
Terms containing 额定转速 | all forms | in specified order only
wind.双速风电机组风轮的额定转速rotor nominal speed for dual speed wind turbines
tech.发动机额定转速rated engine speed
auto.发动机额定转速indicated engine speed
auto.发动机额定转速nominal engine speed
tech.发动机额定转速engine governed speed
auto.发动机达不到额定转速engine-speed undershoot
wind.变速风电机组风轮的额定转速rotor nominal speed for variable speed wind turbines
wind.恒速风电机组风轮的额定转速rotor nominal speed for constant wind turbines
el.机器转速偏移额定值machine deviation speed
tech.泵的额定转速rated speed of pump
tech.满负荷额定转速排烟特性full load rated speed smoke characteristic
el.mach.满载额定转速rated full-load speed
avia.转速额定发动机speed-rated engine
auto.发动机达不到额定转速speed undershoot
auto.达到额定转速可能性speed capability
auto.额定低档转速low-gear rotation speed
weld.额定待机转速rated idle speed
el.mach.额定比转速rated specific speed
weld.额定空载转速rated no-load speed
weld.额定负载转速rated load speed
auto.发动机额定转速indicated speed
compr.额定转速rated revolution
wind.额定转速nominal rotational speed
wind.额定转速rated speed
wind.额定转速rotor nominal speed
compr.额定转速specified speed
el.mach.额定转速normal revolution
auto.发动机额定转速数每分钟nominal rpm
auto.发动机额定转速indicated revolutions per minute
tech.额定转速rated speed of rotation
auto.额定转速时的转矩running torque
tech.额定转速转矩running torque
wind.额定输入转速input nominal speed
wind.额定输出转速output nominal speed
wind.风轮额定转速rated turning speed of rotor
el.mach.飞逸转速与额定转速之比ratio of runaway speed to rated speed