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井下工具级操作工downhole tools senior operator
亚太地区提采收率会议Asia Pacific Improved Oil Recovery Conference
保证engage high yield
化学法提原油采收率chemically enhanced oil recovery
测压中用到的压力时间pressure time high
原始油水界面以上height above original oil-water contact
并非位于最部位的高渗透漏失not uppermost located thief zone
微生物提采收率法microbial improved oil recovery
微生物提采收率法microbially enhanced oil recovery
国际石油工程师协会专业会议原油采收率专题讨论会Enhanced Oil Recovery Symposium
原油采收率现场报告enhanced oil recovery field reports
原油采收率研究所Institute of Improved Oil Recovery
石油采收率公司The Improved Oil Recovery Co.
石油采收率和强化采油improved oil recovery and enhanced oil recovery
采收率improved recovery
采收率法采油enhanced oil recovery
采气采收率法enhanced gas recovery
摄像机升boom up
日本提石油采收率研究协会Japan enhanced oil recovery Research Association
日本提石油采收率研究协会Japan EOR Research Association
产量的赫诺曲线maximum rate Homer
作业使用压力maximum service pressure
压力和终压力maximum and final pressure
合理产量maximum economic rate
和最终压力maximum and final pressure
地面井口压力maximum surface pressure
工作压力maximum working pressure
工作压力maximum operating pressure
工作电压maximum working voltage
排放压力maximum discharge pressure
油管压力maximum tubing pressure
流动压力maximum flowing pressure
流速peak flow rate
记录温度maximum recorded temperature
记录温度的深度depth of maximum recorded temperature
最上部漏失层uppermost located thief zone
产量very high output
热法提采收率评价模型thermal enhanced oil recovery evaluation model
热法提采收率评价模型thermal EOR evaluation model
生产液面producing fluid level
宪章试井解释图板Tong's advanced type curves
压裂液含砂浓度ultra high sand concentration
效的ultrahigh efficient
顶部最压力maximum top pressure
于破裂压力注入injection above parting pressure
分层堵水high-rate water packs
压低压high-pressure/low pressure
压分离器high-pressure separator
压压力计high-pressure gauge
压压力计温度high-pressure gauge temperature
压填充密封泄漏high-pressure packing leakage
压天然气high-pressure gas
压气瓶high pressure air accumulator
压注入系统high-pressure injection system
压流量计pressure flow meter
压空气注入high-pressure air injection
压蒸汽high-pressure steam
压试验high-pressure test
压黄油管high pressure grease tube
填充能力high loading capacity
强度 支撑剂high strength proppants
强度微珠high strength microsphere
气油比high gas-oil ratio
浓度支撑剂处理enhanced prop treatment
液面high liquid level
液面关井high-level shut-down
渗透性压裂high-permeability fracturing
自动关井关闭装置high-temperature shutdown
温和高压分离器high-temperature and pressure separater
温气清井hot gas cleanup
温氧化作用下的混相空气驱high temperature oxidation-miscible air flooding
温氧化作用下的非混相空气驱high temperature oxidation-immiscible air flooding
温氧化作用下的高压注high temperature oxidation-high pressure air injection
温燃烧high-temperature combustion
温高压 恶劣条件下运行的封隔器severe service packer
炸力high explosive
界面高度high interface level
程归算height reductions
粘油highly viscous oil
级密封剂技术advanced sealant technology
级试井操作工senior well testing operator
能气体压裂high-energy gas fracturing
速度low volume high velocity
限安全温度temperature safety high