
Terms for subject Abbreviation containing Весь | all forms | exact matches only
весь остальной мирthe rest of the world (slitely_mad)
виновен по всем пунктамg.a.c. (guilty as charged daring)
Делай всё правильно с первого разаDRIFT (Do It Right The First Time a theory from managerial accounting that relates to just-in-time (JIT) inventory where a company only receives goods as they are needed to cut down on inventory costs and production management. The idea behind DRIFT is that management wants all of the processes that make up the JIT philosophy to be done correctly and efficiently, so there are no delays in the production process. VLZ_58)
дисплей с адресацией пикселов, графический режим вывода "все точки адресуемые", полноадресуемый дисплейAPA (all points addressable Lena Nolte)
огнём природа обновляется всяINRI (igne natura renovatur integra Vadim Rouminsky)
по всему мируw.wide (=world wide KartashovaOD)