
Terms for subject Technology containing 风暴 | all forms | in specified order only
东北风暴northeast storm
中纬度风暴roaring forties
中部风暴沉积intermediate storm deposit
为暴风雨所阻的storm bound
二分点风暴line storm
二分点风暴line gale
二分点风暴equinoctial storm
二分点风暴equinoctial gale
低压区风暴low area storm
冷暴风blizzard wind
分点风暴equinoctial storm
分点风暴line storm
分点风暴equinoctial gale
反常暴风freak storm
反气旋风暴anti-cyclonic storm
受暴风停阻的storm stayed
受暴风雨打击的storm beaten
受暴风雨打击的storm beat
受暴风颠簸的storm tossed
风暴typhoon storm surge
风暴typhoon rainstorm
国家猛烈风暴预报中心national hurricane severe storms forecast center
国际风暴警报目视信号international visual storm warning signal
圣罗沙风暴Santa Rosa storm
外层防风暴窗的窗框storm window frame
外汇风险暴露管理foreign exchange exposure management
多单体风暴multicell storm
风暴violent storm
大火风暴引起的风fire wind
太阳暴风solar gale
夹雹暴风雨hail storm
小型热带风暴midget tropical storm
布谷鸟风暴gowk storm
布鸽风暴gowk storm
风暴drying storm
度过风暴weather a storm
弗朗德风暴Flanders storm
风暴thick squall
风暴heavy storm
风暴观测severe-storm observation
强烈风暴severe storm
强热带风暴severe tropic storm
风暴建筑物stormproof structure
风暴建筑物stormproof building
风暴能力stormproof ability
折算风险暴露translation exposure
折算风险暴露exposure to translation risk
拱形黑云风暴arched squall
风暴潮闸门storm tide gate
旋转风暴rotary storm
春、秋分时暴风雨equinoctial gale
普遍风暴general storm
暴风strong wind
暴风violent storm (雪)
暴风wind storm
暴风high wind
暴风heavy squall
暴风云storm cloud
暴风客热pseudo-membranous conjunctivitis
暴风强度storm intensity
暴风排水storm drainage
暴风沙sand and storm
暴风浪storm wave
暴风浪storm sea
暴风浪搬运的有机质organic matter by storm wave transportation
暴风海啸atmospheric tsunami
暴风海滩storm beach
暴风涛grown sea
暴风潮storm surge
暴风潮hurricane tide
暴风负荷storm loading
暴风雨storm rainfall
暴风雨rain squall
暴风雨信号storm signal
暴风雨地带storm belt
暴风雨损害damage by storm
暴风雨气候squally weather
暴风雨水落管storm down-pipe
暴风雨汽门storm valve
暴风雨派der Sturm (1910~1930年间德国表现主义团体)
暴风雨潮storm tide
暴风雨防护storm protection
暴风雪driving snow
暴风雪strong snow storm
暴风雪drift storm
暴风雪blizzard wind
暴风雪堆blizzard snow dune
暴风骤雨rain squall
最大可能暴风雨maximum probable storm
气旋性风暴cyclonic storm surge
气象风暴meteorological storm
气象风暴meteorologic storm
水文风暴hydrological storm
水文风暴hydrologic storm
沙漠风暴sand storm
沿岸风暴冰脚storm ice wind
火灾引发的现场风暴fire storm
热对流风暴thermal convection storm
热带风暴tropic storm
热带风暴tropic revolving storm
热带风暴中心storm vortex
热带旋转风暴tropic revolving storm
焚风风暴foehn storm
风暴windy downpour
风暴rain squall
狂烈风暴severe storm
猛烈风暴violent storm
猛烈风暴警报severe storm warning
猛烈热带风暴severe tropical storm
猛烈热带风暴severe tropic storm
百年不遇的风暴hundred-year storm condition
矿内暴风wind blast
移置风暴transposed storm
线状风暴line squall
背风面风暴Kona storm
自动风暴观测站automatic storm observation service
舷窗风暴dead light
解除风暴警报cancellation of warning signal
近端风暴沉积proximal storm deposit
远端风暴沉积distal storm deposit
风暴weather bound vessel
银光风暴silver storm
锥形风暴信号storm cone
风暴storm protection
风暴地下室storm cellar
风暴建筑物stormproof building
风暴storm door
风暴闸门storm gate
防暴风外重窗storm window
防暴风外重窗storm sash
防暴风外重门storm door
防暴风门weather door
防暴风雨storm protection
防暴风雨窗stormproof window
雨前暴风rain squall
雷电交加的风暴thunder squall
顶住风暴riding out a gale
风暴high wind
风暴strong wind
风暴gust of wind
风暴三角洲storm delta
风暴中心storm eye
风暴中心storm center
风暴中心eye of storm (区)
风暴中心经过的地区storm path
风暴中心经过的地区storm track
风暴中心经过的地区storm lane
风暴中心经过的地区storm belt
风暴storm cloud
风暴信号visual storm signal
风暴信号storm cone
风暴信号台storm signal station
风暴信号所storm signal station
风暴信号旗storm flag
风暴信号站storm signal station
风暴storm zone
风暴storm region
风暴storm belt
风暴卷浪storm roller (structure, 构造)
风暴后形成的浪蚀滩地beach of storm profile
风暴storm circle
风暴地带storm belt
风暴型号storm cone
风暴型海滩剖面storm beach profile
风暴大浪storm wave
风暴大浪防波堤storm surge protection breakwater
风暴天气stress of weather
风暴天气rough weather
风暴天气press of weather
风暴天气预报stormy weather report
风暴延时storm duration
风暴引起的雪崩direct action avalanche
风暴强度图storm intensity pattern
风暴形成storm formation
风暴law of storms
风暴微震storm microseism
风暴性火灾fire storm
风暴扶手storm rail
风暴探测storm detection
风暴探测器storm detector
风暴控制相storm-dominated facies
风暴末期tail of a gale
风暴机制storm mechanism
风暴storm board
风暴模式storm model
风暴水位storm-water stage
风暴水位storm level
风暴污染gale pollution
风暴storm wave
风暴波浪storm tide
风暴oceanus procellarum
风暴storm current
风暴浪滩肩storm berme
风暴浪滩肩storm berm
风暴海况storm sea
风暴涌浪防护堤storm protection breaker
风暴涌潮storm tide
风暴涌潮storm wave
风暴涌潮storm surge
风暴涌潮防护堤storm-surge barrier
风暴滞留沉积storm lag deposit
风暴滩角storm cusp
风暴hurricane tide
风暴storm tide (位)
风暴hurricane surge
风暴潮模式storm tide model
风暴潮海浪hurricane seas
风暴潮警报storm surge warning
风暴潮防波堤storm surge protection breakwater
风暴潮预报storm-surge forecasting
风暴潮预报storm-surge prediction
风暴潮预报storm-surge forecast
风暴用帆storm sail
风暴centre of storm
风暴示意图storm profile
风暴移动轨迹的转向点recurvature of storm
风暴移置storm transposition
风暴移置transposition of storm
风暴移置rainstorm transposition
风暴storm window
风暴storm sash
风暴系统storm system
风暴系船装置storm mooring
风暴结构storm structure
风暴能量energy of storm
风暴警报storm cone
风暴警报storm alarm
风暴警报信号storm warning signal
风暴警报信号storm alarm signal
风暴警报号型storm warnings
风暴警报旅号storm flag
风暴路径storm track
风暴路径storm path
风暴路径storm lane
风暴轨迹storm lane
风暴转移storm transposition
风暴软梯storm ladder
风暴storm track
风暴storm axis
风暴运行定律law of storms
风暴锚碇storm anchor
风暴闸门storm gate
风暴阶地storm terrace
风暴降雨storm rainfall
风暴险保单windstorm insurance policy
风暴雨潮storm tide
风暴雷达数据处理机storm radar data processor
风蚀暴露试验natural outdoor weathering test
高压区风暴high area storm
风暴karaburan (中亚东北风)
风暴black storm (中亚东北风)
风暴灾害black storm incident
黑色风暴black buran