
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Безопасность | all forms | exact matches only
абсолютный дескриптор безопасностиabsolute security descriptor (A security descriptor structure that contains pointers to the security information associated with an object)
абсолютный дескриптор безопасностиASD (ssn)
абсолютный дескриптор безопасностиabsolute SD (ssn)
абсолютный дескриптор безопасностиabsolute security descriptor (A security descriptor structure that contains pointers to the security information associated with an object. Rori)
агент работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWSHA (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
агент работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWindows Security Health Agent (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
администратор безопасностиsecurity administrator (An administrative user who has been granted the permissions to add, remove, and modify administrative users and their administrative assignments)
аудит безопасностиsecurity audit (The process that tracks the activities of users and records selected types of events in the security log)
безопасность автоматизацииautomation security (Office System 2010 ssn)
безопасность в интернетеonline safety (The protection of Internet users from phishing fraud, indentity threat, spyware, and malware (malicious software))
безопасность веб-службWS-Security (web services security microsoft.com bojana)
безопасность веб-службweb services security (WS-Security microsoft.com bojana)
безопасность и обслуживаниеsecurity and maintenance (A feature in Control Panel where users can take actions, such as changing settings, on features related to security and general PC software maintenance. Rori)
безопасность клиентаclient security (ssn)
безопасность компьютераcomputer security
безопасность на основе ролейrole-based security (A method of limiting access to the Service Manager console)
безопасность на уровне сообщенийMessage Layer Security
безопасность приложения или службы в облаке AzureAzure security (Alex_Odeychuk)
безопасность типаtype safety (The ability for languages and classes to exchange information through commonly agreed upon definitions and usage patterns for types)
бит безопасностиsecure bit (The bit in a key message used to notify the supplicant and authenticator when a key exchange is complete and a link is considered secure. The bit is set to 0 (not secure) or 1 (secure))
брандмауэр Windows в режиме повышенной безопасностиWindows Firewall with Advanced Security (A snap-in which allows users to configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers)
брешь в системе безопасностиsecurity hole (An unintentionally unprotected entry point into an otherwise secure computer, component, application, or other online resource)
брешь в системе безопасностиsecurity breach (An event that compromises the security of a computer, application, network or other resource)
бюллетень по безопасностиMicrosoft security bulletin (A document that describes a specific security issue in a Microsoft product and directs the reader to a downloadable file that resolves the issue; Майкрософт)
бюллетень по безопасности MicrosoftMicrosoft security bulletin
IntelliSense в заданной зоне безопасностиIntelliSense in Zone (A Visual Basic IntelliSense feature that displays certain items in the statement completion list in a different color if they do not have enough permission to run in the security zone specified. This design-time support allows you to run applications in partial trust)
веб-метка безопасностиMark of the Web (A comment added to the HTML markup for a Web page. When a user opens the Web page from their local machine, Internet Explorer references this comment to determine the security zone in which it should run the page)
возможная уязвимость системы безопасностиpossible security vulnerability (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
встроенная система безопасностиintegrated security (Alex_Odeychuk)
встроенная система безопасности Windows NTWindows NT Integrated Security (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)
встроенные средства безопасностиintegrated security (Ding_an_sich)
выбор групп безопасностиsecurity groups selection (ssn)
выбор групп безопасности клиента Windows 7Windows 7 client security groups selection (Windows 8 ssn)
выбор групп безопасности клиентаclient security groups selection (ssn)
гарантированная безопасность доступа к памятиguaranteed memory safety (Alex_Odeychuk)
группа безопасностиsecurity group (A group that can be listed in discretionary access control lists (DACLs) used to define permissions on resources and objects. A security group can also be used as an e-mail entity. Sending an e-mail message to the group sends the message to all the members of the group)
группа специалистов, занимающаяся расследованием нарушений безопасностиblue team (To help the team responsible for investigating comprimised systems – sometimes known as the "blue team". Пытается выявлять попытки взлома со стороны Red team vlad-and-slav)
группы безопасностиsecurity groups (ssn)
группы безопасности клиентаclient security groups (ssn)
данные безопасностиsecurity data (Office System 2010, Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
декларативная проверка безопасностиdeclarative security check (Declarative security information in metadata. Developers can use such declarations, which are usually written as custom attributes, to invoke several kinds of security functionality – require permissions to bind reference to the code, require permissions to derive a type, demand that callers have certain permissions, and so on)
дескриптор безопасностиSD (ssn)
дескриптор безопасностиsecurity descriptor (A data structure that contains security information associated with a protected object. Security descriptors include information about who owns the object, who can access it and in what way, and what types of access are audited)
дескриптор безопасности, ссылающийся сам на себяself relative SD (ssn)
дескриптор безопасности, ссылающийся сам на себяself relative security descriptor (Windows 8.1 ssn)
дескриптор безопасности, ссылающийся сам на себяSRSD (ssn)
дескриптор службы токенов безопасностиSecurity Token Service Descriptor (A message that specifies a service to be activated. Rori)
диспетчер безопасности устройствDevice Security Manager (A feature in Visual Studio that allows you to configure device security and manage certificates on Windows Mobile-based devices. Rori)
диспетчер учётных записей безопасностиSAM (Security Account Manager microsoft.com bojana)
диспетчер учётных записей безопасностиSecurity Account Manager (SAM microsoft.com bojana)
дополнительная безопасностьadvanced security (ssn)
дополнительные настройки безопасностиadvanced security (stachel)
журнал безопасностиsecurity log (An event log containing information on security events that are specified in the audit policy)
журнал событий безопасности WindowsWindows security event log (platon)
журналы событий безопасностиsecurity event logs (Windows 8 ssn)
Задать уровень безопасности автоматизацииSet the Automation Security level (Office System 2010 ssn)
ИД безопасностиSID (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
ИД безопасностиsecurity ID (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
идентификатор безопасности, SIDSID (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
идентификатор безопасностиsecurity identifier (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a security identifier when it is created)
имя участника безопасностиsecurity principal name (A name that uniquely identifies a user, group, or computer within a single domain. This name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains)
интенсивное тестирование безопасности продуктаsecurity push
интерфейс поставщика поддержки безопасностиsecurity support provider interface (ssn)
используемые по умолчанию параметры безопасностиout of box default security settings (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
Используемые по умолчанию параметры безопасности, обновлённые для контроллеров доменаDefault security settings updated for domain controllers (Windows Server 2008, Windows 8 Rori)
ключ безопасностиsecurity key (An identifier used by two APPC logical units (LUs) to validate security when a session is activated. The security key performs a function similar to that of a password, but at the LU-LU session level rather than at the TP-conversation level)
ключ безопасности сетиnetwork security key (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
код безопасности картыCard Verification Value (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
компонент обеспечения безопасностиsecurity support component (A hardware-based security facility that implements cryptosystems, random number generation, and key storage)
контекст безопасностиsecurity context (The security attributes or rules that are currently in effect. For example, the rules that govern what a user can do to a protected object are determined by security information in the user's access token and in the object's security descriptor. Together, the access token and the security descriptor form a security context for the user's actions on the object)
контекст безопасности клиентаclient security context (ssn)
контрольные списки требований по безопасностиsecurity checklists (microsoft.com bojana)
критический с точки зрения безопасностиsecurity-critical (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can only be used by fully trusted code. | Security-critical operations are actions that affect code access security, such as elevation of privilege through suppression of code access security checks by using the Assert method, calling unsafe managed code, and so forth.)
локальная система безопасностиlocal security authority (A protected subsystem that authenticates and logs users on to the local computer. In addition, the LSA maintains information about all aspects of local security on a computer (collectively known as the local security policy), and it provides various services for translation between names and identifiers)
маркёр безопасностиsecurity token (A cryptographically signed data unit that transfers authentication and authorization information, based on a credential)
мастер настройки безопасностиSCW (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
мастер настройки безопасностиSecurity Configuration Wizard
материалы, содержащие угрозу безопасности несовершеннолетнихminor safety (lavazza)
мера безопасностиsafeguard
метод обнаружения групп безопасности Active DirectoryActive Directory Security Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
модель безопасностиsecurity model (A structure that organizes application access control permissions by using privilege, duty, and business process classifiers and that grants permissions that are aggregated into duties to user role assignments)
модули безопасности службы доменных именDomain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSE microsoft.com bojana)
модули безопасности службы доменных именDNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions bojana)
модуль безопасностиsecurity host (An authentication device, supplemental to standard Windows and remote access server security, that verifies whether a caller from a remote client is authorized to connect to the remote access server)
модуль безопасностиsecurity extension (A component in Reporting Services that authenticates a user or group to a report server)
надёжный с точки зрения безопасностиsecurity-safe-critical (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can be safely used by partially trusted code in the .NET Framework)
нарушение безопасности данныхdata breach (visitor)
настройка безопасностиsecurity settings (harser)
недопустимые данные безопасностиInvalid security data (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
обеспечение информационной безопасности по стандартам Sarbanes-OxleySOX Compliance and Technology Options (A template that addresses the general activities involved in efforts to achieve more efficient SOX compliance. This project assumes that the organization is already SOX compliant)
область безопасностиsecurity scope (A method that, when used in conjunction with security roles, limits which objects an administrative user can use and see)
обновление для системы безопасностиsecurity update package (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
обновление для системы безопасностиsecurity update (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
обновление для системы безопасностиsecurity patch
пакет безопасностиsecurity pack (A kind of management pack that contains the logic to monitor the security events for a specified application)
панель безопасностиTrust Bar (A notification bar warning the user about data that is blocked in the loaded file. Trust Bars can be for information only (non-actionable) or actionable)
параметр безопасностиsecurity option (Andy)
параметры безопасностиsecurity settings (Settings used to specify privacy, security, and logon configurations for Windows)
параметры безопасностиsecurity blanket (A group of values that describe the security settings that apply to all proxies in a process or to just a particular interface proxy)
параметры безопасности групповой политикиGroup Policy Security Settings (The subtrees of the Group Policy Object Editor that allow a security administrator to manually configure security levels assigned to a Group Policy object (GPO) or local computer policy)
параметры безопасности и конфиденциальностиsecurity and privacy settings (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Параметры безопасности обозревателя Internet Explorer по умолчанию измененыInternet Explorer default security settings have been modified (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
параметры безопасности от поставщикаout of box default security settings (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 8 Rori)
параметры безопасности по умолчаниюdefault security settings (Office System 2010, Office System 2013 Rori)
ПИН-код безопасностиsecurity PIN (Andy)
повышенная безопасностьadvanced security (ssn)
поддержка безопасностиsecurity support (ssn)
политика безопасностиsecurity policy (The active policy established by the administrator that programmatically generates granted permissions for all managed code based on the code's requested permissions. Code that requires more permissions than policy will grant is not allowed to run)
Полная безопасность пересылкиPerfect Forward Secrecy (Andy)
поставщик поддержки безопасностиsecurity support provider (ssn)
Предоставлен недопустимый контекст безопасности клиентаthe supplied client security context is invalid. (Exchange Server 2007)
предупреждение безопасностиsecurity alert (platon)
принудительная проверка безопасностиimperative security check (A security check that occurs when a security method is called within the code that is being protected. This type of check can be data-driven and can be isolated to a single location within an object or method. For example, if the name of a file to be protected is known only at run time, an imperative security check can be invoked by passing the file name as a parameter to a security method)
программа, использующая уязвимости системы безопасностиprogram that exploits a security vulnerability (Windows 8.1 ssn)
программное сопоставление безопасностиsoft SA (A security association (SA) in which the Negotiate security filter action is enabled, but there is no authentication or encryption being performed because the computer with which communication occurs is not running IPSec)
прозрачный с точки зрения безопасностиsecurity-transparent (Pertaining to a type or member that is partially trusted and that cannot expose access to any protected resources or functionality. Rori)
процедуры обеспечения безопасностиsecurity protocol (A specification that defines security-related data objects and rules about how the objects are used to maintain security on a computer system)
Процесс сканирования был создан, но во время применения параметров безопасности возникло нарушение ограничения Active Directory.the scan process was created, but an Active Directory constraint violation occurred while security settings were being applied. (Windows 7)
развёртывание политики безопасностиdeploying security policy (.NET Framework platon)
режим безопасности входа в системуlogin security mode (A security mode that determines the manner in which an instance of SQL Server validates a login request)
рекомендации по безопасностиsecurity best practices (microsoft.com bojana)
роль безопасностиsecurity role
сеанс безопасности клиентаclient security session (ssn)
Семейная безопасность Windows LiveWindows Live Family Safety (Software that enables parents and guardians to customize children's web experiences in order to help protect their safety and privacy online)
Семейная безопасностьMicrosoft Family Safety (Software that enables parents and guardians to customize children's web experiences in order to help protect their safety and privacy online; Майкрософт)
Семейная безопасностьFamily Safety (Software that enables parents and guardians to customize children's web experiences in order to help protect their safety and privacy online)
сервер безопасностиSecurity Server (Centro server that hosts primary security roles and workloads)
сертификат безопасностиsecurity certificate (A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. A certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service)
сетевая проверка безопасностиnetwork security scan (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
сквозная безопасностьend-to-end security (microsoft.com bojana)
служба маркёров безопасностиSTS (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
служба маркёров безопасностиsecurity token service (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
служба токенов безопасностиSTS (security token service microsoft.com bojana)
служба токенов безопасностиsecurity token service (STS microsoft.com bojana)
событие безопасностиsecurity event (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
советы по безопасностиsecurity advisory (A notification addressing a security change that may affect the security of customers' computers)
сопоставление безопасностиsecurity association (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
сопоставление безопасностиSA (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
спецификации безопасностиsecurity specifications (microsoft.com bojana)
список групп безопасности клиентаlist of client security groups (Windows 8 ssn)
средства безопасностиsecurity features (harser)
средство проверки безопасности Windows Live OneCareWindows Live OneCare safety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
средство проверки безопасностиsafety scanner
Средство проверки работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsSHV (Windows Security Health Validator xakep.ru bojana)
средство проверки работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWSHV (Windows Security Health Validator microsoft.com bojana)
средство проверки работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWindows Security Health Validator (Windows system health validator (SHV) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Validator verifies status of system health components that are received in a statement of health (SoH) from NAP client computers that have the Windows Security Health Agent installed)
Средство проверки работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWindows Security Health Validator (WSHV microsoft.com bojana)
стандарт безопасности 802.1X802.1X (An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines port-based network access control which either allows or denies connection requests to IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet networks or IEEE 802.11 wireless networks)
стандарт безопасности 802.1XIEEE 802.1X security standard (An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines port-based network access control which either allows or denies connection requests to IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet networks or IEEE 802.11 wireless networks)
стандартные параметры безопасностиdefault security settings (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
субъект безопасностиsecurity principal (In Windows-based computers, an account (such as a user, security group, device, or computer) that can be granted or denied access to resources)
тест безопасностиsecurity test (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
технические недоработки в системе безопасностиsecurity-related technical debt (программного обеспечения Alex_Odeychuk)
токен безопасностиsecurity token (microsoft.com bojana)
триммер безопасностиsecurity trimmer (A component that limits search results at query time based on the identity of the user who submitted the query)
узел безопасностиsecurity host
универсальная группа безопасности, поддерживающая почтуmail-enabled universal security group (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. Unlike a mail-enabled universal distribution group, a mail-enabled USG can also be used to assign permissions. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled USG, all members of that group receive a copy of the message)
управление параметрами безопасностиmanipulate security settings (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
уровень безопасности автоматизацииautomation security level (ssn)
уровень безопасности для интрасетиsecurity level for intranet (Intune 1505 Rori)
усиленная безопасностьenhanced security (The security type that is used to describe the encrypted protocol used by Application Virtualization to provide secure communications on the various virtual application streaming deliveries leveraging Real Time Streaming Protocol Secure (RTSPS))
Учреждение обязуется принять коммерчески обоснованные меры по обеспечению безопасности и защите Информации и Учётных данных от несанкционированного доступа, использования, разглашения, изменения и уничтоженияInstitution shall take commercially reasonable security and other measures to protect the Information and Credentials from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration and destruction (Windows Live Admin Center W4MQ Rori)
уязвимость системы безопасностиsecurity vulnerability (ssn)
файл безопасностиsecurity file (A file that contains a digital code that makes it possible to seal messages or to add a digital signature to messages. This file can be stored on a 3.5-inch disk or on your computer's hard disk)
фильтрация по ролям безопасностиsecurity trimming (The process of limiting search results based on the identity of the user who submitted the query)
Центр безопасности МайкрософтMicrosoft Safety and Security Center (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
Центр безопасности МайкрософтMicrosoft Safety & Security Center (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
центр обеспечения безопасностиSecurity Center (Windows launch point to manage security settings for automatic updates, internet options, or Windows Firewall)
центр управления безопасностьюTrust Center (Part of the Office Center feature that allows users to set various security and privacy options, and to see currently enforced security and privacy rules)
цифровой подписанный маркер безопасностиdigitally signed security token (microsoft.com bojana)
шаблон безопасностиSecurity Template (Nadya1976)