
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
一rotor WECS 水平轴力机风轮轴线的安装位置与水平面夹角不大于15° 的风力机horizontal axis
IEC 61400一12电机组功率特性试验IEC 61400-12 Wind Turbine Power Performance Testing
蒲福风级七级wind of Beaufort force 7
三叶片triple blade windmill
]三杯速表three cup anemometer
吹程upwind fetch
型风力机head on wind machine
型风轮head on rotor
式结构upwind configuration
式风力机upwind turbine
式风能转换系统upwind type of WECS
式风轮upwind rotor
风向upwind orientation
上升anabatic wind
上升阵rising gust
上吸uplift wind load
上坡upslope wind
上坡slope up-wind
上游upstream speed
上游upstream windspeed
down wind
向扇形区downwind sector
向扇形医downwind sector
向风轮downwind rotor
式结构downwind configuration
式风力机downwind turbine
式风力机使 风先通过塔架再通过风轮的风力机downwind type of WECS
式风轮downwind rotor
lee wave
leeward yacht
leeward face
下吸式suck-down wind tunnel
下吸式suck down wind tunnel
下吹fall wind
下吹canyon wind
下坡downslope wind
下坡slope down-wind
下坡fall wind
下坡down-valley wind flow
下坡downslope winds
下坡down valley windflow
下坡downslope windstorm
下降fall wind
下降katabatic wind
下降canyon wind
不可压缩incompressible wind
不定向multi directional wind
不定向multi-directional wind
不定向fishtail wind
不定向choppy wind
不悦unpleasant wind condition
世界能协会World Wind Energy Association
east wind
东北信northeast trades
东南信southeast trade
中值median wind speed
中国式竖轴Chinese windmill
中型力机medium scale wind turbine
中型力机medium sized wind turbine
中型力机intermediate wind machine
中型电机组medium sized wind turbine
中型电机组medium scale wind turbine
中型能转化系统medium scale wind energy conversion system
中强moderately strong wind
中心无central calm
中心无center calm
中性阻系数neutral drag coefficient
中等热带最大 风速34〜47海里/时moderate tropical storm
中等阵moderate gust
中速medium speed rotor
临界倾覆critical overturning wind speed
临界发散critical divergence wind speed
临界震颤critical flutter wind speed
临界驰振critical galloping wind speed
downtime percentage
传统traditional windmill
分散型能转化系统dispersed wind energy system
切入cut-in wind speed
切入cut in wind speed
切出cut-out speed
切出cut out wind speed
切变shear wind
切向tangential wind
切边shear wind
刚性洞壁rigid tunnel boundary
创新型能转换系统innovative wind energy conversion system
初始initial wind speed
小时数hours of wind
刹车shut off wind speed
刹车shut-off wind speed
刹车shut down wind speed
区域性regional scale storm
合成resultant wind
合成resultant wind direction
后侧quartering wind
windward face
向上通updraft (updraught)
向岸onshore wind
向岸on shore wind
向岸inshore wind
向量vector wind field
含沙sand bearing wind
启动start up wind speed
冷却塔induced draft cooling tower
suction fan
吸管式速计suction anemometer
圆形试验段circular wind tunnel
在下down wind
地区regional wind regime
地区力资源regional wind resource
地区性regional wind
地区性气候regional wind climate
地形性上升orographic upward wind
地形狭道topography channel wind
地表地转surface geostrophic wind
地转geo-strophic winds
地转geostrophic wind
地转geostrophic wind field
地转气流geostrophic flow
地转气流geostrophic current
地转矢量geostrophic wind vector
地转geostrophic wind velocity
地转高度geostrophic wind height
地面环境ground level wind environment
地面极端extreme surface wind
外部荷载mean external wind loading
外部external wind load
外部平均荷载mean external wind loading
外部脉动fluctuating external wind loading
windy district
地带windy site
多兆瓦级的电机组multi-megawatt wind turbine
多变variable wind
多叶片multibladed windmill
多叶片multi bladed windmill
多叶片multi-bladed rotor
多叶片multi bladed rotor
多向multi-directional wind
多向multi directional wind
多孔porous wind screen
多孔壁porous wall wind tunnel
多级轴流通multistage axial-flow fan
high wind
损失gale damage
污染gale pollution
high wind speed
driving rain
大型力机large-sized wind machine
大型力机large sized wind machine
大型电机组large scale wind turbine
大型能转换系统LWECS (large scale wind energy conversion system)
大型能转换系统large scale wind energy conversion system
大气atmospheric wind
大气压atmospheric wind tunnel
大气旋atmospheric whirl
大陆continental wind
天然阵natural gusty wind
太阳能能混合系统solar wind energy hybrid system
失速式限速stall regulated rotor
失速调节电机组stall regulated wind turbine
夹道channeled wind
封闭试验段closed-section-throat wind tunnel
封闭试验段closed-section wind tunnel
小型力机small sized wind machine
小型small scale wind tunnel
小型small sized wind tunnel
小型电机组small scale wind turbine
IEC 61400—2小型电机组安全性IEC 61400-2 Small Wind Turbine Safety
小型能转换系统small scale wind energy conversion system
小型能转换装置small-scale WECS
小型能转换装置small scale WECS
小容量电机组small capacity wind turbine
小尺度阵small-scale gust
小尺度阵small scale gust
尘卷dust devil
尘旋dust whirl
尘旋dust devil
市区urban wind
帆翼力发电机sail wind generator
帆翼sail wing windmill
帆翼sail wing rotor
带电气体力发电机electro gaseous dynamic wind driven generator
带电流体力发电机electrofluid dynamic wind driven generator
带电流体动力加速装置的electrofluid dynamic augmented tunnel
常现frequent wind speed
常规conventional windmill
开口open throat wind tunnel
开口回流Göttingen type wind tunnel
开口试验段open jet wind tunnel
开始顺fall off
开孔壁试验段壁有孔perforated throat wind tunnel
开裂式 S型力机split Savonius wind turbine
开路式straight through wind tunnel
开路式open-ended wind tunnel
开路式open ended wind tunnel
开路式open circuit wind tunnel
开路式non-return-flow wind tunnel
异常infrequent wind
异常extraordinary wind
引射式ejection type wind tunnel
边界层weak wind boundary layer
strong wind
六级风strong breeze
full gale
line blow
energetic wind
下垂型羽流strong wind fumigation plume
下沉型烟羽strong wind fumigation plume
下熏high wind fumigation
severe storm
边界层strong-wind boundary layer
边界层strong wind boundary layer
强制通forced ventilation
强制通blast draft
强力force fan
强力通sharp draft
强压通force fan
强烈热带最大风速 48〜63海里/时severe tropical storm
强阵severe gust
强阵heavy gust
急流效应jet effect wind
成熟mature storm
成熟飓mature hurricane
截止cut out wind speed
持续sustained wind
持续persistent wind
持续高超音速continuous hypersonic tunnel
指示indicated wind speed
挟沙sand driving wind
挠性bearingless rotor
玻璃刮水器wind shield wiper
最佳迎速度optimum speed to windward
最佳额定optimum rated wind speed
最大top wind speed
最大peak wind speed
最大maximum wind speed
最大出功cut out wind speed
最大出功cut off wind speed
最大容许maximum allowable draft
最大容许量损失maximum allowable draft loss
最大容许通损失maximum allowable draft loss
最大瞬时maximum instantaneous wind speed
最大英里fastest mile wind speed
最大英里fastest mile of wind
最大英里fastest mile
最大设计maximum designed wind speed
最大输出功率cut-off/cut-out wind speed
最大阵peak gust
最小出功cut in wind speed
最小诱导损失minimum induced loss windmill
最小调向minimum wind to yaw
最小输出功率cut-in wind speed
速变化monthly variation of windspeed
月平均monthly average wind speed
月平均average monthly wind speed
试验wind-on test
试验wind on test
有利效应beneficial wind effect
有效available wind
有效harnessable power
有效available wind power
有效available wind energy
有效effective wind speed
有罩shrouded rotor
有限区风浪fetch limited wind wave
有陶瓷加热的ceramic heated tunnel
期望expected wind speed
未受扰undisturbed wind speed
未扰动undisturbed wind
本底background wind load
机械式速仪mechanical anemometer
标准calibration tunnel
标准standardized wind speed
校准calibration wind tunnel
植物力指示ecological indicator
椭圆试验段elliptic wind tunnel
模态modal wind load
模拟simulated wind
wind abeam
cross wind
位移cross wind displacement
cross wind direction
向互相关across-wind cross-correlation
向响应across-wind response
向的cross wind
向的cross-wind direction
向的across-wind (cross-wind)
向相关across-wind correlation
向试验across-wind test
尾流力cross wind wake force
扩散cross-wind diffusion
扩散cross wind diffusion
抖振cross-wind buffeting
抖振cross wind buffeting
振动cross wind vibration
桨板式风力机cross wind paddles wind machine
稳定性cross wind stability
荷载cross wind loading
装置cross wind installation
试验cross wind test
轴风力机cross-wind-axis wind machine
轴风力机cross wind-axis wind machine
驰振cross wind galloping
横向阵lateral gust
横向阵cross wind gust
横轴horizontal axis windmill
次兆瓦级的电机组submegawatt wind turbine
次级secondary wind direction
次级效应secondary wind flow effect
欧拉Eulerian wind
欧洲能协会European Wind Energy Association
气体动力研究gasdynamics tunnel
气候climatic wind speed
气穴cavitation tunnel
气象meteorological wind runnel
气象weather wind tunnel
气象meteorological wind tunnel
气象参考meteorological reference wind speed
水平horizontal wind
水平horizontal wind shear
水平切变horizontal wind shear
水平horizontal wind field
水平轴力发电机horizontal axis wind turbine
水平轴力机horizontal axis windmill
水平轴力机horizontal axis wind machine
水平轴力机horizontal axis wind turbine
水平轴horizontal axis rotor
水平输入垂直轴输出式电机组horizontal input to vertical axis output wind turbine
水平阵spectrum of horizontal gustiness
温差式速计thermo anemometer
温带extratropical storm
温度压力可调式controlled temperature pressure range wind tunnel
漂浮式电机组floating wind turbine
inleakage of air
inleakage of wind
air infiltration
foehn wind
猫掌cat's paw
猫鼻cat's nose
球状头部速计headed sphere anemometer
理想frictionless wind
理想力机ideal wind turbines
生产性production type wind tunnel
生存拒用survival wind speed
用于速廓线风洞模拟的分层变阻塞graded blockage
电传速计electrical anemometer
电子速仪electronic anemometer
电接杯风速计cup contact anemometer
真空vacuum fan
稳定time invariant windspeed
化性weather resistance
性能wind proof performance
蚀性weathering quality
设计wind-proof design
设计wind proof design
weather proof
雨侵蚀能力weather resistance
脉动fluctuating wind
舒适环境comfortable wind environment
航空aeronautical type wind tunnel
舵轮helm wind
调桨摇摆pitch regulated teetering rotor
调节adjusting damper
valley wind
valley breeze/wind
valley breeze
环流valley wind circulation
谷坡valley slope wind
贯流cross flow wind turbine
贯穿通through flow ventilation
opposing wind
contrary winds
dead wind
into the wind
adverse wind
迎面风head on wind
逆面opposing wind
air ventilation
井道vent stack
air inlet
air hatch
ventilation hole
air door
air breather
巷道air course
式干湿表aspirated psychrometer
式温度计aspirated thermometer
机进气口fan inlet
wind furnace
烟囱air chimney
venting rate
电容器aspiration condenser
百叶窗ventilation louver
air ventilation window
ventilation duct
air drain
系数ventilation coefficient
装置air breather
ventilation capacity
air door
阻力ventilation resistance
锁定力机blocking for wind turbines
wind break barrier
wind stripping
wind cap
wind protection screen
wind break
林系统wind break system
wind break fence
结构wind proof construction
草带grass shelter belt
雨板weather board
wind gust
gustiness wind
下洗gust downwash
分量gust component
前阵first gust
发生器gust generator
变幅gust amplitude
响应因子gust response factor
响应因子gust effect factor
因子gustiness factor
因子gust factor
因子法gust factor approach
容积gust volume
尺寸gust size
尺度gust scale
平均时间gust averaging time
延时gust duration
强度gust intensity
形成时间gust formation time
影响gust influence
持续时间gust duration
效应gustiness effect
效应gust/gustiness effect
效应gust effect
效应因子gust-effect factor
最大递减时段maximum gust lapse interval
最大递减时距maximum gust lapse interval
最大风速gust peak speed
激励gust excitation
环境gust environment
系数gust/gustiness factor
结构gust structure
能量因子gust energy favor
能量因子gust energy factor
荷载gust loading
衰减因子gust alleviation factor
衰减时间gust decay time
记录仪gust recorder
gust spectrum
递减时间gust lapse time
递减率gust lapse rate
速度gust speed
速度变化gust velocity variation
gust front
锋面gust front
阵息gust and lull
频数frequency of gust
频数gust frequency
频率frequency of gust
风洞gust wind tunnel
风速计gust measuring anemometer
风速计gust anemometer
阵列的array of wind
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