
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Живые | all forms
жив-здоровkicking around (he is still kicking around Val_Ships)
жив и здоровkicking around (He's still kicking around. Val_Ships)
живой человекrustler
живым и здоровымin one piece (She's lucky to make it out of there in one piece Val_Ships)
задеть за живоеhit close to home (Val_Ships)
задеть за живоеblow away (Your wonderful new poems really blow me away. Val_Ships)
задеть за живоеstrike a deep chord (Val_Ships)
затронуть за живоеhit close to home (Her comment hit close to home. Val_Ships)
затронуть за живоеtouch a nerve (Val_Ships)
оставаться в живыхlast (некоторое время: he only lasted a few minutes Val_Ships)
пока жив-здоровstill kicking around (How're you doing? Still kicking around. Val_Ships)
10 центов за фунт живого веса10 cents a pound on the hoof