
Terms containing 高 消费 | all forms | in specified order only
telecom.低于专业级、高于消费产品的设备prosumer professional and consumer
commer.在消费者中享有很高信誉command a high respect and goodwill of consumers
busin.大量消费高峰时代age of high mass-consumption
tech.高消费水平encouraging a high level of consumption
met.最高人均钢材表观消费量top apparent steel product consumption per capita
proj.manag.消费价格通胀也因食品价格高企而在加速、所以、让人民币升值可能是阻止过热的一个好方法Consumer price inflation is also rising, thanks to higher food prices, and so a stronger currency of RMB might be a good way to stop overheating
econ.消费水平高的社会high consumption society
interntl.trade.消费高涨spending boom
interntl.trade.消费高涨consumption boom
econ.消费高涨the spending boom
el.电能消费高峰consumption peak
textile高价消费品high-priced consumer goods
busin.高价耐用消费品high-priced durable consumer goods
tech.高价耐用消费品high priced durable consumer goods
busin.高度大众消费high mass consumption
econ.高度大众消费阶段high mass consumption stage
econ.高度大量消费时代age of high mass consumption
econ.高度大量消费时代age of high mass-consumption
fin.高收人高消费国家high-spending high-income countries
commer.高收入消费阶层high-income group
textile高敏感度的消费high-sensitive-leval consuming
textile高档消费品high-priced consumer goods
busin.高档消费品higher quality consumer goods
busin.高档消费品high-grade consumer goods
ecol.高消费high consumption
busin.高消费时代age of high mass-consumption
busin.高消费社会high consumption society
econ.高消费经济high consumption economy
econ.高消费阶段the age of high mass-consumption
econ.高级消费品high-grade consumer goods
tech.高级消费品high grade consumer goods
econ.高级消费者需求格局an elite consumer demand pattern