
Terms for subject Economy containing 黄金 | all forms | in specified order only
一盎司黄金或白银的货币值coining value of an ounce of gold or silver
不能兑成黄金的纸币inconvertible bank notes
黄金份额并列流动floating alongside the gold tranche
专用黄金earmark gold
黄金加盖纯度印戳hallmark the gold
他们正在电视的黄金时间里播送一系列的广告They are putting out a series of prime-time commercials
他购买黄金以规避兑换率的损失He bought gold as a hedge against exchange losses
黄金定价be valued in gold
黄金定值valued in gold
以美元挤兑黄金的风潮run on gold against US dollar
休姆黄金流动平衡作用Hume gold flow equilibrating mechanism
兑换成黄金the redemption in gold
冻结黄金进口政策the sterilization policy
双层黄金市场two-tiered gold market
另行保管的黄金earmark gold
可动用的黄金储备free gold reserve
可动用的黄金储备"free" gold reserve
可动用的黄金库存available stock of gold
国际黄金储备international gold revenue
国际黄金流动international gold movement
国际黄金移动international gold movement
联合国国际货币基金组织的黄金份额购买权gold tranche position in International Monetary Fund
寄存国外的黄金earmark gold
黄金的偏爱the preference for gold
暂停美元兑换黄金suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold
最低黄金准备金比例minimum ratio of gold reserve
最低黄金准备额minimum ratio of gold reserve (比例)
有些金属,如黄金,禁止买卖Some metals such as gold are under an embargo
法定的最低黄金储备official stipulation on their minimum gold reserves
法定的最少黄金储备official stipulation on their minimum gold reserves
消灭黄金作用政策gold sterilization policy
票据交换所黄金证券clearing house gold certificate
禁止黄金出口a gold embargo
禁止黄金岀口gold embargo
禁止黄金输入gold import embargo
第一季度,那个国家的黄金和美元储备增长了 3亿美元That country's gold and dollar reserves increased by 300 million during the first qua ter
"纸黄金"paper gold (国际货币基金)
美兀黄金本位dollar-gold standard
美元停止兑换黄金suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold
美元兑黄金dollar convertibility into gold
美元对黄金的可兑换性convertibility of dollar into gold
解封国库中的黄金desterilize gold
解除黄金禁运the repeal of gold embargo
解除用黄金支付的义务abolishment of obligatory payments in gold
贬弃黄金的非货币化demonetization of gold
进口黄金import gold point
非货币化黄金nonmonetary gold
高于标准黄金成色的格令数the grains better
高纯度黄金high purity gold
黄金买卖gold bullion trading
黄金交易gold buy
黄金交易业务gold transaction service
黄金份额地位gold tranche position
黄金保留条款a gold proviso clause
黄金债券gold debenture
黄金储备specie reserve
黄金储备gold reserves
黄金储备gold holdings
黄金储备金gold cover
黄金储存gold holdings
黄金入会费gold tranche
黄金准备gold holdings
黄金分布不均the maldistribution of gold
黄金升价upward revaluation of gold
黄金升水premium on gold
黄金及可兑换货币储备gold and convertible currencies reserves
黄金双价黄金双轨制dual gold price
黄金双价制two-price gold system
黄金双价制two price gold system
黄金双轨制two tier gold price system
黄金双轨制two price gold system
黄金基金条款reference-to-gold clause
黄金外汇风潮gold and foreign exchange turmoil
黄金外流gold outflow
黄金外流drain of gold
黄金对纸币的溢价gold premium
黄金尺度golden yardstick
黄金崇拜the golden calf
黄金市场gold bullion market
黄金或白银的货币值monetary value of gold or silver
黄金收益gold gain
黄金时代Gold Age
电视广告的黄金时间prime time
黄金条款事件gold clause ease
黄金比率gold ratio
黄金汇兑制gold exchange standard
黄金流动价格机能the specie flow price mechanism
黄金流失flight of gold
黄金流岀gold outflow
黄金流通制gold circulation system
黄金清算基金gold settlement funds
黄金清算基金gold settlement fund
黄金the gold rush
黄金gold rush
黄金的符号token of gold
黄金的货币作用monetary functions of gold
黄金的货币化gold demonetization
黄金的非货币化gold demonetization
黄金等价结算条款gold value clause
黄金等值结算条款指金融契约中保证贷款者到时获得按一定金价计算的还款的条款gold clause
黄金结算gold settlement
黄金美元储备gold and dollar reserve
黄金解禁the repeal of gold embargo
黄金证券gold securities
黄金货币化monetization of gold
黄金资产流动gold assets movement
黄金输人点gold import points
黄金输入点gold import equilibrium
黄金输入点import gold point
黄金输出点gold export points
黄金输出点special points
黄金输出点gold export equilibrium
黄金输出管制gold export control
黄金输送点gold point;gold shipping point
黄金输送点上限upper gold point
黄金运输点gold shipping point
黄金通货gold currency
国际储备的黄金部分gold tranche
黄金非货币化'demonetization of gold