
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
世界屈一指的货币world's number one currency
世界银行席经济学家chief economist of the World Bank
二十国集团 G20尔峰会G20 meeting in Seoul
即付年金annuity due (annuity in advance)
字母签名的支票initial check
电子化次公开发行electronic initial public offering
电子化次公开发行服务electronic initial public offering service
第七届亚欧脑会议Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting
席保险人同意as agreed by the leading underwriter
席保险人同意as agreed L/U
购房零zero-yuan first payment for apartments
三位抵押品top 3 collateral
先留置权first lien
席中国经济学家chief China economist
席交易员chief dealer
席商务官chief business officer
席市场官chief market officer
席投资办公室chief investment office
席经济学家chief economist
席营运官chief operating officer
席营销官chief marketing officer
期短期息票short first coupon
次上市费initial listing fee
次付息first coupon
次公开发售initial public offerings (IPOs)
次公开发行价格IPO price
次公开发行参与者IPO participant
次公开发行定价IPO pricing
次公开发行电子认购服务electronic initial public offering subscription
次公开发行锁定期IPO lock-up
次公开宣告日期first public announcement date
次认购费front-end load
笔整付initial lump-sum