
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Всё | all forms | exact matches only
вот, в общем-то, и всёthat's about it (Leave a few lights on and make sure you pick up the paper every morning. That's about it. ART Vancouver)
все к лучшемуit's all for the best
все, хватит, отстань!go and do something (Bullfinch)
всем было по фигуno one gave a damn (Leonid Dzhepko)
всем известно, чтоeveryone knows (that: Everyone knows diamonds are a time-tested way to launder money and hide that money from IRS agents. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
всеми способамиby all means (ART Vancouver)
всеми способамиby all means necessary (ART Vancouver)
всё будет в порядкеeverything will be fine
всё в порядкеall right (one is all right -- у кого-л. всё в порядке: I should probably call the babysitter to make sure the kids are all right. – убедиться, что у них всё в порядке ART Vancouver)
всё в порядкеdoing fine (He's doing fine. -- У него всё в порядке. • A dog in South Carolina wound up needing rescue after it managed to get its head stuck in the dryer vent of a home. The pooch's owners quickly discovered what their dog had gotten himself into and called upon police for help. Fortunately, they wrote, the dog is "doing fine," while "probably looking to see what else he can get into for the day." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
всё дело вit's all about ('The cost of rent in Edmonton is nearly $1,400 cheaper than in Vancouver.' 'That's because no one wants to live in Edmonton, it's all about supply and demand. Have you been to Edmonton in February? A $1,400 discount doesn't seem like enough...' ART Vancouver)
всё дело вthe issue is (The issue is immigration. It is destroying Canada's residential architecture, traditions and way of living, all in the service of allowing diaspora populations to live in Canada. ART Vancouver)
всё меняется со временемTimes, they are a changing (Interex)
всё навалилось в одночасьеwhen it rains, it pours (Interex)
всё навалилось разомwhen it rains, it pours (Interex)
всё очень простоit really is that simple (If you don't have the proper tires, know how to drive the conditions, leave plenty of space between cars... leave the car at home. It really is that simple. ART Vancouver)
всё, понялI read you (Bullfinch)
всё пошло наперекосякeverything has gone pear shaped
всё решаетis all about (Origami is all about symmetry. – В искусстве оригами всё решает симметрия.  ART Vancouver)
всё решаетit's all up to (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock sailings have been cancelled because of high winds, and there could be more cancellations – it's all up to Mother Nature! ART Vancouver)
всё сводится кit comes down to (Personally I’ve encountered very stressed newcomers and some who are doing as well as anyone else, it came down to the job they were able to get. One thing they all seemed to have underestimated was the cost of groceries. They prepare for the rent, they get blown away by the cost of some of our basics, even underwear. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
всё совсем не такthat's not really the case (It can feel like this must be true, as every new building project works its way through an agonizing steeplechase to get approved—as if every metre of height and every protruding corner will be the last straw for this so-so-so crowded city. However, as anyone who has lived here longer than a month knows, that’s not really the case. There are squares, rectangles, slices, whole blocks of mystifyingly empty land throughout our supposedly high-priced, packed-to-the-gills metropolis. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
всё тщательно обдумавafter careful consideration (A former British soldier has been killed fighting for the Ukrainian armed forces, his family has said. (...) He had gone to Ukraine to help "after careful consideration", he said. bbc.com ART Vancouver)
всё, что нам дорогоall of the things that we hold dear (“When America stands for principles, and all of the things that we hold dear, it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost,” Harris said. “In this situation, that may relate to energy costs.” theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
всё, что нам дорогоall we hold dear (Alex_Odeychuk)
всё что угодно, кромеeverything but (When I mentioned expect everything-but-the-kitchen-sink weather, I meant it. The dynamic system currently approaching the coast will bring mixed precipitation -- heavy rain, snow over higher terrain, winds with gusts up to 90 km/h and even the risk of thunderstorms. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
выполнить всё, как полагаетсяdo everything right (We've played by the rules, we've done everything right. ART Vancouver)
если бы все ... так ... относились к своей работеI wish all ... would be as ... about their work. (I wish all young researchers would be as thorough and objective about their work as John. ART Vancouver)
задним умом все крепкиhindsight is a wonderful thing (ElzaSmart)
и вдобавок ко всему прочемуand to top it off (Dunbar was full of houses maybe not quite as small as the one you describe, but not much bigger. People raised families there, usually with more kids than people tend to have now. They've been torn down, huge places built...I've gone through the open houses and been appalled to find more bathrooms than bedrooms, (can no one share anything anymore?), plus all the rooms you describe and sometimes another media room or exercise room. And to top it off, they're often empty most of the year. Or being used for Air B&B. Even the lots are paved. Just helping climate change along! vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
именно так всё и естьthis sounds exactly right ("Work for it, and earn it, it's not a hand out. Some days won't be easy. Strive and push, and you will find its a rewarding career." "Yep. All of this. I work in a civil construction company and this sounds exactly right. I started way down low at the company, and they have gladly trained me up. As long as you are willing and competent, you can go far." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
именно так всё обстоитthis sounds exactly right ("Work for it, and earn it, it's not a hand out. Some days won't be easy. Strive and push, and you will find its a rewarding career." "Yep. All of this. I work in a civil construction company and this sounds exactly right. I started way down low at the company, and they have gladly trained me up. As long as you are willing and competent, you can go far." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
как всеwhen in Rome (напр., "живи как все" – часть поговорки, приписываемой Св. Амвросию: "когда ты в Риме, веди себя как римлянин"; может иметь негативную коннотацию конформизма naranhai)
как всем хорошо известноas everyone is well aware (As everyone is well aware, Highway 1 is basically in gridlock all the time heading east towards the IMB. Is there any plan to address this in the longer run? ART Vancouver)
как и всеas the next man (I'm as fond of a chuckle as the next man. ART Vancouver)
какая разница? Всё равноwho cares as long as (A 45-storey tower or a 54-storey tower – who cares as long as many of us could not afford or dream living in it. ART Vancouver)
мне всё равноI don't really care (I know I believe it. I don't really care if anybody else believes it. ART Vancouver)
мне всё равно, что скажут людиI don't care what Mrs. Grundy says (igisheva)
мы всё делаем по законуwe do everything by the law
на самом деле всё наоборотyou've got it backwards (You’ve got it backwards. ART Vancouver)
но несмотря на всеbut for all the (усилия: But for all the places that claim connections with the outlaw, for all the ballads and broadsheets, plays and proverbs, mimes and rhymes, historians have found Robin Hood and his merry men as hard to track down as any Sheriff of Nottingham ever did. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
отдавать все свои силыbe dedicated to (чему-либо: Our cabin crew are dedicated to ensuring that your flight experience is seamless sankozh)
передавай всем приветsay hi to everyone ("Say hi to everyone at home." "I will." – "Передавай всем привет дома." – "Передам." ART Vancouver)
передавай всем приветsay hello to everyone (ART Vancouver)
получать от жизни всёenjoy life to the fullest (I'm a fun-loving guy who tries to enjoy life to the fullest. ART Vancouver)
посвящать все своё время и силыbe dedicated to (sankozh)
при всехfor all (своих проблемах, недостатках, ошибках и т.п.: Days like today remind me how fortunate I am to live in a place as beautiful as Kamloops — for all its issues, there is no place like it! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
при всём моём уважении кwith all due respect to (For some on council, including Couns. Betty Forbes, Lisa Muri and Jim Hanson, the plan was simply too big, too expensive, bringing too many people and cars to the area with too little benefit in exchange. “With all due respect to the designers, it reminds me of a U.S. prison work yard in the centre, so, needless to say, my comment is that I don’t like it,” Forbes said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best ability (sankozh)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best efforts (sankozh)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best energies and skills (sankozh)
приложить все усилияtry one's best (igisheva)
Пусть Новый Год подарит Вам все самое лучшее!Wishing you all the best for the New Year! (Leonid Dzhepko)
разрешено всё, что не запрещеноif it ain't forbidden, do it (дословно:если это не запрещено – делай это Rust71)
с вами всё нормально?you're feeling okay? (ART Vancouver)
сделать всё, как положеноdo everything right (We've played by the rules, we've done everything right. ART Vancouver)
сделать всё необходимое для достижения целиgo the extra mile
сделать всё, что в наших силахdo everything we possibly can (We're going to do everything we possibly can in this situation. ART Vancouver)
со мной всё в порядкеI'm fine ("Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." – «С тобой всё в порядке?» «Да, всё в порядке / всё нормально.»  ART Vancouver)
совещание для всехall-hands meeting (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ставить перед собой всё более высокие целиkeep raising the bar
тщательно взвесив все за и противafter careful consideration (“After careful consideration, we decided in 2022 to permanently discontinue the evening fireworks display for July 1 at Canada Place primarily due to rising costs,” Alex Munro, a spokesperson for the port authority, told Daily Hive Listed. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
это всё меняетWhy, this alters everything (ART Vancouver)
это всё хорошо, ноthat's all fine and good, but (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
это ты во всём виноватthis is all your fault (ART Vancouver)
я ему всё сказал без обиняковI left him in no doubt
я ещё не всё сделалI'm not done (ART Vancouver)
я отдал бы всё, что угодно, чтобыwhat I would give (+ infinitive: What I would give to escape reality right now and be down on the Oregon Coast watching the waves crash along the Shore again... I could watch this for hours and never get bored. The angrier the Ocean, the calmer it makes me feel... (Twitter) ART Vancouver)