
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 高 产 | all forms | in specified order only
产乳高峰peak of lay
产乳高峰peak of production
产乳高峰期peak milk production period
产蛋高峰peak of production
产量高峰ceiling yield
高产卵温度maximum spawning temperature
最高日产量maximum daily yield
栽培high yield culture
高产乳品业milk production using flying herd
高产收人作物high income crop
高产出品种high output breed
高产动物high-yielding animal
高产动物high-performance animal
高产品种high-yielding varieties
高产品系high-yield strain
高产奶牛heavy milker
高产桑园high productive mulberry field
高产母牛high-yield cow
高产母牛high-producing cow
高产母牛high-yielding cow
高产母畜high-yielding dam
高产母鸡top performer
高产母鸡top bird
高产hypoplasia of ovary
高峰产量high peak yield
高投入-高产high input-high output
高投入生产系统high-input production system
高级农业生产合作社advanced agricultural producers' cooperatives