
Terms for subject Economy containing 风险 | all forms | in specified order only
一切风险合同all risks contract
不保卸船后的风险no risk after shipment
不保卸货后的风险no risk after discharge
不保水运前的风险no risk till water bound
不可分散的风险nondiversifiable risk
不可避免的风险the unavoidable risk
不能保险的风险a non-insurable risk
业主风险损失由货主负责owner's risk
乙级风险the beta risk
乙级风险系数beta factor
二次风险规划quadratic risk programming
企业风险及保险business risk and insurance
企业家风险entrepreneurial risk
例外风险excepted peril
保付货款风险del credere risk
保赔责任风险protection and indemnity risk
信贷风险的保险credit risk relief
信贷风险的保险解除credit risk relief
公司风险company's risk
公认风险原则generally accepted risk principles
关键任务风险mission critical risk
关键任务风险mission-critical risk
风险时间duration of exposure
减少风险的国外筹资战略risk efficient external financing strategies
分散风险spread the risk
利润风险分析profit risk analysis
利润和风险投资比profit to risk investment rate
动态风险dynamic risk
包括装船和起岸的驳运风险include all risks of crafts to and from the vessel
包括装船时驳运的一切风险include all risks of crafts while loading
单独海损有限风险restricted risk with average
卸货后无风险no risk after discharge (不负责)
只可投保导致总体损失风险total loss only
可保险风险insurable risk
可避免风险the unsystematic risk
可避免的风险avoidable risk
商船船长应该防备航程中极有可能发生的一切风险The captain of the merchant vessel should prepare against all risks which are likely to happen during voyage
在货物完整无损地递交给承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
均衡风险portfolio risk
基于风险的综合生产模型risk-based integrated production model
天气风险控制协会Weather Risk Management Association
如包装得当,货物不易遭风险If properly packed, goods would be protected from peril
如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost
季节性风险seasonal risk
安装风险installation risks
安装风险installation risk
风险的贴现discount for risk
对于任何由于不可保的风险而造成的推迟交货或不能交货,卖方概不负责The seller shall not be responsible for late delivery or non-delivery resulting from any uninsurable risks
对待风险的态度risk attitude
对订货人风险的估计consumer's risk test
平衡分担风险balance allocation of risks
待批、无风险subjected to approval, no risk
风险分析total risk analysis
意外风险emergency risks
我们愿同你们分担风险We offer to go shares with you in the risk
所保的风险perils insured against
所提证据无用的风险risk of non-per suasion
承保风险covered risk
承保国际多种方式联运的风险cover the risks of international multimodal transport
承受风险exposure hazard
承运人风险carrier's risk
投机风险speculation risk
投机风险speculative risk
投资风险risk in investment
投资风险investment risk
投资上的一般风险secondary risk
担保还款风险del credere risk
绝承风险prohibited risk
风险订的贴现率risk adjusted discount rate
风险调整的利率risk-adjusted interest rate
风险调整的贴现率risk-adjusted discount rates
控制风险集团股份有限公司Control Risks Group Ltd.
政治风险the political risk
政策风险保险political risk insurance
风险subject to approval, no risk
风险no risk (insurance, 保险)
风险利率risk free rate
风险投资safe investment
风险投资risk-free investment
风险报酬risk free rate
风险资金流量a non-risk flow
无法避免的风险systematic risk
暴风雨保险the storm and tempest insurance
最小持续勘探成功风险minimum sustained exploration success risk
风险的运费the freight at risk
期望成功风险expected success risk
概率风险分析probability risk analysis
此货的风险已于11月底转移到销售商一方The risks in the goods devolved on the distributor at the end of November
流动性风险liquidity risk
海上风险risk of sea
消费者风险consumer hazard
消费者的风险consumer risk
清算风险liquidity risk
灾害风险管理disaster risk management
特殊风险abnormal risks
特殊风险the abnormal risk
特种风险special risk
现有风险the availability risk
由托运人员担风险at shipper's risk
由运货人负担风险at carrier's risk
由运输公司负担风险company's risk
相对风险和报酬relative risks and rewards
相对的风险relative risk
确定型等值风险调整法certainty equivalent risk adjustment method
确定的风险因素established risk factor
罢工、租税等引起的社会风险social risks
管理风险regulatory risk
管道风险评价pipeline risk assessment
紧急风险emergency risks
经济风险因素economic chance factor
罢工、暴动和国内骚动风险strikes, riots and civil commotions risks
自我承担风险own risk
自消风险absorption risk
自负风险an own risk
自负风险own risk
船东自负风险owner risk
花旗银行资本风险Citibank Capital Ventures
规避风险risk aversion
计划风险calculated risk
计算收益报酬率的风险risk allowance in rate of return
主承担风险owner's risk
货主自负火灾风险owner's risk of fire
货主自负移动风险owner's risk of shifting
货主负担甲板风险shipped on deck at shipper's risk
货主负担货损风险owner risk of damage
货币风险money risk
贷款风险估计credit test
资产搭配的风险portfolio risk
转移风险的手段instrument for shifting of risk
运输风险transportation risks
运输途中的风险the risk in transit
这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product
这类货物一经发货,风险由买主承担Such goods after delivery are at buyer's risk
通常风险customary risk
遭损风险an exposure to loss
销售风险sales risk
防备风险against risk
降低风险建议recommendations for risk improvement
难以确定的风险the border-line risk
难以预料的风险borderline risk
集体风险group risk
集体风险collective risk theory
非系统风险the non-systematic risk
预料风险the anticipating risk
预料风险anticipating risk
预测风险the forecasting risk
预计风险calculated risk
预计利润风险risk-benefit ratio
风暴险the windstorm insurance
风灾险the windstorm insurance
风险与报酬率比较trade-off risk and rate of return
风险与收益比较函数risk return trade-off function
风险之追求者risk seeker
风险价值指数risk-value index
风险value at risk
风险允许度tolerability of risk
风险决策问题risky decision problem
风险减至最小限度risk minimization
风险分布distribution of risks
风险分析the risk analysis
风险分类classification of risks
风险分级系统risk scoring system
风险单位unit of risk
风险参数selection parameter
风险和不确定性risk and uncertainty
风险大小level of exposure
风险大的保险bad risk
风险定量和定性分析quantitative and qualitative risk analysis
风险定量评价quantitative risk assessment
风险并摊pooling of risks (集中)
风险性决策decision making under risk
风险性工程项目的危险因数hazard factor for risky projects
风险性投资risky investments
风险性质变更change in nature of risk
风险性资产risk assets (指银行资产中那些可能市场状况或信贷质量发生变化而引起价值变化的资产)
风险成本the risk cost
风险成本risked cost
风险投资risky investments
风险投资业venture capital industry
风险折算法risk-discounting method
风险指标risk indicator
风险收益分析risk-return analysis
风险-收益比较研究risk-return trade-off studies
风险效益比risk-benefit ratio
风险日收益daily earnings at risk
风险智囊团venture team
风险服务协议risk service agreement
风险档案risk profile
风险检查risk-based inspection
风险溢价risk of premium
风险特性risk characteristics
风险risk ratio
风险积累accumulation of risk
风险积累accumulation of risks
风险筹资risk finance
风险管理risk based management
风险管理业务risk management operation
风险管理计划risk management plan
风险系数risk factor
风险规划risk programming
风险theory of risk
风险评价与管理risk assessment and management
风险评价工具risk assessment tool
风险评审技术venture evaluation and review technique
风险调节值risk adjusted value
风险调节值risk adjustment value
风险负担说risk bearing theory of profit
风险货币risk money
风险贴承risk of premium
风险贴水risk premium
风险贴现系数Risk Discount Factor
风险费用risked cost
风险资金risk money
风险资金capital at risk
风险转嫁现象risky-shift phenomenon
风险转移the passing of the risk
风险酬金the risk premium
风险量化评价quantified risk assessment
风险金额amount at risk
风险隔离isolation of risk
风险集合risk pooling
风险预算risk budgeting
飞行风险flight risk
风险的投资primary risks