertaken by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) to provide enterprise system managers with a standard solution for management. Rori)
управление предприятием через ИнтернетWeb-Based Enterprise Management (An initiative undertaken by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) to provide enterprise system managers with a standard solution for management; WBEM)
учебник по интернетуWeb Tutorial
учётная запись в интернетеInternet account (A generic term for a registered username at an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An Internet account is accessed via username and password. Services such as dial-in PPP Internet access and e-mail are provided by ISPs to Internet account owners)
учётная запись интернет-службonline account (A single set of sign-in credentials (typically, e-mail address and password) that is used to access the services provided by an online service provider (OSP). Rori)
файл параметров ИнтернетаInternet settings file (A file that provides Windows Update Setup with Internet settings that configure the browser and associated components. You can create multiple versions of your browser package by changing the .ins file used by each package. Use the Profile Manager to create, save, and load .ins files)
Цена за единицу при продаже через ИнтернетInternet Unit Price (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Шаблон зоны ИнтернетаInternet Zone Template (Internet Explorer 9 Rori)
Шлюз ИнтернетаInternet Gateway (Windows 8 Rori)
эта функция недоступна из выбранного Интернет-магазина или из магазина по умолчаниюthis feature is not available from either the currently selected or default online store. (Windows 8, Windows Vista)
этот веб-сайт предоставляет службу социальной сети или общения в интернетеthis website provides social networking or web-based chat as the main feature or function (Windows Live Family Safety Wave 6)