
Terms for subject Religion containing Золотой | all forms | exact matches only
вышитая золотом полоса на ризеorphrey (An ornamental border, or embroidered band used on ecclesiastical vestments)
горящий золотомaureate
Золотая легендаLegenda Aurea (A collection of saints' legends, published in Latin in the 13th century, an important source for Christian art from the Middle Ages onwards)
Золотая легенда о житиях святыхAurea Legenda
Золотая легенда о житиях святыхGolden Legend
Золотая хартия 1222 годаGolden Bull of 1222 (Charter granted by King Andrew II of Hungary, which stated the basic rights and privileges of the Hungarian nobility and clergymen and the limits of the monarch's powers)
золотое знакомствоgolden contact
Золотое правилоGolden Rule Precept in the Gospel of Matthew: "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." Mt:7:12
золотое руноGolden Fleece (In Greek legend, a fleece of gold placed by the king of Colchis in a dragon- guarded grove and recovered by the Argonauts)
золотое сечениеgolden section (In painting and architecture, a formula meant to provide the aesthetically most satisfying proportions for a picture or a feature of a building)
золотой венецcrown of gold (Lena Nolte)
золотой светильникaltar lamp (Lavrin)
золотой светильникsanctuary lamp (Lavrin)
золотой телецgolden calf (Idol worshipped by the Hebrews during the period of the Exodus from Egypt in the 13th century ВС. Ех:32)
Золотой храмGolden Temple (The chief house of worship of the Sikhs of India, located in the city of Amritsar, Punjab state, India)
поклонение золотому тельцуworshipping the golden calf
поклоняться золотому тельцуworship the golden calf
поклоняющийся золотому тельцуworshipping the golden calf
семь золотых светильниковaltar lamp (в православном храме Lavrin)
семь золотых светильниковsanctuary lamp (в православном храме Lavrin)
Сутра Золотого СветаAltan gerel
Сутра Золотого СветаSuvarnaprabhasa
хранительницы золотых яблокHesperides