
Terms for subject Proverb containing Вот | all forms | exact matches only
Быть или не быть? – вот в чём вопросbe or not to be: that is the question (W. Shakespeare; У. Шекспир)
вот Бог, а вот и порогGood riddance to bad rubbish! (VLZ_58)
вот Бог, а вот и порогRain or snow, out you go! (VLZ_58)
вот Бог, а вот и порогhere's the floor, there's the door
вот Бог, а вот и порогgood riddance!
вот Бог, а вот и порогhere's the door and there's the way (used when a person is unceremoniously shown the door)
вот Бог, а вот и порогrain or snow, out you go!
вот Бог, а вот и порогGood riddance! (VLZ_58)
вот Бог, а вот и порогHere is the floor, there is the door. (VLZ_58)
вот Бог, а вот и порогHere is the door and there is the way
вот Бог, а вот порогhere's the floor, there's the door
вот Бог, а вот порогhere's the door and there's the way (used when a person is unceremoniously shown the door)
вот Бог, а вот порогrain or snow, out you go!
вот где жмёт башмакthat's where the shoe pinches! (т. е. вот в чем загвоздка)
вот где собака зарытаso that's the crux of the matter
вот где собака зарытаthat's what lies at the bottom of it all
вот где собака зарытаthat's where the shoe pinches
вот где собака зарытаthat's what's behind it all
вот где собака зарытаthat's the heart of the matter
вот еще!what next!
вот ещё!what next!
вот приедет барин-барин нас рассудитWe'll wait to see the boss – he'll tell us what to do, of course (Logofreak)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев день!here's a fine how d'ye do!
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньthat's a pretty how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньhere's a fine how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньhere's a nice how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньhere's a pretty how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньthat's a nice how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньthat's a fine how-d'ye-do or how-de-do! (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев деньwell, I never!
вот тебе Бог, а вот и порогhere's the floor, there's the door
вот тебе Бог, а вот и порогrain or snow, out you go!
вот тебе Бог, а вот и порогhere's the door and there's the way (used when a person is unceremoniously shown the door)
вот тебе Бог, вот и порогhere's the floor, there's the door
вот тебе Бог, вот и порогhere's the door and there's the way (used when a person is unceremoniously shown the door)
вот тебе Бог, вот и порогrain or snow, out you go!
вот тут-то и собака зарытаthat's what's behind it all
вот тут-то и собака зарытаthat's what lies at the bottom of it all
вот тут-то и собака зарытаthat's where the shoe pinches
вот это уже из другой оперыthat's a horse of another color
вот это уже из другой оперыthat's a horse of another colour (дословно: Это лошадь другой масти)
многого захотел – вот и пролетелhe is not poor that has little, but he that desires much
по улице "вот-вот" попадёшь в дом "никогда"by the street of "by-and-by" one arrives at the house of "never"
по улице "вот-вот" попадёшь в дом "никогда"by the street of "by-and-bye" one arrives at the house of "never"
по улице "Вот-вот" попадёшь в дом "Никогда"by the street of by-and-bye one arrives at the house of Never (смысл: мешканьем ничего не добьешься)
сам постелил, вот теперь и ложисьyou made your bed, now lie in it