
Terms containing 首先 | all forms | in specified order only
space首先使用not the first to use (nuclears, 核武器)
space首先使用no first use
UN首先使用non first-use posture
UN首先使用核武器non first use of nuclear weapons
UN首先使用核武器non first use
econ.分期付款先付首期款pay down
busin.在比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
econ.在这些产品中,人们首先选择这种The product would be taken in preference to the others
econ.如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
econ.我们首先应该对当地的消费者保护法律做一番调査研究,然后再开展我们的业务We shall look into local customer protection laws first before engaging in our business
gen.我们首先要知道这条线应画在那里we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn
cloth.我们应首先测量胸围、腰围和臀围丰满部位We should record the circumference of the bust, waist and hip fuller part firstly
commer.我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销这一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
sport.接力赛中首先出发的运动员front runner
econ.某一个人死后,其最近血亲将首先继承其财产When somebody dies, his next of kin will inherit his property first
adv.消费者头脑中首先想到的品牌top of mind
dentist.种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it
karate.红方白方首先得分aka shiro scored first
econ.董事会主席首先支持这项提议The chairman of the board seconded the proposal
gen.首先beyond all
gen.首先before all else
gen.首先 先来begin by + ing
gen.首先at the beginning
gen.首先best of all
gen.首先in the first place
gen.首先from the very beginning
gen.首先in the first instance
gen.首先as a starter
gen.首先for one thing
gen.首先第二次,最后for the first time
gen.首先第二次,最后for the last time
gen.首先第二次,最后for the second time
gen.首先of all things
gen.首先for a starter
gen.插人语首先to start with
gen.首先most of all
econ.首先start with
econ.首先in the first second, third place (其次,第三)
gen.首先for one thing
gen.首先first and foremost
gen.首先beyond all things
gen.首先in the beginning
gen.首先to begin with
gen.首先before everything
gen.首先at first
gen.首先before all
gen.首先first of all
econ.首先你应获准在该国居住至少一年,然后才能开业You should be granted a residence permit first for at least one year in that country and begin your business
UN首先使用核武器的核威慑政策Nuclear deterrence policy characterized by "the first use of nuclear weapons"
securit.首先偿还债券advance refunding bonds
gen.首先…,再者其次for one thing..., for another...
interntl.trade.首先决定权first refusal
dentist.首先准备四十厘米长的牙线First take about forty centimeters of floss
bowl.首先出场者lead off man
voll.首先发球first service in set
securit.首先受益人primary beneficiary
econ.首先否决权first refusal
avia.首先垂直飞行first vertical flight
econ.首先建筑priority construction
econ.首先,建筑师应解释合同条件,并就执行情况进行裁决In the first instance n., the architect shall interpret the conditions of the contract and judge its performance
footb.首先开球first kicked
sport.首先得分open the score
sport.首先得分to score first
proj.manag.首先、我们必须确定以一个特定的接口来定义商业代表本身的方法First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself
econ.首先我们需取得该国的船运过境权First, we need to secure the right of way for shipping from that country
dentist.首先,我将调改托盘使它适合您的牙弓形态First, I'll adjust the tray to fit the size of your mouth
dentist.首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies
bowl.首先投球的队员leadoff man
interntl.trade.首先拒绝的权利right of first refusal
busin.首先收回成本计算法cost-recovery-first method
fig.首先攻击谴责cast the first stone
gen.首先above all (things)
shipb.首先条款paramount clause
audio.el.首先,每个耳机都采用了双重结构提供了额外的隔音层First, each earpiece employs a dual housing structure for an extra sound insulation layer
IT首先满足法first fit
fin.首先留置权first lien
econ.首先考虑the paramount consideration
shipb.首先考虑paramount consideration
avia.首先衔接自动驾驶仪autopilot first engaged
gen.首先,要给您做个青霉素过敏试验First, I'll give you a penicillin allergy test
tech.首先起火的建筑物fire building
footb.首先进球first goal
gambl.首先进球手适用于捧球投注first goalscorer
securit.首要优先股first preferred stock