
Terms containing 高 产 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一定成本最高产maximum output for a given cost
econ.一定成本的最高产maximum output for a given cost
econ.中高水平产量yield at medium high level
tech.中高费用的清洁生产方案middle-high cost clean production option
fin.买人收益率较高的资产buy higher yielding assets
securit.买价高于所购净资产价值excess of cost over net assets acquired
anim.husb.产乳高峰peak of lay
anim.husb.产乳高峰peak of production
anim.husb.产乳高峰期peak milk production period
agric.产卵高峰peak of laying
busin.产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
econ.产品质量提高时,其价格也上升了When the product is improved, its price is raised
busin.产成品最高库存定额maximum storage norm for finished product
tech.产生垃圾高潮季节refuse production peak
met.产生旋涡的临界钢水面高度critical molten steel level of vortex formation
anim.husb.产蛋高峰peak of production
busin.产量提高improvement of products
gen.产量达到历史上最高水平the output has reached the all time top
econ.产量高峰production peak
anim.husb.产量高峰ceiling yield
desert.产量高峰作物peak standing crop
commer.今年产量将比去年高得多The outturn this year will be much higher than last year
econ.他们正在逐步提高他们的低生产率水平They are raising their low level of productivity step by step
securit.价格过高的垃圾资产overpriced junk
busin.优质高产quality-quantity production
met.优质高产good quality and high output
met.优质高产high quality and high production
agric.优质高产higher and better yield
econ.优质,高产,低消耗production increases with quality up and cost of production down
econ.优质材料及高标准工艺是我厂产品的两大重要特点The superior quality of the materials and the high standard of workmanship are the important specialities of our products
telecom.低于专业级、高于消费产品的设备prosumer professional and consumer
horticult.作物高产理论与技术highly yielding theory and technology of crop
horticult.作物生产的高产high yield of crop production
horticult.作物生产的高效率high efficiency of crop production
mining.保证高产engage high yield
agric.保证高产的合理轮作茬口合理搭配保高产rational crop rotation in order to guarantee yearly high yield
econ.保证这种产品是高质量的The product is warranted to be of high quality
econ.公司开发了一项提高产量的新技术The company has developed a new technique for improving output
agric.具有高度生产效能的heavy producing
agric.农业高新技术产业high and new agricultural technical industries
agric., tech.农业高新技术产业的发展development of agricultural hi-tech industries
commer.农产品价格高有助于农业High prices for products encourage farming
econ.减价将提高他们推销这些产品的积极性The decrease in price will boast their zeal to push the products
manag.加工到高级阶段的产品product in an advanced stage of processing
expl.务必保证最终产品足以敏化、才可保证高阶爆轰Care must be taken to insure that the final product is adequately sensitized to insure high-order detonation
busin.劳动生产率提高increase of labour productivity
org.name.区域渔业及水产养殖高级官员Senior Regional Fishery and Aquaculture Officer
tech.可能达到的最高产maximum potential output
securit.复杂高端衍生产品complex high-end derivatives
expl.大气压力下产生的高温固体物质solid,high-temperature products yielded at atmospheric pressure
econ.如果没有这种设备,这些公司就不能顺利地提高其产品的质量The companies would not succeed in improving quality of their products without this equipment
org.name.家畜生产及卫生高级官员Senior Animal Production and Health Officer
econ.将生产提高到最大限度maximize the production
econ.将生产提高到最大限度maximize production
econ.美国工人生产力提高法the Bedeaux system
econ.工人生产力提高法Bedaux system
tech.工作周期的高生产率high-cycle efficiency
econ.工厂最高生产能力maximum plant capacity
met.已有高炉生产能力existing capacity of blast furnace
econ.很高兴奉告,我们的产品畅销We are pleased to tell you that our products are selling fast
econ.我们对这房产估价太高We set too high a valuation on the premises
econ.我们很高兴从你方上月27日来信得知你方对我方产品感兴趣We were glad to learn from your letter of 27th of last month of your interest in our product
gen.我们把产量提高到原来的三倍〔增加了两倍〕we have trebled our output
cloth.我们的服装是拥有合格证的高质产品Our clothing is high-qualified products with certification
cosmet.我们的粉底是用最好的原料做成的高质量产品。它可以滋润你的皮肤,并且防晒指数为8Our foundation is of high quality. Only the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and it has a sunblock rating of
gen.我们非常希望克莱斯勒和通用汽车能生产许多高里数汽车We will be very happy if Chrysler and General Motors GM are making lots and lots of high mileage cars
commer.把一工厂的产量提高到先进厂的水平level the output of a factory up to that of the advanced
gen.按照高精度公差来生产produce to close tolerance
commer.高产品价值enhance the value of goods
fin.高产品的竞争力make products competitive
met.高产品质量improve quality of product
tech.高产品质量improve the quality of products
tech.高产boost output
busin.高产yield improvement
shipb.高产increase of production
agric.高产量的任务role in increasing yield
agric.提高农业产量increased agricultural production
agric.提高农业生产raising of agricultural production
econ., agric.提高农产品的质量与效益raising the quality and benefit of agricultural products
China, polit.提高劳动生产率raise labour productivity
tech.提高劳动生产率raising labour productivity
shipb.提高劳动生产率raise labor-productivity
econ.提高单产the yield improvement
econ.提高单产yield improvement
tech.提高单位面积产量raise the per unit yield
fin.提高复杂金融产品必须的透明性enhance required disclosure on complex financial products
tech.提高多种生产的能力raising capabilities for multi-production
tech.提高总产量increasing the total yield
agric.提高生产[量]raised production
agric.提高生产[量]enhancing production
agric.提高生产力raise in productivity
agric.提高生产力rising productivity
agric.提高生产力increasing productivity
avia.提高生产力计划productivity enhancement program
agric.提高生产技术raising production technology
shipb.提高生产效率raise productive efficiency
econ.提高生产率raise productivity
econ.提高生产率improved productivity
econ.提高生产率put up productivity
econ.提高生产率boost productivity
econ.提高生产率的革新labour-saving technological development
avia.提高生产率计划productivity enhancement program
tech.提高生产资金利用效果production funds put to a better use
avia.提高的全面资产管理enhanced comprehensive asset management
econ.提高耕地产量yield improvement
econ.提高耕地的产量the yield improvement
securit.提高资产账面价值write up
met.摩根高生产率线材轧机Morgan high-production wire rod mill
fin.放松高新技术产品对中国出口的管制relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products
tech.新兴产业和高技术产业emerging and high-tech industries
econ.旨在提高生产率的投资productivity-raising investment
agric.早熟高产early maturing and high yielding
gen.是的,免费接机。我们的豪华酒店将继续保持高水准的产品和服务,来满足客人们对瑞吉酒店和至尊精选酒店的期望Yes, sir. It's free of charge. Our luxury brands continue to maintain the high level of service and products that our luxury guests expect from St. Regis and the Luxury Collection properties
busin.智力密集型高技术产品intelligence-intensive high-tech products
shipb.智能化、自动化和高效率生产系统intelligentize, automation and high-efficiency producing system
shipb.智能化、自动化和高效率生产系统intelligentize, automatization and high-efficiency producing system
met.高产出率maximum yield
anim.husb.高产卵温度maximum spawning temperature
agric.高产品种highest yield variety
tech.高产maximum output
tech.高产maximizing production potential
econ.高产maximum capacity
tech.高产maximum output
tech.高产maximum production
tech.高产peak yield
econ.高产peak output
manag.高产production peak
manag.高产peak production
horticult.高产highest yield
tech.高产量与允许产量之差shut in production
manag.高产量标准maximum capacity standard
mining.高产量的赫诺曲线maximum rate Homer
econ.美国政府限制产条例规定的最高允许产量maximum permissive rate
econ.美国政府限制产条例规定的最高允许产量maximum permissible rate
fishery最高可持续产量maximum sustainable yield
mining.最高合理产量maximum economic rate
consult.最高名义生产能力nominal maximum capacity
agric.最高增产原则因素principle for maximizing yield
agric.最高增产法method of maximizing yield
econ.最高年产量the peak annual output
econ.最高年产量peak annual output
agric.最高持续产量maximum sustained yield
agric.最高持续产量maximum continuous yield
anim.husb.最高日产量maximum daily yield
econ.最高有效产量most efficient rate
econ., agric.最高生产力maximizing productivity
agric.最高生产率highest productivity
tech.最高生产率maximum productivity
met.最高生产能力ultimate capacity
commer.最高生产能力peak performance
tech.最高生产能力maximum capacity
tech.最高生产能量成本capacity cost
busin.最高生产速度maximum economic rate of production
busin.最高生产量capacity production
agric.最高经济产量maximum economic yield
econ.最高经济生产定额maximum economic rating of production
econ.最高经济生产量maximum economic rate of production
met.最高设计生产能力peak design capacity
mining.高产very high output
econ.此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58元人民币The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece
tech.每年按生产率调高工资的条款annual improvement factor
UN清洁生产问题国际高级别讨论会High-Level International Seminar on Cleaner Production
org.name.渔业及水产养殖高级官员Senior Fishery and Aquaculture Officer
org.name.渔业及水产养殖高级联络官员Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Liaison Officer
tech.爆炸产生的高频背景explosion produced high-frequency background
manag.独特高级产品unique and superior product
fin.生产成本提高cost push
econ.生产成本高昂的经济economy of pusher grade
econ.生产效率高的工人productive worker
shipb.生产最高的年份peak year in production
mining.生产液面高度producing fluid level
busin.生产率提高increase of productivity
busin.生产率提高increase in productivity
busin.生产率提高rise in productivity
agric.生产率的提高rise in productivity
econ.生产率高的large duty
gen.生产超过历史上最高水平production topped the highest level in history
shipb.生产量最高的年份peak year of productive output
busin.生产高峰production peak
agric.生产高涨increase of production
econ.生产高质量产品的工艺得到完善The process was perfected for making high grade products
gen.由于很难获得可靠的高质量羊毛毛料,我们停止了生产高档羊毛大衣Because of the difficulty in obtaining reliable supply of high-quality wool fabric, we discontinued the production of our deluxe alpaca coats
ecol., tech.由于脱氧器看起来简易,因此很容易忽略生产高质量脱氧器所需的技术要求Because of its apparent simplicity, it is easy to overlook the technical demands of quality deaerator design
agric.电信高科技产业telecommunication hi-tech industry
commer.知识密集型高科技产品intelligence-intensive high-tech products
econ.短期内能提高产量的项目short-term yield project
tech.矿产加工技术高higher techniques of mineral commodity processing
agric.稳产高产steady high yield
gen.许多产品如喷气发动机和涡轮机,这里只举这两种都需要高温合金many products jet engines and turbines,to name but two call for high-temperature alloys
econ.设备最高生产能力maximum plant capacity
pack.该液体灌装机性价比高,小容量填充十分精确,主要用于水性和其他低黏度产品的充填This liquid filling machine is the machine of choice for high value; small volume fills at very high accuracy. It is primarily suitable for aqueous and other light viscosity products
comp.name.美国贝克高性能化学产品公司Baker Performance Chemicals Incorporated
securit.资产估价过高over-estimation of assets
securit.资产过高估值assets overvaluation
fin.资产高估over-estimation of asset
ecol.高产super-high yield
met.高产ultra high production rate
mil., air.def.超高压脉冲产生再生extra-high tension pulse generator
gen.这种瑜伽能产生体内高温,旨在对身体净化和排毒The intense internal heat generated by this sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body
arts.这里有一些做工精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them
agric.远程通信高科技产业telecommunication hi-tech industry
tech.选择高产品种selection of a high yielding variety
gen.通过对羊绒织物后整理技术的研究,产品质量有了很大提高By studying the finishing technology of cashmere fabrics, the quality of products was greatly improved
org.name.非洲农业企业和农产品加工业发展问题高级别会议High-Level Conference on the Development of Agribusiness and Agro-industries in Africa
org.name.食品技术及农产品加工业高级官员Senior Food Technology and Agro-industries Officer
anim.husb.栽培high yield culture
agric.高[新]技术产业high technology industry
agric.高[新]技术产业hi-tech industry
agric.高[新]技术产业化hi-tech industrialization
agric.高 [新]技术产业开发区hi-tech industrial developmental area
agric.高产high performance
busin.高产high yield
busin.高产high production
agric.高产heavy crop
tech.高产中央搅拌厂high production central-mixing plant (混凝土)
agric.高产乳品业milk production using "flying herd"
anim.husb.高产乳品业milk production using flying herd
agric.高产乳品业flying herd management
agric.高产乳牛hard milking cow
tech.高产head well
tech.高产high yielding well
tech.高产strong well
dril.高产prolific producer
dril.高产prolific well
dril.高产large producer
gen.高产large producer
desert.高产作物highly yielding crop
tech.高产作物heavy yielder
desert.高产作物peak standing crop
desert.高产作物highly productive crop
agric.高产作物"fly" crop
agric.高产作物high productive crops
agric.高产作物highly yielding crops
agric.高产作物high-yielding crops
agric.高产作物heavy crop
econ.高产作物high-yielding crop
econ.高产作物good heavy cropper
econ.高产作物free cropper
econ.高产作物highly productive crops
gen.高产作物heavy cropper
gen.高产作物good cropper
agric.高产作物产量higher crop yield
anim.husb.高产收人作物high income crop
agric.高产克隆high yielding clone
agric.高产农业应用最新农具获得巨利bonanza farming
agric.高产农场bonanza farm
anim.husb.高产出品种high output breed
met.高产出率high yield
anim.husb.高产动物high-yielding animal
anim.husb.高产动物high-performance animal
econ.高产prolific zone
tech.高产high production area
anim.husb.高产品种high-yielding varieties
busin.高产品种high-yield variety
agric.高产品种high-yielding variety
agric.高产粮食作物品种high-yielding varieties grains
agric.高产品种high yielder
econ.高产品种high-yield varieties
agric.高产品种high yielding variety
agric.高产品种heavy yielding variety
securit.高产品种high yield variety
agric.高产品系high-yielding line
agric.高产品系high-yielding strain
anim.husb.高产品系high-yield strain
tech.高产品系high yielding strain
agric.高产商品品种highly productive commercial variety
tech.高产土壤high productive soil
agric.高产high production
tech.高产fertile land
econ.高产地带prolific zone
mining.高产 分层堵水high-rate water packs
anim.husb.高产奶牛heavy milker
agric.高产奶牛good milker
agric.高产家畜high-yielding animal
agric.高产家畜high performance animal
agric.高产家畜high -performance animal
agric.高产high yield year
agric.高产high-yielding capacity
agric.高产high-yielding ability
tech.高产性的highly yielding
tech.高产性能highly yielding ability
agric.高产无性繁殖high yielding clone
tech.高产high output machine
agric.高产材料high-yielding materials
agric.高产果树rich bearing tree
agric.高产样板田high yield demonstration field
agric.高产栽培high yield culture
agric.高产栽培high yielding culture
agric.高产栽培high-yielding culture
agric.高产栽培bonanza farming
agric.高产栽培技术high yield culture technique
anim.husb.高产桑园high productive mulberry field
anim.husb.高产母牛high-producing cow
anim.husb.高产母牛high-yield cow
anim.husb.高产母牛high-yielding cow
anim.husb.高产母畜high-yielding dam
anim.husb.高产母鸡top performer
anim.husb.高产母鸡top bird
tech.高产油井prolific well
tech.高产油井strong well
tech.高产油井paying well
tech.高产油井flush producer
tech.高产油层high-capacity reservoir
tech.高产油气层high production oil-gas bed
tech.高产潜力high yield potential
earth.sc.高产热花岗岩high heat production granite
econ.高产牧场rich pasture
tech.高产high yield
met.高产率作业high productivity performance
tech.高产瓦窑high production kiln
agric.高产high yield plot
agric.高产high-yielding field
tech.高产high yield field
agric.高产high yielding
dril.高产large duty
agric.高产heavy producing
tech.高产high producing
gen.高产lay heavily
agric.高产high-yielding grasses
agric.高产稳产high and constant yield
tech.高产稳产high and stable yield
tech.高产稳产期production plateau
tech.高产稳产期plateau period
agric.高产稻田high-yielding paddy field
tech.高产high production kiln
agric.高产能力high-yielding ability
met.高产能小方坯连铸机high-capacity billet caster
met.高产能小方坯连铸机billet caster with high production capacity
chem.高产色谱法high productive chromatography
sel.breed.高产配合种玉米high combiner
met.高产high production
met.高产high yield
anim.husb.高产hypoplasia of ovary
tech.高产high output
met.高产乙炔发生器heavy duty acetylene generator
tech.高产量机械high output machine
telecom.高产high yield
ecol.高产高效模式high-yield and high-efficiency model
food.serv.高价值产品high-value product
busin.高估资产负债表falsified balance sheet
nurs.高位产钳术high forceps delivery
econ.高利产品high margin product
tech.高利产品high profit product
busin.高利润生产high-profit production
securit.高利润资产high profit assets
commer.高品位产品high grade product
tech.高品位产量high grade product
agric.高商品产量high commercial yield
agric.高子粒产量high grain yield
agric.高寒地区农业产业化agricultural industrialization in the frigid area
anim.husb.高峰产量high peak yield
tech.高峰产量peak production
tech.高峰产量flush production
auto.高峰期生产率peak-hour productivity
econ.高度流动性资产highly liquid assets
tech.高度流动性资产highly liquid asset
shipb.高性能产品high performance products
shipb.高性能的产品high-performance product
commer.高成本生产high-cost production
China, law高技术产业hi-tech industry
met.高技术产业high-tech industry
busin.高技术产业high-technology industry
tech.高技术产业发展规划plans for the development of high technology industries
China, law高技术产品high-tech products
met.高技术产品Hi-Tech product
econ.高技术产品advanced Technology Products
tech.高技术产品high tech products
anim.husb.高投入-高产high input-high output
anim.husb.高投入生产系统high-input production system
securit.高收益资产high-yield asset
tech.高效型产业结构efficient production structure
commer.高效率生产efficient production
busin.高效能固定资产more efficient fixed asset
tech.高效能的固定资产more efficient fixed assets
commer.高新技术产业high and new technology industries
China, polit.高新技术产业new-and high-technology industries
fin.高新技术产业new- and high-technology industries
agric.高新技术产业high and new technical industry
agric.高新技术产业区high and new technical industrial area
tech.高新技术产业区high-technical industrial development area
fin.高新技术产品new- and high-technology products
securit.高智力产业high intelligence industry
busin.高档产品high-priced products
tech.高次裂变产物high order fission product
tech.高沸点石油产品high boiling petroleum products
gen.高油价对石油化工业及下游的石油炼制工业产生了深刻的影响The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream
fin.高流动性资产highly liquid asset
tech.高浓度四氮唑生产废水highly concentrated tetrazoline production wastewater
auto.高温下形成的润滑油沉积产物high-temperature sludge
met.高炉产品blast furnace product
met.高炉产量furnace productivity
met.高炉产量blast furnace output
met.高炉产量blast furnace production
met.高炉产量output of blast furnace
tech.高炉产量furnace processor
met.高炉产量指数100 BOI 约等于4吨/英尺2炉缸面积/昼夜Blast-furnace output index
met.高炉产量指数blast furnace output index
met.高炉产量指数100 BOI 约等于4 t/ft² 炉缸面积/昼夜blast-furnace output index
met.高炉产量指数blast furnace output index
met.高炉产量指标blast furnace productivity index
met.高炉出铁场产品cast product (如铁、渣等: ①Besides the obvious loss in production and associated costs, the breakout damage sustained by the caster both short term and long term can effect the surface and/ or internal quality of the cast product 除了生产和相关费用受到明显损失外,漏钢对连铸机造成的无论是长期还是短期危害,都会对连铸坯表面和/或内在质量产生影响。② Mold fluxes for the casting of medium carbon steels are designed to have a high crystallinity index to form uniform heat transfer across slag layer and thus reduce the likelihood of longitudinal cracking in the cast product 中碳钢连铸用结晶器保护渣的设计目的是使其具有高的结晶指数以便使渣层均匀传热,从而降低连铸坯产生纵裂纹的可能性。)
met.高炉单炉产量output per blast furnace (Thanks to technical improvements our output per blast furnace has gone up, but we are still in the 'second division'. 由于技术上的进步,我们高炉的单炉产量已有所提高,但仍处于二流水平。)
met.高炉增产措施measures of increasing BF production
met.高炉增产措施means to increase BF output
met.高炉平均年产量average annual production per blast furnace (Average annual production per blast furnace is approx. 1. 26 million tonnes of hot metal; the largest furnace produces over 4 million t / a. 高炉平均年产量约为 126 万 t 铁水,最大高炉年产铁水超过400万 t。)
met.高炉-氧气顶吹转炉生产流程blast furnace-BOF based route
met.高炉渣产出量blast furnace slag output
met.高炉灰产出量flue dust production
met.高炉焦产率furnace coke yield
met.高炉焦炭产率blast furnace coke yield
met.高炉现有生产能力existing capacity of blast furnace
busin.高炉生产周期blast furnace production campaign
tech.高炉生产炉周期blast-furnace production campaign
met.高炉生产率pig iron output
met.高炉生产能力furnace output
met.高炉-转炉炼钢生产流程BF-BOF steelmaking route
met.高炉铁水产量hot metal output of BF
agric.高生产力high productivity
commer.高生产效率high-cycle efficiency
shipb.高生产效率high productive efficiency
met.高生产率high production
busin.高生产率high productivity
tech.高生产率high production rate
tech.高生产率high duty (的)
avia.高生产率加工high productivity machining
construct.高生产率压力机high production press
met.高生产率小方坯连铸机high productivity billet caster
auto.高生产率机床production machine tool
tech.高生产率的high productive
avia.高生产率计算系统high productivity computing system
tech.高生产能力high-rise capacity
tech.高生产能力high productive capacity
gen.高生产能力high capacity
agric.高生物量产额high yield of biomass
account.高盈利的资产负债表healthy balance sheet
fin.高盛资产管理公司Goldman Sachs Asset Management
fin.高科技产业high-tech industry
econ.高科技产业high technological industry
tech.高科技产业high technology industry
met.高科技产品high-tech products
agric.高稻谷产量high rough rice yield
ecol.高端产品high-end product
shipb.高精密度的产品high precision product
shipb.高精密度的产品high-precision product
met.高精尖产品high-grade, precision and advanced sophisticated product
met.高精度轧制钢产品high-accuracy rolled steel product
tech.高级产品premium product
met.高级产品high grade product
avia.高级产品advanced product
anim.husb.高级农业生产合作社advanced agricultural producers' cooperatives
agric.高级农业生产合作社advanced agricultural producers' co-operative
tech.高级加工产品high grade processed goods
org.name.高级家畜生产官员遗传资源及品种开发Senior Animal Production Officer Genetic Resources and Breed Development
org.name.高级植物生产及保护官员Senior Plant Production and Protection Officer
org.name.高级植物生产官员园艺及大田作物Senior Plant Production Officer Horticultural and Field Food Crops
tech.高级氧化锌生产技术production technique of high grade zinc oxide
org.name.高级渔业产业官员质量保障Senior Fishery Industry Officer Quality Assurance
agric.高级糖基化终[点]产物advanced glycosylation end product
China, polit.高耗能、高污染产品products whose manufacture is highly energy consuming or highly polluting
commer.高脂肪动物产品high-fat animal product
food.serv.高蛋白产品protein-enriched product
commer.高蛋白质产品high protein commodity
commer.高质量产品high-quality product
securit.高资产值投资者high net worth client
fin.高资产大户high net worth individual
securit.高资产经纪人high net worth broker
met.高附加值产品high added value product
fin.高附加值机电产品high value-added machinery and electronics goods
busin.高需求与低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost
busin.高需求与最低生产成本原理principle of high demand and the lowest production cost
econ.高需求与最低生产成本的原理principle of high demand & the lowest production cost
securit.高风险产品high-risk products
food.serv.高风险的自给自足式粮食生产high-risk subsistence food production
nurs.高龄初产妇elderly primipara
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