
Terms for subject Formal containing Важные | all forms
важное заявлениеsignificant statement (Soulbringer)
важный вопросmatter of importance (I have a matter of importance to discuss with you. ART Vancouver)
играть важную рольbe a significant contributor (MichaelBurov)
имеет крайне важное значениеis of extreme importance (Locking your car and not leaving any valuables in plain sight is of extreme importance when you are visiting this part of Vancouver. ART Vancouver)
по крайне важному делуon the matter of the utmost importance (see the minister on the matter of the utmost importance ART Vancouver)
сыграть важную роль вbe instrumental in (ART Vancouver)
чрезвычайно важныйimmensely important (this immensely important document ART Vancouver)