
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一致性期假设homogeneous expectations assumption
不冲抵干non-sterilized intervention
不可测的股票市场unpredictable stock market
不干政策laissez faire policy
不干管理的投资者hands-off investor
期的走势相反moving against the anticipated trend
期相符in line
业绩performance expectation
业绩测机制performance prediction mechanism
中国托凭证China deposit receipt
中期medium range forecast
主要测假设key forecast assumption
交割notice of intention to deliver
代他人advance money for another
价格定条款price predetermination clause
价格股价突破原压力线或阻力线,或超过高位点或低位点,而引起市场警惕price alter
价量price-volume alert
会计accounting estimate
传闻whisper forecast
依靠直觉进行intuitive approach to forecast
全部订完be booked up
公司付税款advance corporation tax
公司买主corporate buyer projections
公开市场干活动open market intervention
典型的typical projection
内部测披露disclosure of internal projections
内部internal reserve
冲销干sterilization intervention (消除外汇变化对国家经济的影响)
准备独立preparing stand-alone projection
出人料的市场contrary market
分析师测能力analyst coverage
初期收费用front-end fee
利润期报告招股书附录profit expectation
利润招股书附录profit forecast
利润企业公布利润下降的预先警告profit warning
利率期互换rate anticipation swaps
利率期交换rate anticipation swaps
利率期理论expectation theory of interest rates
加强算外资金管理tighten control over extra budgetary fund
危机将要来临的harbinger of crises to come
原始垫付、原始original advances
呈报forecast submission
国际经纪测概览international broker estimate survey
场外street expectation
基本状况base case forecast
基本面fundamental forecast
基础波动的可测性on predictability of basis fluctuations
基线加baseline-plus forecast
基线及额外支出baseline-plus forecast
好坏兼有的mixed forecasting
子公司合并desirability of subsidiary merger
完美测线perfect forecast line
完美信息期价值expected value of perfect information
定性测法qualitative forecast techniques
定期付比率constant prepayment rate
定量审计quantitative auditing prediction
定额付制imprest system
实际业绩与测业绩的比较results compared to forecast
客户期排序customer's expectation spectrum
宣布股利的notice of intended dividend
付款限制restriction on prepayment
对交易的expectation of game
对周期性公司的cyclical company forecast
对投标人的资格prequalification of bidders
对拥有资产的防性措施precaution motives for holding asset
市场market expectation
市场期分析法market anticipation approach
市场期型投资者market anticipation investor
市场期方法market anticipation approach
交易interpose a trade
power of intervention
浮动dirty float
先缴纳的payable in advance
应急fallback arrangement
延期和付费用deferred and prepaid expenses
建立在测基础上的市场market-based forecasting
开盘前pre-opening indication
归还支款repayment of advances
当地期假设local expectation hypothesis
成长性期和高市盈率股票growth expectations and high P/E stocks
或有及期债务contingent and prospective liability
所得税扣法pay as you earnPAYE
投人/产出分析与input /output analysis and forecast
投资人的合理investors'reasonable anticipation
投资人的合理investors' reasonable anticipation
投资组合期回报portfolio expected return
提交forecast submission
收人revenue anticipation
收支income and expense projection
收益return expectations
收益earnings estimates
收益不合earnings surprises
先通知without previous notice
定价without reserve
无差错测者unbiased predictor (股市上)
无息付款advance free of interest
时点point forecast
时间序列分析测方法time series analysis forecast technique
曲棍球球棍hockey stick projection
最低/最高期收益minimum/maximum expected returns
付选择权的债券optional payment bond
未抵消影响的干unsterilized intervention
本地期理论local expectations theory
杠杆算资金leveraged budget funds
标准化不可测收益standardized unexpected earnings
次级付款subordinated advance
死亡期投机购股death play
每股期股利target dividend per share
现金advance in cash
现金收人cash collection schedule
现金流cash flow projection
理性rational expectation
理性期理论theory of rational expectation
直接干direct intervention
种种测情况forecasts cascade
种种测结果cascade of forecast
积极的干aggressive intervention
税收期债务tax anticipation obligation
税收期票据tax note
税款付票据tax anticipation note
签约后收佣金front-end commission
管理层测假设management's forecast assumption
累积cumulative advance
期假说pure expectations hypothesis
期理论pure expectations theory
APICS 美国生产及库存控制协议 经济前景测指数APICS Business Outlook Index
经济问题warning of economic trouble
经营business forecast
美国存托凭证发行pre-release of ADR
联邦干时间通常就在中午之前,联邦储备系统进人市场进行操作Federal intervention hour
股东付款advance from shareholder
股市干基金又称平准基金intervention/stabilization fund
股市干基金intervention fund
股票购交易optional trading
股票市场与理性期理论theory of stock market and rational expectations
致性consensus forecast
行情market forecast
街边street expectation
计划定成本scheduled cost
证券交易所规定的防止技术风险的警措施precaution measures against technical risks required by Exchange
证券发行报栏目securities offering calendar
证券认购付金advance on subscription
评估财务evaluating financial projections
谣言whisper forecast
财务financial projections
财务分析测表proforma financial statement
贴现和discount and advance
资产的期收益率expected return of asset
资产购置和算废除assets acquisition and retirement budgets
资料修改advanced document revision notice
资料修改的advanced document revision notice
资格审投标方法prequalified tendering
趋同consensus forecast
达到订市价执行指令market if touched order
适应性adaptive expectation
造成恶果的干ill-fated intervention
遵循期理论的投资者anticipation investor
采取措施防破产bankruptcy remote
长期期证券long term anticipation security
长期普通股测证券long-term equity anticipation securities
长期股权期证券long-term equity anticipation security
长期趋势trend projection
付假设zero prepayment assumption
零利率为基础的zero based budgeting
需经先核准subject to prior approval
付业务prepaid service
付佣金投资基金front-end load fund
付保证金advance money on security
付保险金advance call
付催缴advance call
借贷付利息front-end load
付国库券tax anticipation bill
付备用金令imprest warrant
付开支prepaid expense
付成本upfront cost
付收人prepaid income
付款front money
付款money advanced
付款imprest account
付款beforehand with one's payment
付款单据imprest bill
付滞后反应lag response of prepayment
付的工钱dead horse
付股款advance on subscription
付计算执行系统advance computerized execution system
付费用upfront payment/fee
付费计划prepaid charge plan
付资金funds paid in advance
付赔偿金advance compensation
付速度prepayment speed
付金down payment
付风险prepayment risk
估的资产负债表estimated balance sheet
估的资产负债表结账状况estimated closing balance sheet
估资产负债表结账的余额estimated closing balance sheet
先分配advance allocation
先制定的收购后整合计划pre-planning of post-acquisition integration
先安排好的停业contrived cessation of business
先审定合格的投标者prequalified tenderer
先审定合格的财团prequalified consortium
先审计preemptive audit
先审阅的规定pre-vetting requirement
证券先扣除法prior deductions method
先报价presale offer
先披露机制predisclosure mechanism
先授权支付preauthorized payment
先授权的电子债务preauthorized electronic debits
先支付的利息interest paid in advance
先支付账目account of advances
先收人revenue collected in advance
先收款advance collections
先权通知priority notice
先登记申请表advance booking application form
先约定基价booking the basis
先结算防止员工私下交易prior clearance
先缴税票据tax anticipation note
先缴纳优先股股款subscription to preferred capital stock in advance
先认缴普通股股款subscription to common capital in advance
先认缴股款subscription to common capital in advance
forward selling
售估算presale estimates
售发行presold issue
证券承销售委托presale order
售指令presale order
填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
填日期的支票foredated check
备性出价backup bid
备期introductory period
定回购prearranged repurchase
定成本制predetermined cost system
定日期付款的汇票/账单bill payable at a definite time
定权利协议termination claim
定的价格predetermined price
开汇票advance bill
扣利息making interest deductions in advance
扣利息收益税的高质量股high quality stock withholding interest income tax
扣利息税interest withholding tax
投资方案pre-investment programme
投资阶段pre-investment phase
支信用anticipation credit
支信贷anticipation credit
支总资本total advanced capital
收利息unearned interest
收利息interest collected in advance
收收人unearned income
收认股资金subscription received in advance
收费的front-end loaded
期交易when-issued trading
期付清expected payoff
期使用年限折旧法sum of expected life depreciation
期债券以当期收人为还款保证的短期证券anticipation note
期债券票据bond anticipation note
期假设expectation hypothesis
期偏差理论biased expectations theory
期偿还expected payoff
期净收益desired net income
期利息anticipated profit
期利益interest in expectancy
期参与计划人士prospective scheme participant
期参与计划者prospective planholder
期发行人prospective issuer
期合作伙伴prospective partners
期回报mean return
期均衡equilibrium expected
期基金持有人prospective fund holder
期定价forward pricing
期对冲anticipatory hedge
期差距expectation gap
期性套期保值anticipatory hedge
期成本基础prospective cost basis
期承兑anticipated acceptance
期持有期anticipated holding period
期持续改进continued improvement expected
期收人本票revenue anticipation note
期收人票据revenue anticipation note
期收益expected returns
期收益增长prospective earnings growth
期收益率expected rates of return
期收益率与实现的收益率expected vs. realized rate of return
期时间表expected timetable
期最低资本回收率cut off rate of return
期最高回报标准maximum expected return criterion
期现金流的现值present value of expected cash flow
期的差错和遗漏Errors and Omissions Excepted
期税收债券tax anticipation bond
期股利prospective dividend
期股息prospective dividend
期证券持有人prospective holder of securities
期调查prospect surveys
期负债prospective liability
期购买forward purchase
期转账基础prospective carryover basis
期违约频率expected default frequency
特指英国关于利息比率、证券价格和证券收益的预测taking a view
测与贴现率projection and discount rate
测价格随机波动anticipated prices fluctuate randomly
测兼并分析pro forma merger analysis
测到期日projected maturity date
测失准fail to predict
测年度forecast year
测性信息forward looking information
测现金projecting cash flow
测的定量方法quantitative approach to forecasting
测的市场indicated market
测的梯形流程cascade of forecast
测财务报表pro forma financial statement
测财务表pro forma statement
测问题projection problem
留股份reserved shares
留股本reserve share capital
留辅助金reserved supplementary grant
示指令indicated order
筹资金信贷pre-finance credit
算分类账allotment ledger
advance commitment
约销售sell for future delivery
言自我应验论self-fulfilling prophecy
health warning
警系统early warning system (市场可能出现风险时,提前发出警告提示)
警系统amber light system
计付款凭单anticipation warrant
计价值anticipated value
计偿还期projected maturity
计全面摊薄市盈率pro forma fully diluted PER
计利息indicated interest
计到期收益return to maturity expectations
计到期日expected maturity
计发行价格indicated issue price
计可购额open-to-buy estimate
计回报forecast returns
计回报ex ante return
计基础pro forma basis
计平均交付价格estimated average settlement price
计2012年财政年度fiscal year 2012 expected
计应披露的重大信息significant information to be unveiled
计总收益estimated total return
计成本estimated cost
计成本anticipated costs
计损益报表pro forma income statement
计控股期anticipated holding period
计收人project revenue
计收人anticipated revenue
计收益pro forma earnings
计残存价格estimated residual value
计波动expected volatility
计现金流schedule cash flows
计的市场indicated market
计的经营费用estimated operating expenses
计的错误和疏漏errors and omissions excepted
计纯利estimated net profit
计结算金额likely outturn
计股息indicated dividend
计脱手价值expected exit value
计财务信息pro forma financial information
计货币价值expected monetary value (EMV)
计费用pro forma cost
计资本价值estimated capital value
计资本结构分析pro forma capital structure analysis
计降价anticipation of lower price
设回报率hurdle rate
设期货跨期利差predefined futures calendar spreads
设比率assumed rate
设的惩罚predetermined penalty
防周期性衰退政策anti-cyclical policy
防性动机precautionary motive
防性流动余额precautionary liquidity balance
防性要求precautionary demand
防损失loss prevention
防通胀的套期交易hedge against inflation
风险risk alert
风险回报risk-and-return expectation
高不可攀的outlandish expectation
高于期涨幅higher-than-desirable growth rate