
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Земле | all forms
выбивание формовочной землиpeeling (из отливки)
выпуск чугуна на землюbeaching (The company's two blast furnaces, which supply iron to the meltshop, will run at minimum levels, and the iron they produce will be transferred to rail cars, then poured out to harden in long, rectangular beds of slag, a process called beaching at some plants and coffining at Dofasco bigbeat)
выпуск чугуна на землюcoffining (The company's two blast furnaces, which supply iron to the meltshop, will run at minimum levels, and the iron they produce will be transferred to rail cars, then poured out to harden in long, rectangular beds of slag, a process called beaching at some plants and coffining at Dofasco bigbeat)
горелая земляblack sand (Alexey Lebedev)
железистая земляferruginous earth
иттриевая группа редких земельyttria group of rare earths
обвал землиspalling-off (в литейной форме)
освежитель формовочной землиrevivifier
фуллерова земляFuller's earth (разновидность глин)
чушки, отлитые в землюsand-cast pigs